Podcasts by WSW Music Theory

WSW Music Theory

The West Seneca West Music Theory Podcast is a resource for Music Theory Students to review information from class and help in studying Music Theory!

Further podcasts by WSW Music Theory Class

Podcast on the topic Kurse

All episodes

WSW Music Theory
Podcast Episode 04 - Oct. 1, 2007 from 2007-10-01T11:04:16

Class discussion on Haunted House Muzak Project Sheet.

WSW Music Theory
Podcast Episode 03 - Sept. 17, 2007 from 2007-09-17T11:04:52

A Wrap-up of Chapter 01 with discussion of tonality and keynotes.

WSW Music Theory
Podcast Episode 02 - Sept. 13, 2007 from 2007-09-17T10:00:37

A Discussion of Diatonic Triads.

WSW Music Theory
WSW Music Theory Podcast - Episode #1 from 2007-09-13T02:50:18

First day of class discussion of keynotes, tonal center, and intervals v/ chords. Here's the link to the audio file!
