Why it Pays to Be Business Minded - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-05-25T21:10:01

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Why it Pays to Be Business Minded - WritersLife.org
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hello is Peter here again from WritersLife.org
and today why it pays to be
business minded if it's time you took
yourself and your writing career
seriously then it's time to get your
head out of the clouds yes it may be
beautiful up there and we're all your
most imaginative creative ideas come
but without dipping into the business
world from time to time it's going to be
pretty difficult to make a success of
yourself the idea of making a business
plan for your writing might make you
cringe but doing so can give you
direction cements your goals and
aspirations and give you the building
blocks needed to make them come true
now is the time to stop resisting the
idea that you can avoid the tedium of
admin of strategy and marketing and all
the other corporate things that you need
to do and be as a modern author a solid
and strategic planning place will be
your guide which demonstrates what you
hope to accomplish and how you plan to
get there as well as what it will mean
to you financially if you do being
business minded about your writing will
help you clearly visualize what you want
from your writing career it will help
you become specific rather than having a
vague aspiration to be published someday
it will help you define clear actions
prioritize those actions and understand
exactly what you need to get them done
writing a business plan will help you
gain clarity what exactly you need to do
in order to succeed it's so easy to get
distracted and waste time and energy
focusing on things that don't help us
move forward a solid business plan will
mean writers can solely focus on these
actions which will help them to reach
their goals
being business minded will also help
writers to stay ahead of the game if you
know you'll need a certain amount of
money in order to do something for
example pay a professional book designer
to design your cover you'll be aware of
that expense know when you will need to
have the money and therefore you can
plan for that expenditure well in
you will also be far more organized you
can plan ahead for your book launch
integrate a marketing plan and manage
your time thus making you a far more
productive writer and this way you won't
let things get on top of you or spiral
out of control
when writing your business plan there
are certain things you should consider
first of all what is your mission
statement spend a moment thinking about
why you write and what you hope to
deliver and achieve through your writing
and what unique things you can bring to
the table next who is your target
audience be clear about who you wish to
reach through your writing and how you
intend to reach them next what is your
author brand every business has a brand
what's yours
think about your message what you want
readers to experience when they connect
with you what purpose you have or the
message you are trying to convey and
what about your goals be very clear
about what you want to achieve and make
sure that you're willing to do what it
takes to succeed goals should be
actionable and measurable so bear this
in mind when you are thinking of yours
next timing if applicable you should be
able to come up with a comprehensive
schedule to stick to include everything
from the number of words you will write
in a day
when to release your book - how he will
manage your social media accounts next
competitor research who are your main
competitors find novelists authors and
influence who you can identify and see
what they're doing how are they engaging
with their readers finances can you
afford to invest the money needed for
your writing business to be successful
be specific with your costs and if
necessary save the money you need before
you put your business plan into action
being business minded and creating a
solid business plan for your writing can
really pay off it may not be a favorite
task but remember your business plan can
be developed over time it may feel like
a little overwhelming at first but even
getting down the basics will help you
feel more clear and more confident ready
and able to achieve what you have set
out to achieve and don't forget if
you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers toolkit can
help with it you'll learn how to
overcome procrastination get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
that's it for now
be sure to give us a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more i'm
beta and i'll see you next time

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