5 Tips to Create a Brilliant Novel - WritersLife.org - a podcast by WritersLife.org

from 2018-08-12T16:00

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5 Tips to Create a Brilliant Novel - WritersLife.org
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Hello its Peter here again from
WritersLife.org and coming up today five
tips to create a brilliant novel degrees
a brilliant novel you need to tell a
brilliant story it really is as simple
as that but how I can hear you cry
telling a great story comes down to five
simple rules if you follow these there
is no reason why your story won't be
considered fantastic and we are talking
about the opinions of prospective
publishers and agents not just your
grammar so how do you create a brilliant
novel one which is fast paced moving and
original you need to show a publisher
that you have knowledge that you have
authority and an understanding of what
your audience wants if you can do this
successfully you are sure to impress so
here are five great tips to help you on
your way
tip number one make your story a sense
sensation your characters need to be
believable and engaging your
descriptions need to be delightful and
imaginative the five senses play a
crucial part in involving your audience
in your story giving it texture and
depth we want to see what they see hear
what they hear feel what they feel if
you omit this from your story it will
fall flat and our next tip is be odd
erratic haunting and idiosyncratic to
create believable and interesting
characters they need to behave a certain
way simple straightforward characters
who look nice and
nice and say nice things are only useful
in your story if they are there to
create a stark contrast between
themselves and other more important
characters in your book make your
characters irrational give them unusual
appearances quirks tics hobbies but do
it softly your readers need to
understand your character's motivation
for behaving in the ways that they do
they like weird but they will want to
understand why it is easy to emphasize
with people's irrational behavior we all
act like this from time to time so make
sure you allow your characters to do so
too otherwise they may well come across
as rather dull tip number three be free
one of the greatest difficulties writers
face is themselves
we are obstructive negative and often
downright cruel to create a brilliant
novel you need to free yourself from
yourself allow yourself to explore scary
sad mad parts of your own being really
getting there go deep and inspect all
the ugly things that you don't like to
show to anyone else then use them if you
are daring in your writing it will be
exciting if you are honest with your
it can lead to some uncomfortable
moments but if you channel it all into
your writing and refuse to be
self-conscious or restrained then you
can produce some great content and next
be clever if you have an idea for a
story that is complicated and
intelligent don't shy away from it
because you are worried it won't appeal
to a mass-market the truth is that most
avid readers are educated and affluent
and these people are more likely to buy
a book that appeals to their Intel
Agence a publisher is far more likely to
be excited about a book that presents a
clever idea
rather than one that is clearly dumbed
down simply to try and appeal to the
lowest common denominator don't insult
your readers don't underestimate them
people like to be challenged they like
to escape resist the need to over
explain everything
it makes for awkward and slow prose use
your words carefully and selectively
to portray what you mean and have faith
that your readers will get it and number
five make them laugh and make them cry
one of the most important things to
achieve when creating a great novel is
getting your reaction from your reader
your book should make them feel
something if you are writing a funny
story then aim to make your readers not
just smile or half chuckle but bend over
in gasping and embarrassing hysterics on
the train if your story is sad for yes.i
or solitary tear have them sobbing
snotty and heartbroken if you can evoke
your design response from the reader
you're doing something right if you can
make them both laugh and cry you are on
to a winner agents and editors are
highly skilled when it comes to seeing
the weaknesses in a story but they will
also forgive many flaws if an author
shows bravery and skill follow the tips
which I've given you here to engage your
audience to be true to yourself and
hopefully creates a brilliant novel in
the process and don't forget if you're
struggling to write or finish your book
our free writers toolkit can help with
it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized stay
focused find time to write and finally
get your book published to get access
now while it's still available simply go
it for now
my name is Peter and I'll see you next
time bye for now

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