Why Writing is So Difficult - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-07-13T16:00

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Why Writing is So Difficult - WritersLife.org
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Hi guys its Peter here again from
WritersLife.org and today
why is writing so difficult writing is
hard really hard and it's no wonder
writers can end up feeling infuriates
and D motivators and generally fed up
with the whole process we've all been
when we can't find the inspiration the
right words or where our once great idea
simile dries up and trails off where we
get rejections bad reviews or just radio
silence and it all just seems too
difficult it's no wonder that so many
people who start out trying to write a
book never get to the end it's even less
surprising that writers who do manage to
finish their manuscripts end up never
doing anything with it because they've
been told time and time again just how
tough it is to get anywhere in the
writing business but just what is it
about writing that makes it so difficult
why do writers all suffer from times
where no matter how hard they try no
matter how much they will eat their
stories their words just won't come out
the way they want them to if at all
writing is hard because first it asks
for total focus writing isn't something
that just happens it takes real focus
writers need to be able to create whole
new worlds new people and stories that
grip the hearts and imaginations of
their readers this is no easy task
and without being able to entirely focus
to truly immerse ourselves in our
writing it's impossible to realize our
vision fully writing demands discipline
you can't just sit down one day and
write out a best
selling novel the first time writing is
an art it's a skill and you need to
practice it if you want to get any good
at it having the time the motivation and
the dedication to keep writing even when
you don't feel like it is not something
that everyone has the discipline to do
writing requires huge courage writers
write regardless of the terrible odds of
actually getting published they write
stories that are personal to them and
share them with the world they pour
their heart and soul into their work
only to be taught time and time again
that it's not good enough to be a writer
you have to be brave to be persistent to
be able to take knocks and get back up
there and keep going regardless that
kind of bravery isn't going to come easy
it takes sacrifice there may be
exceptions but most writers find that
they have to sacrifice something if they
want to keep writing it might be time
spent with family and friends it might
be not earning much money whatever the
sacrifice being truly committed to
writing means making choices that are
not always easy to make writing takes a
lot from a person and even if you are
willing to do all of these things let's
face it you also need to have some
talent too however the writer that can
commit to writing in such a way to make
those sacrifices and to keep pushing
forward is the one who will get better
and better and the one who is so much
more likely to achieve their writing
goals and don't forget if you're
struggling to write or finish your book
our free writers toolkit can help you
with it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized stay
find time to write and finally get your
book published to get access now while
it's still available simply go to
okay that's it for now be sure to like
this video give us a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more my
name's Peter and I'll see you again next
time bye for now

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