How to Write Great Feature Articles - - a podcast by

from 2018-08-16T16:00

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How to Write Great Feature Articles -
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Hello there is Peter here again from
writers life and coming up today how do
I great feature articles if you're
hoping to make money from writing
feature articles and you need to
understand how if you become great and
writing feature articles and get a
consistent flow of work it can make you
a healthy and very rewarding living why
you must remember however is that
competition is fierce and getting to
that highly desirable point where you
have a regular income from your writing
isn't easy these easy to follow tips
will help you write fantastic feature
articles that are likely to get you
noticed and here's tip number one
understand your audience find out who
your reader is and learn about them
really think about who the person is
what do they like to do where do they
like to shop where do they live work and
hang out
understanding your reader as a real
person gives you insight into what they
are likely to read and what kind of
information will interest them if he can
do this and tailor your writing
accordingly it will have a clear
direction and appeal to those readers
you are hoping to interest and tip
number two is know what your point is
this may sound obvious but have you
really had a good think about what you
are trying to get across what kind of
reaction are you hoping the reader to
have once they have finished reading
your piece are you try to motivate them
to act to buy something to change their
mind are you trying to make them feel
happy angry
excited or sad having a clear idea of
your end goal is hugely important and
will help you write your piece with ease
tip number three is research the
publication if you have a great idea for
a feature article don't simply write it
and send it off to as many magazines and
newspapers as you can in the hope that
someone will bite take your time to
research who will be best suited to
feature your article find out who the
right person is to send your work to
make your polite inquiry first you don't
want to annoy editors by wasting that
time as there may be people you hope to
work with in the future
so approach publications in the right
way and you stand a much better chance
of seeing your work in print tip number
four is think about your tone make sure
your article is interesting and engaging
a clever writer can turn even the
dullest topic into an interesting read
and if you're writing feature articles
each and every one should have a clear
point an attention-grabbing headline and
well-written well structured content
that discusses the points in an
informative and an engaging way and
finally tip number five get ready for
feedback and questions once your article
has been published you can just sit back
and relax it is now easy for anyone and
everyone to have an opinion on your work
you may be complimented criticized
subjects of ridicule make sure you are
prepared for that it's also a good idea
to preempt any questions that may come
up as a result of your work get ready to
answer them thoroughly back up your
points and explain your claims being
proactive before your work is published
saves any delay or panic if you're
suddenly inundated with
about it afterwards by following these
steps you should have find that you have
produced a great article one which is
written in the correct zone and style
for your audience that gets their
attention and engages them and one which
is suitable for the publication you are
sending it to if you do this each and
every time you're right
you are sure to start seeing your
published work outlet in no time and
don't forget if he's struggling to write
or finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it
you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized stay
focused find time to write and finally
get your book published to get access
now while it's still available simply go
that's it for now be
sure to give us the thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more I'm
Peter and I'll see you next time 

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