Do You Know Who Your Writing For - - a podcast by

from 2019-01-30T20:30:45

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hello there is Peter here again with
more tips and advice from writers life
now coming up today do you know who you
are writing for when you sit down to
write it's always a good idea to ask
yourself before you start who am i
writing for the answer may be obvious
and straightforward or it might be
elusive and complicated are you writing
for yourself do you have a very
particular person in mind do you want
your opinion or story to be heard by a
particular group do you want to be
acknowledged or perhaps you are just
writing for anyone who will listen of
course it can be a combination of many
of these things most writers would say
that they write both for themselves for
the love of creating stories and playing
with language and for their audiences
whoever they may be how important is it
to know who you are writing for most
writers would argue that it is
imperative indeed if you are hoping to
have commercial success having a target
audience in mind will help you to craft
and shape your writing so that it
appeals directly to them you might also
want to think about how to attract
readers from further afield not just the
lovers of the genre or the ones who
already agree with your opinion will
naturally gravitate towards your work
but those on the fringes too perhaps
those who you would think would have no
interest in what you have to say how do
you persuade these audiences to listen
to you or to take a chance on your
writing and just give it a go
how do you find the right balance
between being true to yourself your
motivations and passions and writing for
an audience telling them what they want
to hear the key to effective writing is
knowing your reader and being able to
accurately predict what they want and
what they expect and then adhering to
that or alternatively surprising them
showing them something new different are
more exciting than they have ever
anticipated before how to identify your
audience ask yourself the following
questions who do you hope will read this
write down who your ideal reader would
be give them a name a personality bring
them to life this person is your target
audience you need to discover how they
think what excites them what turns them
off get to know them as intimately as
possible and you will have the best
chance of getting them to see your
points of view engage with your
characters buy your product or do
whatever it is you are trying to
persuade them to do who else might read
this don't just limit yourself to your
ideal audience think further beyond them
think of all the places your book
article blog post or newsletter might
end up are there other people we might
reach that you haven't considered
how could you reach out to them and
connect with them further and more
effectively you also need to consider
what you are hoping to achieve by
communicating with your audience it
might be to sell products increase their
understanding of a particular topic to
get them to share your work to sign up
to a newsletter or it might be to
persuade them around to your way of
thinking to be moved or inspired by your
story or simply to enjoy your book your
aims are important because if you don't
fulfill them no matter how many people
you've reached you won't feel satisfied
that you have achieved what you set out
to achieve understanding who you are
writing for regardless of the type of
writing you are doing can make all the
difference when it comes to connecting
with your audience
creating a following and motivating them
to act so next time you sit down to
write make sure you consider who your
reader is and think about how you can
speak to
and don't forget if it's struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
stay organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access to it now while it's still
available simply go to
that's it for
now be sure to give us a thumbs up if
you like this video and don't forget to
subscribe to our channel for more I'm Peter
this has been writer's life and I'll be
back with more tips and advice for
writers soon right here on writers life
bye for now

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