VZ 075: A Brief History of Vegetarianism - a podcast by Vickie Velasquez & Larissa Galenes

from 2014-11-23T20:00:28

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If you think vegetarianism is just a “hippie” movement from the 1960s then you’re way off!  Vegetarianism developed as a philosophy as long ago as the ancient Greeks, as you’ll hear in this episode of the Vegetarian Zen Podcast.   We’ll discuss the first vegetarian societies, the influence of nineteenth and twentieth century writers and food manufacturers, and more.


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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* Vegetarian Society

* American Vegetarian Society

* Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

* US Food and Drug Administration


* Vegetarian Cook-Book by E.G. Fulton

* The Jungle: The Uncensored Original Edition by Upton Sinclair

* Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe

Recipe of the Week

* Protose

Quote of the Week


* Pythagoras’ Other Theorem: A Short History of Vegetarianism


Further episodes of Vegetarian Zen Archive (Episodes 1 - 100)

Further podcasts by Vickie Velasquez & Larissa Galenes

Website of Vickie Velasquez & Larissa Galenes