Hate Editing? Heres How to Make it More Fun - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2019-02-06T22:36:07

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Hate Editing? Here's How to Make it More Fun - WritersLife.org
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Hello its Peter here again from writers
life where we have tips and advice for
writers and coming up this time hate
editing here's how to make it more fun
once you finish the first draft of your
manuscript you have every right to
celebrate it's a considerable
achievement after all however
unfortunately you can't rest on your
laurels for long as this is when the
hard work really begins now there is no
denying that there are some writers out
there who love the editing process they
enjoy perfecting and reworking that
manuscripts until they get it just right
for most of us however editing can be a
real drag and something that many of us
dread in the worst cases it can mean
never actually getting your book into a
state where you feel comfortable enough
to try and publish it and all that hard
work is wasted so how can you find ways
to get through the editing process and
try to make it more fun here are some
helpful tips first break it down the
idea of editing your entire novel can
feel somewhat overwhelming so you need
to break the process down to make it
feel more manageable just title one
chapter at a time make that chapter as
brilliant as you can before moving on to
the next next sets goals
don't let the editing process go on
give yourself specific goals and a time
frame by which you need to finish doing
this will help you keep things in
perspective and motivated to keep on
going next bribe yourself to make the
process more fun you need to keep
rewarding yourself along the way only
you know what will keep you motivated
but make sure you treat yourself and
also takes out to get excited about how
your novel is shaping up and patting
yourself on the back for all the great
next work methodically it's imperative
not to keep starting each editing
session from the beginning of your book
otherwise you'll end up with a flawless
first three chapters and the rest of it
barely looks at understanding when it's
time to move on and realizing that
perfection is not an option is also
important a next work with friends
having writing bullies to be talked with
bounce ideas off or just to have a good
old moan and be invaluable so join a
local writing group or find some
supports online to help you when you're
feeling demotivated and don't want to
continue and our next tip is cheat
of course you could always hire a
professional editor to help you so
really all you need to do is get your
book in as good a shape as possible and
then hand it over to someone who does
this for a living remember an editor
actually enjoy searching for missing
commas or inconsistencies so you can
rest assure that it's not all on you to
find them
we know the editing process is tough but
by following these tips you can make it
more manageable and get your book into a
more publishable standard in no time and
don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
stay focused get organized fine times
are right and finally get your book
published to get access to it now while
it's still available simply go to
be sure to give us a thumbs up if you
like this video and as always don't
forget to subscribe to our channel for
more I'm Peter and I'll see you next
time for more tips and advice here on

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