Is Self-Publishing Right For You - - a podcast by

from 2018-11-17T17:00

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Is Self-Publishing Right For You -
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Hello there is Peter here again from
writers life coming up today questions
to ask yourself to see if
self-publishing is right for you in 2007
Amazon launched its self publishing
platform Kindle direct publishing KDP
and changed the world of publishing
dramatically now writers were able to
bypass the lengthy process of sending
their manuscript to publisher after
publisher and save themselves the agony
and disappointment of rejection after
rejection they could simply upload their
document it and viola it was ready for
the world to see since then other
publishing platforms such as Smashwords
and draft2digital have also launched
their versions meaning that writers can
see their words in print as digital
downloads audio books and so on however
just because it's easy doesn't make it
the best option
many writers now bypass the whole
traditional publishing process and opt
straight for self-publishing for the
reasons described and many more reasons
to but doing so without careful thought
and consideration may result in regret
later down the line so before you commit
it's good to ask yourself the following
first when are you planning to release
your book if you want to try and get
your book traditionally published you're
going to have to be patient regardless
of how long it takes to write an editor
book you could expect to wait on average
around 6 months for a publisher to get
back to you with an answer and that
answer might very well be thanks but no
thanks even if you do get a positive
response it
typically take another year before you
see it on the bookshelves alternatively
if he wants a self-publish you can do
this pretty much immediately while this
is much more appealing to those who have
finished their book I want to see out
there as quickly as possible it also may
be more tempting to publish before your
book is ready and next are you hoping to
sell lots of copies if you want millions
of people to buy your book and to make
good money from it the tussle between
traditional and self-publishing is
extremely tricky on self-publishing
platforms the competition is
extraordinarily fierce trying to get
your book into a prominent position is
almost impossible unless you already
have a strong fan base and high profile
platform from which to promote it
however many publishers also demand this
review these days though they have huge
marketing departments of teams of people
who conjure up clever ways to promote
your book if you can prove you have an
audience already they're going to give
your manuscript more serious
consideration taking on a new book from
an unknown author is a risk however good
it is so without being sure they can
sell a significant number of copies
they'll be tough to convince however
traditional publishing is more likely to
enable authors to sell more copies of
their books both physically and
digitally and so if selling copies is
our number one goal securing a contract
with a publisher is your best route to
success next do you want to be in
control of the book authors who can't
bear the idea of anyone else meddling
with their book should always self
publish a traditional publisher will
want to change things and details such
as the book cover will be their decision
while being in charge of every aspects
of your
is a tremendous amount of work you still
have ultimate creative control and can
present it to the world exactly as you
intended a traditional publisher may ask
you to change parts of the story that
you love and once you have signed on the
dotted line will take the reins from you
and you have to be okay with that these
three questions can help me decide what
your ultimate goal is when it comes to
publishing your book answer them as
honestly and as much detail as possible
and I'll have a clear idea of whether
self or traditional publishing is the
right route for you and don't forget if
it's struggling to write or finish your
book our free writers toolkit can help
with it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access to it now while it's still
available simply go to
that's it for now
be sure to give us these thumbs up if
you like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more I'm Peter and I'll see
you next time bye for now

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