Podcasts by Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun

Practical steps, resources, and strategies to help you live Your Life Your Way. Each episode is designed as a Masterclass training, with uncanny inspiration, unconventional advice and unfiltered conversations so you up level your clarity, confidence and energy. Hang out with Diana if you are ready to be the best version of yourself. She unravels how by sharing secrets from ancient wisdom, thought provoking humor and advanced 21st century neurobiology. You will be able to be the real you again, plus find more meaning and purpose through her straight forward and friendly approach. Your Life Your Way is about your self realization and being free to be you to live a life with no regrets! Join Diana Dentinger as she enlightens you about your Personality, Real Life Purpose and Untapped Potential. Diana Dentinger is a Best Selling Author and International Speaker with over 30 years experience as a Personal & Professional Development Trainer. She is also the creator of the Personality & Needs Profile that gives you xray vision into your innate talents, main behavior drivers and predictable challenges in each of the 12 facets of complete personality. After years of research, she elaborated this profile based on her studies and experience as a Psychosomatic illness therapist. Unplug from the rest and tune in to every episode! For more information about becoming your best visit: https://www.yourlifeyourwayacademy.com

Further podcasts by Diana Dentinger, International Speaker, Best Selling Author, Creator of Per

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#22 Energize Your Life with Fulfilment from 2018-05-15T20:28:25

Many of my clients seem to have the same overall "comment" when talking about their lives. So many of them say they feel “empty”, even though they have lots of experiences, role...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#21 Have a Powerful Personality Essence from 2018-05-15T17:39

If you were a Perfume, what fragrance or Essence would you be? What kind of scents would you want to give off and what kind would you want to be perceived by others?Would you want to be a strong...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#20 Feel Connected to Your Life Purpose - The Formula from 2018-05-15T16:37:26

There is so much talk about being “connected” and most often about creating connection with other people. But isn’t there a step before that? Wouldn’t the first step be to create a “connection” ...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#19 Fun Formula for More Energy with Diana Dentinger from 2018-03-28T09:28:46

Here is a FUN FORMULA FOR REFLECTION for how to have more "mental" and "emotional" energy now! Let's take Einstein's Formula E = M C squared and adapt that to the busy life of modern professiona...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#16 WOMEN ONLY - Goal Setting - Your Way to Do it Right from 2018-01-21T14:07:30

Because male and female brains are wired differently, then even goal setting needs to be approached specifically per "gender". When you understand your natural way to operate (from a brain persp...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#15 GOAL Setting MEN ONLY - How to Do it Right #MTH from 2018-01-21T13:54:23

Because male and female brains are wired differently, then even goal setting needs to be approached specifically per "gender". When you understand your natural way to operate (from a brain persp...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#18 Get Real with Time&Intention to Reach Goals #MTH from 2018-01-09T22:21:55

You and Goals and Intentions can work in a pleasant triangle of collaboration when you know how to have then all get along. Getting real about what you can do in the finite amount of time you ha...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#17 GOALS: The 4 Step Process to Set&Reach 100% of Your Goals #MTH from 2018-01-09T22:03:29

It will seem so obvious after you listen to these 4 WAYS to set and reach 100% of your goals. But we all need the reminder to spend the right amount of time on each of the 4 ways. They are a flo...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#14 GOALS: Why You Give Up On or Don't Reach Goals #MTH from 2018-01-04T21:14:53

We set goals thinking that working on them or striving to reach them will make us feel accomplished. In most cases, it leads to goals unreached, feelings of failure and giving up before any real...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#13 The ONLY 5 WAYS to Up Level Your Life #MTH from 2018-01-04T20:52:46

You live on various "planes of existence". These "planes" are not in a hierarchy of one being more important than another, but rather each one is equally important. When you focus for a short pe...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#12 THE FIFTH GENERATION of Time Management #MTH from 2018-01-04T20:29:48

Did you know that how you are taught to manage your time and plan has it's origins in the mid 1800's Industrial Revolution? And that it hasn't changed since then? Don't you think we humans have ...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#11 Stop with Wanting Success #MTH from 2018-01-04T20:14:51

What "Success" means to you, looks like or feels like to you is very often tied together with external achievements or acquisitions. And often you feel you haven't achieved success if you haven'...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#10 DECISION Making - Depends? Man or Woman? from 2017-12-21T12:42:39

Sometimes understanding the other gender becomes hard, as if Men really did come from Mars and Women from Venus. Listen in on a funny and graphic description so you know how to communicate bette...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#09 PROCRASTINATION - The 3 Ways to Stop Putting off the Unpleasant from 2017-12-21T12:30:46

We are always talking about overcoming, beating and tackling procrastination. bad habits and even our goals. How about a new perspective on Procrastination and Time Management to get these thing...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#08 INFO OVERLOAD - What Are You Up Against? from 2017-12-21T12:24:27

In this Age of Information, we have developed new "habits"... or let's call them actually "disorders" that have taken us away from being ourselves. Listen in to get clear on how these Age of Inf...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#07 CHANGE MADE EASY Become the New and Improved You from 2017-12-21T11:53:16

Everyone on some level wants change! But the power of bad habits or even simply the blinders people prefer to keep on, have them staying in the same place, being the same person over and over ag...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#06 SELF CONFIDENCE - MEN ONLY Part 2 from 2017-12-21T10:49:30

Want unshakeable self confidence? Apply these 7 Surefire Strategies from this Masterclass Training to be unstoppable in building the life you want. This is Part One of a Two Part podcast. There ...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#05 SELF CONFIDENCE - MEN ONLY - Part 1 from 2017-12-21T10:42:36

How to be Strong, Sensitive & Sure of Himself to Build a Stable and Constructive Life. Without confidence, trust in yourself, you doubt the quality of your decisions, hesitate or procrastinate. ...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#04 BLANK SLATE? Can You Be What You Want? from 2017-12-21T10:30:27

Everyone loves the "idea" of being able to be, do and have whatever they want. But that just is not how it goes. Within the "lines" of predetermined "genetic memory" you have an innate set of ta...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#03 WOMEN Self Confidence Part 3 from 2017-06-17T09:19:43

WHY ARE YOUR WANTS MAKING YOU UNHAPPY? Ready to feel great about yourself? Follow along these 7 Secret Steps in this Masterclass format to learn how to be a fuller woman with confidence and ener...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#02 WOMEN Self Confidence Part 2 from 2017-06-17T05:27:43

HOW CAN YOU AMP UP YOUR FEMININE ENERGY? Welcome to this Masterclass Training Podcast to discover how. You can also download the pdf Manual for the training at Listen

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#01 WOMEN Self Confidence Part 1 from 2017-06-16T22:16:29

WHY IS IT VITAL TO FIND WHERE YOU BELONG? Ready to feel great about yourself? Follow along these 7 Secret Steps in this Masterclass format to learn how to be a fuller woman with confidence and e...

Your Life Your Way Academy | Motivation | Life Coaching | Inspiration | Personality Fun
#00 About Diana Dentinger | My Life My Way from 2017-05-26T10:02:35

People often ask me how I, a midwest American girl, got to live in Europe and why I do what I do. So here is a quick 5 minute blurb on my personal story. It's a good way to get to know who you w...
