Podcasts by WVU Music 271 Podcast

WVU Music 271 Podcast

The podcast of Dr. Wilkinson's Music 271 lectures.

Further podcasts by M. Legler / Dr. Chris Wilkinson

Podcast on the topic Kurse

All episodes

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.27.07 (4.25.07 also in the feed) from 2007-05-01T09:11:27

Music 271: 4/27/07 (Last Day!)
II: “Modern Jazz” or “Bebop”:
A: Principal playe...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.25.07 from 2007-05-01T09:09:56

Music 271: 4/25/07
I: The Blues:
A: Form:
• Solo vocalist accompanied by a g...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.23.07 (Friday's lecture, 4/20/07, is also in the feed) from 2007-04-24T20:58:04

Music 271: 4/23/07
II: Jazz: Overview of Style and History: (GB: p.81-82)
• ...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.20.07 from 2007-04-24T20:53:08

Music 271: 4/20/07
II: American Neo-Classicism concluded: Copland’s Piano Variations a...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.18.07 from 2007-04-18T19:47:04

Music 271: 4/18/07
I: Igor Stravinsky’s contributions to the formation of 20th-century ar...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.16.07 from 2007-04-16T19:49:37

Music 271: 4/16/07
I: Schönberg’s twelve-tone composition or Serialism (c1923-1951): Listen

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.9.07 from 2007-04-13T21:20:24

Music 271: 4/9/07
II: Claude Debussy (1862-1918): → Stravinsky → French Composers (Poulenc)

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.13.07 from 2007-04-13T18:20:25

Sorry for the delays this week! This week has been absolutely crazy, and getting this podcast out has taken a back burner to many other things. Please look in the feed for the other lectures from t...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.11.07 from 2007-04-13T18:11:27

Music 271: 4/11/07
II: Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Evolving approach to musical comp...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
4.2.07 from 2007-04-05T12:25:17

Music 271: 4/2/07
II: The post-Romantic Period and the turn towards the 20th century: the generatio...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
3.21.07 from 2007-03-21T12:02:03

Music 271: 3/21/07
II: The concept of program music of the Romantic and Post-Romantic ...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
3.19.07 from 2007-03-21T11:56:38

Music 271: 3/19/07
II: Post-Romanticism in Europe, c1850-1914 (Start of WWI): Listen

WVU Music 271 Podcast
3.16.07 from 2007-03-18T12:13:25

Music 271: 3/16/07
II: The preservation of African values in the US: “Yonder Come Day”...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
3.14.07 from 2007-03-15T11:09:21

Music 271: 3.14.07
II: The evolution of African-American Christianity in resistance to wh...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
3.12.07 (Fast forward a bit to start the lecture) from 2007-03-12T10:13:51

Music 271: 3/12/07
II: The Acculturative Process: African-American adaptations of Euro...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
Podcast only from 2007-03-09T15:20:38

Music 271: 3.9.07
There is only a podcast today because I had to attend the bassoon c...

WVU Music 271 Podcast
Test today, no Podcast from 2007-03-01T21:05:41

But, good luck to all on the test today!