Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer - - a podcast by

from 2018-07-16T21:31:28

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Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer -
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Hello its Peter here a game from writers
life and today can you really be a
part-time writer when it comes to
writing we all hear those stories of
famous writers you know the ones who are
ate slept and breathed writing those who
would guess over three am shaking with
passion and a fierce unstoppable desire
to write all their thoughts down those
who couldn't think of anything other
than writing who would spend their days
holed up in their study perhaps a quirky
just filled share the bottom of their
garden and not see daylight or eat for
days on end because their work was so
consumed well that might be all well and
good but for most of us the idea of
being a full-time writer is a bit of a
luxury we all know how hard it is to get
published so how much time can we
realistically spend on our writing while
still making sure we have a roof over
our heads
also it's okay not to want writing to be
the only thing you do with your life
writers seem to carry immense amounts of
guilt around with them they beat
themselves up for not doing enough for
not being good enough
in fact often we are so down on
ourselves and put so much pressure on
ourselves it's a wonder we find any joy
in writing at all sure being a good
writer requires dedication and
commitment and discipline there's no
doubt about it but one can be a
part-time writer and still progress
still see targets and still achieve our
writing dreams when did being a writer
mean one has to be bleary-eyed neglects
our friends and families and live on
crusts of bread and water for weeks on
end it's like we have to be ashamed if
we are practically killing ourselves to
achieve our writing goal
there's a myth that unless we are waking
up in the middle of the night and slowly
becoming reclusive in order to write
that we can't possibly be passionate
enough about it or dedicated enough for
it to be a success writers need to give
themselves a break at the end of the day
while it's important to work hard for
what you want in life it's also
important to enjoy the process
so if writing part-time works for you
and allows you to write at your leisure
while also enjoy everything else that
life has to offer
that's fine in fact achieving a balance
between your writing life and your
actual life is healthy and something
which should be encouraged we don't need
to have a sob story we don't need to
cripple ourselves and end up a
exhausted shell of a person to follow
our dreams that's not to say that being
a full time writer couldn't be brilliant
but it needs to be because that's the
right move not born out of some sort of
guilt ridden weird idea that you're not
a real writer unless you dedicate every
inch of your being to it it's essential
for writers to stop and ask ourselves is
this working for me am i enjoying this
writers don't have to be tortured
sleep-deprived soars it's okay and
possible to be a part-time writer and
still be successful it's just that it
may tell you a little longer to get
there that's all and don't forget if
you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers tool can help
with it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized
stay focused fine times are right and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to
that's it
for now be sure to give us a thumbs up
and subscribe to our channel for more
I'm Peter and I'll see you next time

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