Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2019-03-14T16:00

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Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing


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Hello its Peter here a game from writers
life and today
why pays to take risks with your writing when it comes to writing books
regardless of whether you choose to self
publish or try to win a traditional
publishing deal the competition has
never been fiercer
readers are overwhelmed with choice and
writers often find trying to make their
book stand out from the ground and
daunting and seemingly impossible tasks
it can be easy to play it safe with your
writing just try to stick to the rules
of a genre and to regurgitates a tried
and tested story that seems to appeal to
a mass audience but if you do so your
book is more than likely to simply
become an echo of something already out
there written by someone with more
experience whose popularity has already
been established if you choose to take
risks however while the stakes may be
higher it's arguable that you stand a
far greater chance of making your book
more discoverable distinguishable and
desirable than those that don't but why
is that taking risks shows you are
willing to put your neck on the line a
risk tic is someone who is brave they
are willing to take a chance a leap into
the unknown someone who is willing to
commit all the time and energy it takes
to write a book knowing that it does not
pander to the masses this is undeniably
impressive and demonstrates a commitment
to the craft that other writers who are
simply copycat versions of each other do
not show taking risks will make your
work stand out in an overcrowded
marketplace writers need to do anything
they can to make their books stand out
if you are able to write a book which
appeals to a more niche audience or one
that grabs reader's attention and they
might be willing to take a chance on
your book is more likely to be seen and
therefore more likely to sell taking
risks may not always work but when they
do the payoff is greater of course a
risk is a risk and therefore the chance
of failure is greater if you write
something too obscure too nice too
complicated it will be harder to find a
publisher who's willing to take a chance
on you or find an audience who resonates
with your work however if you do the
rewards are huge taking risks wins you
respect by taking risks in your writing
you often end up exposing yourself being
vulnerable can be frightening but
readers will appreciate the fact that
you have done so this will make them
empathize with you and respect you for
your bravery at the end of the day no
one can write a book that will appeal to
everyone and trying to do so is a waste
of time don't let all your time and
effort go to waste and consider taking
more risks with your writing
be brave have confidence and stay true
to yourself you won't regret it if you
do if you enjoyed this video please give it
a thumbs up or why not leave a comment
below always happy to hear from you why
not sign up for our newsletter and get
your free writers toolkit simply visit
our website at writers life.org
see you next time

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