Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2019-02-04T22:13:31

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Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing - WritersLife.org
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hello its Peter here again with more
tips and advice for writers here at
writers life and coming up this time
easy ways to improve your writing skills
all writers know that no matter whether
they are just starting or are seasoned
professionals there's always more to
learn and ways to improve so if you're
looking for some quick fixes to get
better at writing why not try the
following first make writing your job
you don't need to quit your day job to
take your writing seriously however if
you treat writing like you would your
job then you are much more likely to get
better why well think about it
you can't just fail to turn up to your
job and you can't do nothing
when you get there at work you might get
development reviews and new challenges
and be expected to improve apply all
this to your writing and you'll become
so much more productive and committed
the more you write the better you'll get
and next make reading part of the
process if writing is your job then
reading is like prepping for the
interview reading should be an integral
part of every righteous process so
instead of binge watching that box set
head to bed half an hour earlier and
read it's hardly much of a chore and the
more you read the more you'll learn from
others and be inspired and motivated to
continue yourself next find a writing
partner a writing partner can help you
so much not only will you have someone
holding you accountable as well as
encouraging you to write of course you
also have someone you can bounce ideas
off and who can take a first look at
your write and give you honest feedback
which can be so invaluable especially in
the early stages next explore writing
that you admire when you read don't just
do it for the sake of it actually pay
attention to what you're reading and
look for common factors in books that
you love what makes a story stand out to
you what characters have you fallen in
love with which all the books you just
couldn't put down investigating and
dissenting the writer you admire in this
way can be you find common
themes that you can incorporate into
your own stories next write outlines and
do proper research every good writer
knows that it pays to be organized so
don't start your writing sessions
without a clear plan having chapter
outline sketched out before you start
writing can keep you on the right track
and make sure that you have the whole
story plotted out before you begin
improving your research skills and
taking the types of research important
topics thoroughly will also make your
writing more detailed engaging and
believable to eliminate unnecessary
words train yourself to become
eagle-eyed when editing your work and
look out for where you've used more
words than you need to trimming the fat
in writing is so essential and concerned
sloppy overwritten passages into needs
smart pieces of literature that deliver
an impact following these tips can help
you continue to improve your writing
over time what quick tips do you use
when you need to give your writing a
boost why not share them with us in the
comments below and don't forget if
you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers toolkit can
help with it you'll learn how to
overcome procrastination stay organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to
that's it
for now be sure to give us a thumbs up
if you like this video and of course
subscribe to our channel for more I'm
Peter and I'll be back with more tips
and advice for writers here on
writers life bye for now

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