Common Mistakes Indie Authors Makes - - a podcast by

from 2018-03-11T16:00

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Common Mistakes Indie Authors Makes -
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Hi I'm Jody from writer' and
say we'll be talking about indie authors
and the mistakes not to make being an
independent author takes courage and
determination and the rise of indie
author has been truly spectacular by
putting the power back in the writers
hands where before you had to be a
Headey combination of exceptional and
lucky to get published now good
old-fashioned hard work just might do it
if you are willing to put in the time
and work and give your all to your book
publishing project you may just get the
results you've been dreaming up however
let's face it most of us are pretty new
to the whole publishing world and are
pretty clueless when it comes to the
do's and don'ts of taking control of our
work it's fair to say that most
independent authors when they first
start out on their self-publishing
journey do you'll end up making a fair
few mistakes this isn't necessarily a
bad thing
mistakes are just lessons learned and
the more you make the more you'll
understand about the whole process
however being that there are lots of
things to consider here are some rules
and values that are a good idea to set
for yourself in order to keep you on the
straight path let's take a look at some
of them forgetting to research your
reader and your genre self-publishing
has given authors a fantastic
opportunity to get their work out there
into the world for all to see there are
so many rules around the way one should
write the restrictions of the genres
rewriting and the expectations of our
readers it is good to understand them as
much as possible for example if you have
written a romance novel research your
audience find out what they want and
what they expect from you that's not to
say you shouldn't give them any credit
however we are sometimes led to believe
that if we dare think outside the box in
terms of genre or try breaking some of
the rules our readers will run screaming
into the night believe it or not
sometimes change is embraced and
celebrated if you truly believe in your
story and changing it will feel like you
are selling out then don't do it be true
to yourself
and that's the most important thing
thinking you could do it all by yourself
if you don't get a professional editor
and designer to help you chances are
your book is going to look pretty shabby
against the competition you wouldn't buy
a dress with a hole in it so why should
you reader buy your book if it is full
of glaring mistakes and inconsistencies
if you care about your book and
to build up a fanbase then get the cover
designed by someone who knows what
they're doing and get an editor to at
the very least weed out any spelling
mistakes and inconsistencies printing
loads of copies of your book without a
distribution deal in place if you are an
unknown author chances are you aren't
going to be living in the castle and
eating your caviar for breakfast
so don't pour every last penny into
buying thousands of copies of your book
if you haven't got anyone lined up to
buy them you'll just end up with no
money low self-esteem and a lot less
space in your house order a handful of
copies to give out but that's it
remember while bulk printing may seem
cheaper you'll probably lose out in the
long run giving up after your first book
did you know that most authors find much
greater success on releasing their
second novel well it's true think about
it this way so many people dream of
writing a book and yet most people don't
if you've already done so and you are
miles ahead of those would-be authors
who simply can't find the time or energy
to write their stories now think about
all the writers who stopped after their
first novel especially if it doesn't do
very well let me tell you it is Lots if
you persevere you are constantly
knocking out the competition and you'll
only get better with time to just keep
writing keep focusing on your dreams and
you'll get there so don't give up there
are some of the most common mistakes new
indie authors can make what other advice
can you share we'd love to hear from you
don't forget if you're having a hard
time writing or finishing your book
check out our free writer's tool kit it
can help you overcome procrastination
get organized stay focused and get your
book published just have a  to get your free copy
if you enjoy this video don't forget to
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and be sure to visit writers live org
for my writing tips and tricks and I'll
see you next time

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