Practical Writing Tips You Can Actually Use - - a podcast by

from 2018-06-20T21:04:16

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Practical Writing Tips You Can Actually Use -
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Hello its Peter here again from and coming up today
practical writing tips you can actually
use there are so many different pieces
of advice when it comes to writing some
you'll find useful some you won't when
it comes to writing tips every writer is
different and not all pieces of advice
will be helpful to them or fit in with
what they are trying to say or do
sometimes the most practical and
straightforward advice is the best these
tips should resonate with all writers
give them food for thought and can apply
to any kind of writing so let's take a
look at them first
say something whatever kind of writing
you're into you need to have something
to say take a step back and think about
what your message is what your point is
what you're trying to get across what's
your confidence of that you'll have the
essence of your story or article and can
build everything else around that next
use short sentences and simple language
it's so tempting to show your readers
what an enormous brain you have and to
use all the big and smart words you know
to demonstrate them but it's important
to realize that's not the way to impress
your readers be inclusive keep things
simple the most intelligent writing will
be able to create an impression without
making their readers reach for the
dictionary and next get detailed be
specific and use detail to build a
picture in your readers mind the more
clever and arresting information you
include the more readers will feel they
know your characters and the world they
live in
next use the active voice we know you've
heard it all before but using the act
voice makes your writing more present
and readers have a better connection to
the words so try where you can to use
the active voice at all times and next
break up your text even in fiction
writing massive chunks of texts can make
a redesigned lays over if you're writing
a story breakup text into short
paragraphs and use dialogue articles can
be broken down into smaller chunks of
text and devices such as a bulleted
lists and fact boxes can help too next
don't overwrite good writing is where a
writer's ego stays out of it if you put
your readers first and thinking about
what they need to know and what will
give them a better more meaningful
understanding of what is going on you'll
find the instances where you over I will
really stand out stop rambling stop
trying to sound smart and merely say
what you are trying to say and next
become a brutal editor eliminate what
you don't need become eagle-eyed at
spotting mistakes read your work through
the eyes of a critical reader and
remember to keep that ego at bay these
tips will help make your writing sharper
more accessible and more readable so why
not try applying them to your writing
projects today ok don't forget if you're
struggling to write or to finish your
book our free writers toolkit can help
with it you'll find how to overcome
procrastination get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now when it's still available
thats it for now be sure to give us a thumbs
up and subscribe to our channel for more
I'm Peter and I'll see you next time

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