#81 - Should everyone be gluten free, how to cure Chronic Illnesses, types of milk safe for humans to drink, and is Brain Fog a normal part of aging? With Dr. Tom O’Bryan! - a podcast by Chantel Ray

from 2019-03-08T15:55:51

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Welcome back to the Waist Away podcast! Today's guest is the founder of theDR.com, the visionary behind the Gluten Summit, the author of several books including the Autoimmune Fix, which won the National Book Award. He released a docu-series called “The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You” , which has been watched by over 500,000 people worldwide. He is making a huge impact in the lives of people struggling with chronic disease, and auto immune issues. We're so honored have him on the show this week! Please welcome Dr. Tom O’Bryan!

Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI9eI-SlFtU&feature=youtu.be  

Dr O'Bryan's website: https://thedr.com/



Q1 - 31:27

A few months back, I tested with my Doctor and found out that I am gluten intolerant, so I’ve been really careful to eat gluten free. I had my husband and son tested as well, and they don’t appear to be intolerant. I didn’t really make any changes to their diets, but now I am starting to wonder, Should I be limiting their gluten as well? I have some friends who eat gluten free, but they aren’t gluten intolerant…should we all be avoiding gluten like the plague? I get such mixed messages.

  • Heather in Lubbock, TX


Q2 - 35:05 

I stopped breast feeding my daughter around 11 months old, and now she is 4. She drinks organic whole milk about twice a day and loves it, she asks for it if I forget to give it to her. But now I am reading that kids shouldn’t drink milk past a certain age. I know so many people are concerned about dairy, and I personally drink almond milk, but my daughter wants the real thing. What is your opinion on cows milk for children? Is there an age that we should stop serving it to them?

  • Jamie in Knoxville


Q3 - 40:15 

I have read a lot about the benefits of sauna for Arthritis, and have been going to the sauna at my gym every day after workout. But now everyone is talking about INFRARED saunas. What is the difference in the benefits of a traditional sauna like I have at my gym and an infrared sauna? Do I need to track down an infrared, or will the standard sauna at my gym do the trick?

  • Helen in Fairfax


Q4 - 43:25

What is your opinion on Autoimmune disease and working out? I am diagnosed with Lupus and my doctor is always telling me things like I should be listening to my body and taking it easy when I am in a flare up. But I’ve noticed that when I work out, even when I am feeling awful, I do feel a little bit better overall afterwards. The only problem is after I workout, I puff up like a blow fish. Why is my body puffing up after a workout? And does this mean I should be taking it easy? I don’t want my life to stop because I don’t feel well.

  • Amy in St Pete


Q5 - 47:55 

I always wear toe nail polish and get regular pedicures. I took the polish off myself a couple of weeks ago and noticed that my nails were extremely yellow and overall unhealthy looking. I decided to leave the polish off for a few weeks to let them breathe, and they haven’t improved! A lot of things that I read online point to autoimmune issues, and some scary things like liver problems.  But I also know that it can be simple like some sort of deficiency. Is this something I should be concerned with? What can I do to improve my nail health, and to consider the root cause?

  • Dawn in Kansas City



To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs

YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA

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***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Further episodes of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting

Further podcasts by Chantel Ray

Website of Chantel Ray