Why Self-Publishing is Easier Than You've Heard - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-07-18T21:27:59

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Why Self-Publishing is Easier Than You've Heard - WritersLife.org
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Hi I'm Jodi from WritersLife.org and
today we'll be talking about myself
publishing is easier than you've heard
here's the most surprising thing about
self-publishing it's really really easy
I say surprising because I feel like we
as writers shouldn't realize this
considering how many people have
embraced self-publishing and have a lot
of success doing it but there's
something about the publication process
that seems so daunting so many things to
think about so hard to get the word out
at the end of the day self-publishing
just isn't that hard there are really
only six things to worry about writing
the dang thing this is by far the
hardest part when you start writing you
think it's going to be easy but you soon
realize that it doesn't read like a book
there are ton of holes and it kind of
sucks you extensively rewrite everything
and add a lot of new material you think
it was going to take a month
but writing your book actually took a
year look getting it edited this is
where things start to get easier there
are so many incredible freelance editors
out there after all for copy editing and
final polished you turn to a friend
maybe someone who agreed to a barter
edit since you've edited some of their
work in the past and now you're
extremely happy with how everything
turned out number three cover design you
find an amazing and influential graphic
designer who may be slightly better
known among other things or perhaps
you're on a budget and look to a friend
or maybe a startup company number for
interior design you think about trying
to learn how to design the interior but
this is a corner you decide to cut you
reach out to a few interior designers
for quotes and end up going with an
incredibly fast and professional
designer and the end result looks
terrific piece of cake getting
everything uploaded you distribute
directly via Kindle BNN Kobo and use the
e distributor Smashwords for everything
else when the print cover is ready you
distribute with creative space easy easy
and number 6 promotions
you plug your book to the blogger's and
are fortunate to get some really nice
blurbs and you begin experimenting with
some social media ads this is a bit of a
simplification obviously and if you have
any questions about the specifics of
self-publishing check out Susan K Quinn
the creative path and David Goggin there
are many merits to traditional
publication but if you're holding back
from self-publishing because it seems
daunting don't sweat it
it's really not that hard
self-publishing veterans how did you
find the process let us know in the
comments don't forget if you're having a
hard time writing or finishing your book
check out our free writer's tool kit
they can help you overcome
procrastination get organized stay
focused and get your book published just
to get your free copy if you enjoyed
this video don't forget to give it a
thumbs up turn on our notifications and
subscribe down below and be sure to
visit writer's life.org for more writing
tips and tricks and I'll see you nothing

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