How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head - WritersLife - a podcast by

from 2019-03-11T16:00

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How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head


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Hi it's Peter here again from a writer's
life and today how to get inside your
readers head one of the most helpful
things you can do as a writer is to
identify who your reader is no matter
what you're writing about figuring out
exactly who will want to read your work
and what their reaction will be - it is
so important right from when you start
to create your work through to pitching
and marketing it to help you create a
piece of writing that will appeal to
your reader you need to be able to get
inside their head the more thorough and
understanding you have of who they are
and what they want the more easily you
will be able to mold and shape your
writing so it will appeal to them of
course this might be easier said than
however by making an effort to get to
know your reader and to truly understand
them you'll be able to appeal to them
more through your writing to influence
them and to turn them into loyal fans so
what are the things you can do to try
and get inside your readers head let's
take a look first do your research
start off by doing some simple research
think about the genre your writing
falls into and the kind of person that
might be interested in that type of book
you could even go into book shops and
look at the different people browsing in
that section or join fan clubs and get
to know the kind of conversations they
might have next get feedback all along
the way make sure you don't wait until
you've already finished your book or
piece of writing to get that feedback
ask your readers questions and get
feedback throughout the writing process
this will make it so much easier when
you go back and big
to edit and reshape your book next look
at what other writers are doing one of
the most helpful things you can do is
follow your fellow writers and look at
the different techniques they are using
to engage readers and pique their
interest look at successful writers in
genres similar to yours how does your
writing compare what do their book
covers look like what does the blurb on
the back say check out their social
media accounts their author profiles
their websites find all the information
you can and see what reoccurring themes
on there that you could apply it to your
writing and marketing plans use actual
data there are plenty of programs out
there which can give you a real insight
into your readers your potential readers
and their behavior even just looking at
your engagement on social media and try
to get a picture of the types of people
that are interested in what you're
saying can help you to build up a
picture of who your ideal reader might
be create a persona once you've gathered
together as much information as possible
use this to create an ideal reader
persona write down as much as you can
about them and stick up the details
leads away you're right
you can then always refer to this and
always keep them in mind when you're
writing if you're stuck then you can use
them to help you simply ask yourself
what your reader would want to happen
and if you know them well enough you
should have your answer getting inside
your readers head can make a difference
when it comes to the popularity and
success of your book so it's well worth
trying to get to know your reader and
use this knowledge to help shape your
now don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can
with it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination yet organized stay
focused find time to write and finally
get your book published to get access
now while it's still available simply go
that's it for now be sure to
like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next

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