Past or Present Tense The Pros and Cons - - a podcast by

from 2018-03-19T21:47:04

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Past or Present Tense The Pros and Cons -


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hello there is Peter here again from
Writer's life and today past all present
tense the pros and cons when creating
any new piece of writing selecting the
tense in which to write is often
something and also struggles with not
longer your writing in the past tense
was strongly favored and particularly
with works of fiction it was very rare
to find a novel written in the present
tense however in recent years this has
changed and we have seen a shift to the
present tense with some writers
believing that writing using the past
tense makes the work itself seem somehow
old-fashioned so what has made the past
tense increasingly unpopular and the
present tense
now the tense of choice well it seems
for most seasoned writers it's an
instinctive and natural decision however
for many novice writers this is just
another choice to fret over so it's
important to understand what they have
Vantage's and disadvantages of each
might be so here we've broken these down
so authors can make an informed choice
when deciding which tends to write in so
first the present tense the prose
present tense creates immediacy in a way
that the past tense cannot it allows the
reader to experience changes in the
story and changes to its characters as
they happen this creates a bond between
the reader and characters as they
experience things together
simultaneously therefore tension
suspense and drama can be more easily
vade characters become more lifelike and
tangible and real and selecting the
present tense when describing a
character truly reflects their nature
drawing the reader closer to them the
use of the present tense also reflects
the overall theme of the book if your
book tells the story of events that
happened to your main character in the
past but he or she tells them in the
present tense the effect can be very
powerful simply by telling the events in
this way the author is hinting at a past
that is very much part of the narrator's
presence and perhaps will always be so
using the present tense in your work
also simplifies how we use the other
tenses in the story when writing in the
past tense is slightly that a writer
will dip in and out of the other 12
tenses that we use in the English
language however using the present tense
restricts our use of the others with the
majority of stories written in the
present tense only using the simple
present the present progressive and
occasionally the simple past and simple
future even then the majority of the
writing is likely to be kept in the
simple present this simplicity can be
used cleverly to the writers advantage
conveying clear ideas and allowing the
reader to fully immerse themselves in
the story with no confusion about when
the events took place and now the
present tense the comments
if employing the present tense in our
we become restricted with how we can
describe time try to manipulate a
sequence of events or change the
chronological order will be difficult
and potentially confusing to the reader
the point of the present tense is to
tell a series of events as they unfold
if you don't want to evoke the feeling
that what you are writing is happening
now then the present tense is not a good
choice building a multi-layered
characters is more of a challenge if you
use the present tense because you can no
longer influence the order of events or
the duration it's difficult to put
across the characters own personal
experience of the time how they
understand the past the more context we
have for a character the more we are
able to understand them and their
motivations for why they are a certain
way now without the kind of context
flashbacks into the past there is a risk
of the characters committeth across as
tediously uncomplicated suspense is
harder to convey with a story written in
the present tense the protagonists of a
present tense story don't have any idea
what is going to happen to them from one
moment to the next and subsequently
neither does the reader tension and
suspense come from having that knowledge
knowing that something is about to
happen whether the protagonist is aware
of it or not
finally if we are not careful use of the
present tense can cause us to be sloppy
while the past tense allows us to write
selectively and only include necessary
plot advancing details
using the present tense more naturally
encourages inclusion of mundane
irrelevant details because such events
will happen in a natural sequence of
time before beginning any work it is
worth thinking about which tense will
best suit your story each have their own
advantages which if use Cleverley could
enhance your work whatever you do make
sure you pick wisely as it's certainly
not an easy job to go back and change
when you are halfway through your book
and don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get that book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to

again that's it for now be sure
to give us a thumbs up and don't forget
to subscribe to our channel for more and
I'll see you next time














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