#77 Is it possible to eat too much healthy food, all about Whole 30? How to lose weight and keep it off, and are cheat meals good or bad? With Adam Schaeuble! - a podcast by Chantel Ray

from 2019-02-15T15:11:17

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Welcome back to the Waist Away podcast! Today’s guest is a new friend of the show. Chantel met him when she appeared on his podcast a few weeks ago, the Million Pound Mission. He is on a mission to help others lose a collective one million pounds. He also runs a boot camp, a university, and he does coaching because he is passionate about helping people. It’s an honor to have Adam Schaeuble on the show today!

Adam's website: https://www.transformationcoach.me/about-adam-schaeuble

video version: https://youtu.be/P967FR38tXk 


Listener Questions: 


I have never had a problem with losing weight, I am able to cut weight anytime I need to by modifying my diet and exercise. My problem has always been with maintaining my weight. As soon as I hit my weight loss goals, I let my foot off the gas, and slowly gain it back. What advice do you have to help make my weight loss last?

 - Shawn in Tampa


Q2 - 21:47

I’ve been trying to be more mindful of my sugar consumption and applying the two bite rule, not having more than three bites of anything super sweet. I want to know if I should be applying the same rule to fruit? It seems like everyone is so divided on this topic, some people say I should eat as many fruits and veggies as I crave, while others say I need to eliminate or severely limit my fruit intake. What’s your opinion on this?

 - Jerry in Harrisonburg


Q3 - 24:28

In your book, you talk about not depriving yourself of the foods that you love, and how you allow yourself to eat what you’re craving on occasion. My problem is that I can’t stop once I start. If I am craving chicken nuggets from Chick Fil A, just 5 won’t do it…I will eat and eat 20 nuggets. For this reason, I rarely allow myself to indulge. I wish I could just have a couple nuggets, for example, and be satisfied! Do you have any tips to help me stop? I need to find the balance between deprivation and binging!

 - Anonymous


Q4 - 29:15

I have been doing Intermittent Fasting and steadily losing weight for almost a year now. I am super close to my goal weight. During this year, I haven’t really done much exercise, but at the beginning of the year, I started working out consistently. I  am really loving the workouts, they make me feel great! But the problem is I have noticed that the scale is stalling. Where I was consistently losing weight every month, I have been stuck for almost a month now! I am burning calories, and sticking to a 6 hour window 5 days a week, and a 2 hour window two days a week. Recently, my friend told me that maybe I am not losing weight since I am gaining muscle with my workouts. Do you think this is the case? I always remember hearing that muscle weighs more than fat. Is this really true? When will I start to see the scale drop again?

 - Heather in Chesapeake


Q5 - 32:57

On my journey to cut back on sugar, I have come across some sugar substitutes that I really like. My favorite one is Swerve. I know that Aspartame is really horrible for you, but I am wondering your opinion on Swerve? What is your opinion on things like Coconut sugar and monk fruit?

 - Angela in Mckinney, TX


Q6 - 35:56

I have a bunch of friends doing the Whole 30 this month and posting about it. I am shocked how things like potatoes and corn are encouraged in this plan, and appear to be unlimited! I know that these things have a lot of carbs in them, and even corn is really closer to being a grain than a vegetable. If these things are prepared naturally (obviously not deep fried LOL), should I be concerned with my intake? Also, what is your opinion on Whole 30?

 - Lauren in Chesapeake


Q7 - 38:59

I want to get your opinion on cheat meals. I seem to get mixed reviews! Some people tell me they are awesome to give a little shock to your metabolism and help satisfy whatever you are craving, and some people tell me that they are not good. What do you think? My personal issue with cheat meals tends to be that often they can turn into a cheat day, then a cheat weekend! LOL.

 - Paris in Northern VA


Q8 - 43:20

I LOVE INTERMITTENT FASTING! I have been eating from 12-6 each day and have lost almost 20 lbs in just 3 months! The weight was coming off steadily, but now is starting to stall. The one thing I do enjoy during my fasting hours is a Sugar Free Coffee Syrup. I assumed it was fine since there is no sugar and very few calories, but have been reading up a little on how sometimes these artificial sugars can trick the body into believing they are real sugar and causing the insulin to rise. Should I completely avoid this while I am on the fast? I love having this every morning, it really helps me power through the fast!

 - Courtney in FL



To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs

YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA

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Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/ 

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay


***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Further episodes of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting

Further podcasts by Chantel Ray

Website of Chantel Ray