How to Write Useful Chapter Outlines - - a podcast by

from 2018-03-15T16:00

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How to Write Useful Chapter Outlines -


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hello its Peter here again from Writer's
Life and today how to write useful a
chapter outlines writing chapter
outlines can be an incredibly helpful
way of staying organized and motivated
to write your story many writers choose
to write chapter outlines before they
begin their book doing so means they can
see for sure that their story will work
it's a more detailed overview of the
plot down and how to ensure that each
chapter drives the story forward so what
sort of things are useful to include in
a chance at outline let's take a look
first focus on the key plot points
remember while your chunks are our lines
should be thorough
you also want to keep it succinct focus
on the key events that will take place
at the chapter note down the action
points and make sure they fit into your
story as a whole
next describe how your character feels
at the beginning and the end take some
time to think about how your character
is feeling at the beginning of each
chapter and how the events that take
place throughout it change them remember
your character should always be growing
and changing so make sure that you take
their emotions into account and next how
does each chapter flow to and from the
next each of your chapters should fit
seamlessly into your story and flow from
one to the other when creating your
chapter outline is to make sure they fit
into your overall plot if they feel
disjointed ask yourself if they are
really Ness
does your chapter start and end in a way
that grips the reader make sure that
every chapter in your book is gripping
it should start by immediately drawing
the reader in and immersing them in the
scene and should end in such a way that
they want to keep on turning those pages
next how does the chapter advance the
each chapter needs to have a purpose by
the time the reader has finished the
chapter the story should have moved on
if the chapter doesn't advance a story
it might need a revision or removal from
the book altogether remember to review
your chapter outlines frequently chapter
outlines shouldn't be rigid they need to
be flexible as when you begin to write
your story you could end up going on a
different track and that's okay just
make sure you review your chunks and
outlines while you were writing your
book and prepare to change them if
necessary spending time and making an
effort to write chapter outlines that
are really useful can make all the
difference when you begin to write your
novel providing structure and allowing
you to see your story as a whole so
whether you're just starting out or even
if you are halfway through writing your
consider using chapter outlines to help
you write more efficiently and make sure
your story stays on the right track now
don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized stay focused
find time to write and finally get your
book published to get access now while
it's still available simply go to
that's it for now be sure to
like this video and subscribe to our
I'll see you next time

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