Ways You Could be Self-Sabotaging Your Writing Career - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-05-03T16:00

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Ways You Could be Self-Sabotaging Your Writing Career - WritersLife.org 
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Hello there its Peter here again from
Writer's Life and today ways you might be
self sabotaging your writing career one
thing many writers have in common is
their ability to self-sabotage writers
can often be so unfairly negative about
themselves and their work it is as if
they are their own worst enemy bar the
obvious negative effect this has on once
self-esteem this self-sabotage also
naturally has an effect on a writer's
ability to succeed having put so much
time energy and care into your work
doesn't it seems something of a shame if
you are the one who gets in the way of
your own success be open to the
possibility of actually being a
successful writer is so important it's
not just about look or even about talent
it's also about having a positive
mindset and the determination to keep
even when the chips are down so what are
the signs to look out for which may
suggest you are sabotaging your writing
career here are some of the most common
and first you've fallen out of love with
writing gone are the days where you felt
excited and elated
every time you sat down to write lately
it feels so much more forced your
stories like the passion and flow of
earlier times and you keep getting
distracted or finding any excuse to
leave your work and go and do something
if this sounds like you you need to
think about what might be causing you to
feel this way if you can understand the
cause as to why your writing doesn't
fulfill you as it used to you can tackle
it head-on make a list of all the things
you love about writing and all the
obstacles that stop you from doing it or
enjoy it as you should focus on what
makes you happy and don't worry about
the rest and next
you've lost confidence in your ability
to write if you started to feel negative
about your writing ability and
everything you write seems terrible this
negativity is bound to have an impact on
the quality of your writing overall
perhaps it's time to reassess how you
critique your work are you too hard on
yourself or perhaps you need to go back
to basics and start again producing a
great piece of writing is a slow and
laird process but it's essential that
you remain confident in your ability to
achieve what you want to achieve next
you're suffering from the dreaded
writer's block if you simply can't find
any inspiration and every time you sit
down to write your mind goes blank
there could be an underlying reason that
has locked you in a downward spiral and
you need to get yourself out of it
before your career starts to suffer it's
hard to be creative when you are feeling
stressed or anxious so try to find ways
to clear your mind and relax so that you
have the necessary freedom to write find
inspiration by joining a writing group
apps taking up a new hobby maybe
traveling or just experimenting with
your writing to see if
it in a new direction reinvigorates you
once more and next when you do get some
interest you worry too much if an agent
or publisher shows interest in your book
it's important to accept this as an
awesome compliment some writers end up
self sabotaging by immediately finding
the enormity of finishing their book or
making suggested revisions too
overwhelming they feel like an impostor
becomes suspicious and uncertain and
pest to the agent or publisher so much
that eventually the deal falls through
remember if you do get interest you are
in a considerable minority it's okay to
be nervous but try to be calm and
professional and stay confident in your
ability to get the job done
next you finish your work and never send
it off a classic sign of writer
self-sabotage is that dusty old
manuscript that sits shrouded in shame
at the bottom of a desk drawer or those
many drafty emails to agents and
publishers that have been sitting ready
to go for months if you have finished
your work spent a sensible amount of
time and focus editing it and crafted a
solid submission later it's time to let
it go you are probably never going to
feel your work is perfect or good enough
to submit but if you want to stand a
chance there has to be a point where you
let it go if yourself sabotaging your
writing career it's time to figure out
why once you start giving it some
thought the reasons should become pretty
clear so just listen to yourself your
instincts and try to nip it in the bud
as soon as possible and don't forget if
you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers toolkit can
help with it you'll find out how to
overcome procrastination get organized
stay focused find time to
right and finally get your book
published to get access to it now while
it's still available simply go to
to okay that's it for now
be sure to like this video give us a
thumbs up and subscribe to our channel
for more I'll see you next time

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