Foolproof Methods that Will Help Sell Books - - a podcast by

from 2019-01-14T19:49:58

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Foolproof Methods that Will Help Sell Books -
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Hello its Peter here again from writers
life with more tips and advice for
writers and coming up today foolproof
writing methods that help you sell books
writing a book is challenging enough
however no matter how much blood sweat
and tears he has taken to finish your
novel selling it is another enormous
challenge altogether there are of course
numerous ways you can market your book
to help it sell but the one thing that
makes more difference than anything else
is writing it well having a mega
marketing can only get you so
if your book isn't structured correctly
you can't expect people to buy it
successful novels whether they are
revered at literary fiction or cheesy
but fun romance novels will all have
similar elements in the way their
stories unfold in fact when you read
widely enough you start to see patterns
emerge and no matter the genre there are
similarities the popular books all share
so what are these methods that must be
included if you want your book to sell
first the set up the set up is the first
part of your story this is where you
entice your readers in and make promises
to them of what to expect if they
continue to read your novel a set up
could give readers clues as to what kind
of story it is and what might happen you
can't start your story for example as a
comedy and then decide to turn it into a
serious drama at the end you should
invite readers into the world you have
created introduce them to your main
characters and give them insight into
their challenges passions desires and so
on without correctly setting up the
story readers can end up feeling letdown
might give up on your book or worse
still leave
less than glowing review annexed a
dramatic occurrence early on in any good
book something needs to happen something
big wait too long to include this or let
it unravel too gently and your readers
may feel as though your story isn't
going anywhere
an incident needs to happen one that
somehow changes the course of the
protagonists life and starts them on a
new journey one that your readers will
follow with intrigue the incident needs
to be big enough that the hero is
forever changed makes it impossible for
them to return to the life they want new
and next the obstacles every good writer
knows that a protagonist must set out to
do something whatever that may be must
be obvious what they want and what they
need to do to get it however this
journey must not be easy when the main
character or characters in your story
must overcome several challenges and
make sacrifices to achieve their goal in
a good story it's important to note that
there is not just one challenge or one
obstacle but many a protagonist must
fall and gets up several times before
the story is over the harder they fall
the more your reader will be urging them
to get up or willing them to reach their
goals this is how a reader is kept on
the edge of their seat and turning those
pages next the climax a book that sells
should take the reader on an
exhilarating ride there shall be ups and
downs moments of tension and action and
drama and resolution as you near the end
of the novel these all need to come
together in one great big finale the
climax climax needs to be the most
significant and most dramatic moment in
your novel where everything your hero
has been fighting for is at stake a good
climax will have your reader desperate
to see your hero see
and then in the final pages of your book
you can bring it back down tie up loose
ends and end your story in a truly
satisfying way nothing is more critical
when it comes to selling books than good
writing use these foolproof methods to
help you write a story that's sure to
leave readers leaving you a rave reviews
and clamoring for more and don't forget
if you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers toolkit can
help with it you'll learn how to
overcome procrastination stay focused
get organized find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access to it now while it's still
available simply go to
that's it
for now as always be sure to give us a
thumbs up if you liked this video and
don't forget to subscribe to our channel
for more I'm Peter this is writers life
and I'll be back soon with some more
tips and advice for writers here on
writers life bye for now

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