Writing Myths Busted - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-03-03T17:00

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Writing Myths Busted - WritersLife.org
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Hello it's Peter here again from Writer's
Life and today writing myths busted
whether you're a seasoned writer or just
starting out it's likely that at some
point or another you'll have reached out
to try and find some advice on the most
common mistakes that writers make what
to do and what not to do to ensure that
you don't fall at the first hurdle
the trouble is however that there is so
much advice out there and really when it
comes to being creative can there be a
one-size-fits-all rule some advice
hinders rather than helps writers so
remember when it comes to being told how
to write it is sometimes best to follow
your own instincts and do what feels
right for you however here are some of
the most common writing myths but don't
let them fool you
first of all writing is just easy for
some people let's face facts
some people might be really disciplined
others might be really talented but
neither of these things mean that
writing is a total breeze okay so here's
some people talking about writing being
a natural thing that they just felt like
they instinctively know how to do but
don't believe them no one picks up a
musical instrument for the first time
and starts playing to a professional
standard writing is much like this it's
a craft that you must learn and practice
the more you practice the more you
improve no one finds it easy it's about
hard work and discipline and only with
experience and dedication does it get
easier to do next you've got to have a
gift to write don't think that writing
can't be learned because it can while it
may be true that some people have a
talent for right
it doesn't mean that those who aren't
naturally inclined to write can't become
good writers the more you learn and
practice the better you'll get a next
writing isn't a real job writing is a
useful skill and spending your time
writing can open many doors in fact when
you think about it almost all
professions require writing in some form
or another so having a way with words
can really boost your career next
writing won't pay the bills the image of
the struggling but brilliant writer is
one that we are all familiar with but
really writing can be a rewarding
satisfying and lucrative career there
are many excellent salaried jobs out
there that you can work your way into or
should you choose to go freelance there
are now many different publications and
online jobs which are offering well paid
work if you want to be a fiction writer
sure it's a tough business trying to get
a book published but don't forget the
other options such as radio scripts
writing short story writing and many
more all of which can pay well are
easier to get into as well next writer's
block is a lie okay so this one is a
little tricky there can be times in
every writers life where they feel
uninspired to write all that someone
else put a total block on their
however writer's block is curable and
usually it rears its ugly head because
of what the writers themselves are doing
next time it happens try to understand
why is it because you are
procrastinating or refusing to write
unless the conditions are perfect
or perhaps the ideas simply isn't fully
formed in your head yet either way you
need to relax keep on working at it and
eventually you
yet there don't let your writing be
stalled or intimidated by these myths
put them to bed want some for all and
don't let anything stop you now don't
forget if you're struggling to write or
finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it you'll learn
how to overcome procrastination get
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to http://www.writerslife.org/toolkit
that's it for now
be sure to like this video and subscribe
to our channel for more and I'll see you
next time

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