Tips for Writing a Great Horror Story - - a podcast by

from 2018-08-08T16:00

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Tips for Writing a Great Horror Story -
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Hello there Peter here again from
writers life and coming up today tips
for writing a great horror story horror
continues to be a hugely popular genre
and with an audience always eager for
more writing a horror story can be
advantageous even if you are trying to
get published or thinking of
self-publishing your book but writing a
horror story because just as much
thoughts and skill as any other genre a
book and needs to be carefully crafted
to keep readers on the edge of their
seats and desperate yet terrified of
what might be revealed with each page
they turn writing a horror story allows
writers to get in touch with their dark
side to explore what scares them and
could end up being a brilliantly
cathartic projects as they face their
fears and demons along the way so are
you thinking about writing a horror
story here are some helpful tips what
are you afraid of start out by exploring
what makes the hairs on the back of your
arms stand up and shivers run up and
down your spine think about the worst
things that could happen the wickedest
of Deeds that someone can do terrifying
situations to be in write these down and
see if any themes emerge next pick your
sub-genre there's a vast variety of
different subgenres within the horror
genre are you interested in writing and
nail-biting thriller a haunting mystery
a no-holds-barred gruesome murder story
a horror story can be terrifying
revolting or creepy or a mixture of all
of them think about the kind of tale you
want to tell and use that as the base to
explore your story further next read
read and read the best way to learn
about writing a horror story is to read
lots of books in that genre so make sure
you do your research and read as much as
you possibly can and next build tension
a horror story is all about building
tension making your readers feeling
unsafe and unsettled even in everyday
situations can be a brilliant way of
creating a sense of anxiety and
apprehension taking the everyday and
turning it into a horrifying situation
can be a hugely affecting so while the
dark and stormy night might fit a
particular scene a trip to the park or
doing the washing-up with the windows
open on a sunny summers afternoon could
be a more effective setting for
something gruesome to take place next
create distinctive characters in the
majority of horror stories there are the
characters who are being terrified and
those who are imparting that terror upon
them make sure that your readers care
about your characters and what happens
to them
your readers need to be rooting for your
characters and to survive if they don't
care about them it will be harder for
them to get involved in the story
and to feel the horror the desperate
fear and the tension as they do next
become an expert at emotion shock dread
anxiety paranoia these are all extreme
emotions are ones that we should see
crop up in a horror story evoking these
emotions through your writing and the
ways your characters speak and behave
will make all the difference when it
comes to creating a successful horror
story next start as you mean to go on
don't wait to introduce horrifying or
unsettling details into your story yet
stuck in and use your opening scene to
show the reader you mean business
they've chosen to read a book in the
horror genre because that's what they
like so don't be afraid to get straight
in to scaring them at the beginning the
very beginning of your book don't forget
about the plot it's all too easy to
focus on the gruesome and terrifying
elements of a horror story and forget
about everything else however it is
important to remember that horror
stories still need well-crafted plots
that take the reader on a journey and
have a beginning and a middle and an end
there are so many interesting and
exciting ways to write a horror story
use these tips as a guide to get you
started and then let the dark side of
your imagination run wild and don't
forget if you're struggling to write or
finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it you'll learn
how to overcome procrastination get
organized stay focused
find time to write and finally get your
book published to get access now while
it's still available simply go to
okay that's it for now be sure to give
us a thumbs up to like this video and
subscribe to our channel for more I
Peter I'll see you next time bye for now

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