WGTA S4 E32 – How are we approaching the home straight? - a podcast by Who Got The Assist?

from 2021-03-24T01:48:41

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On this week’s pod, Tom and Nick indulge in a leisurely chat without many notes in the international break about the final 8 Gameweeks in terms of how to handle the home straight.

This covers looking at a couple of the big budget teams in City and Liverpool and our position on their players, and the teams we’d look to pivot to in Chelsea, Leicester and maybe even Wolves to analyse what we might be doing ahead of the business end of the fantasy football season.

Also the questions thing like teams we don’t trust, remaining chips and captaincy for after the international break.

There’s no correspondence this week due to time. Once Anthony is back in April, that’ll return – do write in to whogottheassist@gmail.com with your questions, theories and queries.

ML code: cpsulf

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