How to Stay Sane as a Freelance Writer - - a podcast by

from 2018-03-21T16:00

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How to Stay Sane as a Freelance Writer -


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Hello its Peter here again from Writer's
life and today how to stay sane as a
freelance writer being a freelance
writer can be a tough old job at times
while there are plenty of benefits the
solitude the financial uncertainty the
deadlines and juggling lots of
assignments of projects at once can
sometimes leave you wanting to pull your
hair out so what are the things you can
do to stay sane as a freelance writer
ensure that your you balance your work
and social or family life and feel more
secure and stable when it comes to
managing your money here are some handy
tips first plan your finances budgeting
is something that you are going to have
to become really good at if you want to
be successful as a freelance writer
what's important to remember is that
there are times when you're going to be
busy and have a nice steady income
coming in and times when you are not
that's why it's important to budget and
save particularly when you are just
starting out as you get more used to the
you may find that patterns emerge so you
end up knowing when times are more
likely to be quiet for you and can
adjust your spending accordingly next be
super organized if you want happy
clients and to build up an excellent
reputation then you need to know that
deadlines are non-negotiable to save
yourself stress and panic and being up
until 4:00 a.m. the night before a
deadline sweating over a piece that you
can't quite get finished
you've simply got to get organized learn
how to manage your time how to
prioritize and how to avoid
procrastination planning your workload
efficiently expecting delays and not
letting yourself get distracted will
mean you know exactly what you have to
do and when and make sure you'll always
stay on track
next take time off it can be so easy
when going it alone as a freelance
writer to work all the hours of the days
but if you want to enjoy your job and
stay productive you need to be able to
take time off to relax and enjoy other
things factor some paid holiday into
your budget and schedule and and make
sure you don't take on any work in those
periods and let's regular types know
well in advance you also need to know
when to switch off at the end of a day
even though you may work from home you
don't need your work life to blend
totally with your home life have an end
to your working day when it's time to
switch off your laptop and concentrate
on doing other things or just relaxing
in front of the TV with a well-deserved
glass of wine of course next consider a
shared workspace or find other people to
ride with if you work from home you can
end up going days without talking to
anyone else so why not consider hiring a
shared workspace with other creative
types so you can leave your home and go
to work having an office space is ideal
to separate work from home and to
interact with other people this can help
you feel more motivated and creative to
being a freelance writer gives you so
much flexibility and freedom in your job
however you also need to make sure you
have some processes
place doing so will mean you enjoy your
job even more and keep you satisfied
successful and saying now don't forget
if you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free righteous toolkit can
help with it
you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to
and that's it for now
be sure to like this video and subscribe
to our channel for more and I'll see you
next time

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