The Trump Peace Plan is Finally Here – Let’s Dive Deep – MENB Ep. 37 - a podcast by Winston R Holland

from 2020-02-01T05:54:38

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MidEast News Brief Episode 37

President Trump finally unveils his Middle East Peace Plan for all the world to see. We hit the highlights of the plan, do some analysis, and find out what the rest of the world, including the Palestinian Authority, think about it on this week’s historic edition of MidEast News Brief.

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Articles Referenced on Today’s Broadcast:

NYTIMES – Every Time the Palestinians Say ‘No’ They Lose

JNS – Abbas Calls Trump “Son of a Dog” Urges “Resistance”

PALWATCH – Fatah threatens anyone supporting the deal of the century – in song on Fatah Facebook

JNS – IDF retaliates with airstrikes on targets after Hamas fires rockets from Gaza

PalWatch: PA gave 517.4 million shekels to terrorists as salaries in 2019

Reuters 2013 THROWBACK – Abbas wants ‘not a single Israeli’ in future Palestinian state

Naama Issachar returns home to Israel after Russian prison release

Bonus Article:

Caroline Glick – Trump’s heroic truth and Israel’s historic opportunity

Peace to Prosperity Trump Plan Maps:

Peel Commission 1937 Proposed Arab and Israeli States: (Every time the Pals say ‘no” they lose)

Further episodes of World News Brief Podcast

Further podcasts by Winston R Holland

Website of Winston R Holland