How to be a Twenty First Century Writer - - a podcast by

from 2018-09-12T21:21:12

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How to be a Twenty First Century Writer -
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Hello is Peter here again from writers
life and coming up today how to be a
21st century writer writing in the
modern age is indeed different than it
used to be John all the times when all
the rights I had to do was right now the
role requires a different far more
diverse skill set so do you have what it
takes to be a 21st century writer just
what are the qualities necessary to
succeed to know you need to ask yourself
the following questions are you a
researcher with the invention and
development of the internet researching
our novels has never been easier but the
wealth of information takes some sifting
through there are no excuses for a
poorly researched book and eagle-eyed
readers will now be able to call you out
if they don't think what you've written
is right and next are you a tech buff
nowadays writers are expected to be
social media savvy to be able to use
apps and programs to help them with
their work and even to build and
maintain their own websites you can't
get away with falling behind the times
when it comes to technological
developments and social media trends in
fact the more you understand how to use
these to your advantage the better
are you a marketer and promoter is next
even authors who are published by
traditional publishing houses are still
responsible in some part for promoting
self-published authors have to take on
the entire role it's no longer just
about getting a single agent or editor
to believe in your book you have to
build your fan base and increase your
following by understanding how to market
your work how to find new readers and
ultimately what makes a book sell and
next are you an inventor with the rise
in self-publishing meaning anyone and
everyone can write and publish a novel
the book market is full to the brim
writers have to make themselves stand
out from the crowd they have to take
risks to be you need to tell a story no
one else has told writers are now
inventors and they have to use all their
creative skill to make their inventions
count and next are you a fighter 21st
century writers have a battle on their
hands as no writers did before them the
competition seems only to be getting
fiercer and the number of books by new
authors that are taken on by publishing
houses is getting smaller and smaller
the odds are stacked against us but the
rewards are great
and we must fight harder and longer than
ever before these days being a writer
means you must be prepared to learn new
skills to dedicate more of your time to
your writing and to believe in yourself
even when it feels like no one else does
21st century writers are ferocious
courageous beasts and if you are one
then you should be proud and don't
forget if you're struggling to write or
finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it you'll learn
how to overcome procrastination get
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access to it now while it's still
available simply go to
that's it for now
be sure to give us a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more i am
peter and i'll see you next time bye for

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