Podcasts by Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)

Welcome to the Monday Morning Motivation(MMM)!
Monday Morning Motivation is a Life skill and Personal Excellence initiative created by Tunde Adepoju, an Inspirational Speaker, Training Consultant and Coach. Transmitted as a 10minute inspirational on Anchor podcast app from 6:10 - 6:20am every Monday. Its vision is to make a difference in the lives of young people, making them leaders and helping them become the best of who they were designed to be regardless of their circumstances and environment. Contact Email: tundepojuade@gmail.com

Further podcasts by PST. TUNDE ADEPOJU

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Kill the Fear! from 2022-05-23T06:02:38

We must understand that there are torments fear infuses into our lives on our way to accomplishing our dreams, which we must release ourselves from.  Fear of the unknown is what so many people do ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Avoid distractions from 2022-05-16T06:51:32

In your journey to succeed on time, beware of falling prey to certain associations and opportunities that are traps in disguise.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Don't Journey Alone from 2022-04-26T21:19

A vital thing that destiny offers a man is DESTINY PARTNERS. One with God is enough to achieve greatness. However, God cannot reach man without men- Destiny Partners. There are 4 Ms in Life 1. The...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
12 Things to say NO to Part 3 from 2021-06-27T22:27:50

Every “yes” you utter is a tradeoff. By saying “yes” to one thing, you’re saying “no” to something else.  It is tragic to know that some say "Yes" to other people's life purpose to the detriment o...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
12 Things to Say NO to Part 2 from 2021-06-20T22:16:39

Knowing when to say NO is a skill that can be learned. If you don’t seem to be getting anywhere after doing the same things repeatedly, maybe it is time to take a good look at your old habits. Lear...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
12 Things to Say 'NO' to. Part 1 from 2021-06-06T14:23:14

We are all creatures of habit and fall into patterns of thinking and acting a certain way. The problem is, some of these habits are toxic and hinder our path to success. But, if you can quit bad h...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Speak Life from 2021-05-23T18:45:03

You have the ability to change the entire direction of your life with that little thing right under your nose. Successful people take a proactive approach to their dreams. They don't just wait to ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
It's Time to Change from 2021-05-16T17:59:20

What will your life look like in ten years? How old will you be? How long have you been at your current job? Where do you live? How much money have you saved? Do you like what you see? That last qu...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Don't Be Complacent from 2021-03-28T17:58:56

Benjamin Mays said, "the tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our abili...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
One Great Habit from 2021-02-21T22:21:45

If you decide to develop better skill, you'll earn better income. The key to becoming valuable is by changing you. Don't wish it was easier, rather wish you were better. Don't wish for less challen...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Recognize Your Men from 2021-02-14T20:44:37

Sometimes the person you ignore maybe the person holding the key to your next move and speed. Many are equally stranded and stagnated today because they ignore right and relevant men while searc...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
MAINTAIN YOUR LANE from 2021-02-07T21:49:42

I have discovered that in life, No two people are the same. No two marriages are the same. No two destinies are the same. No two businesses are the same. There’s always a distinguishing factor that...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
How to have a great year Part 4 from 2021-01-31T23:38:22

I was in a big shopping mall just few days to Christmas and i saw several people checking the prices on the items displayed for sale. I eavesdropped one man said to his son, "I don't have enough mo...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
How to have a great year Part 3 from 2021-01-17T21:51:24

You must be determined to make your dream happen. Your determination must be strong enough to see to its actualization. It is one thing to decide what you want to do and another thing to be deter...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
HOW TO HAVE A GREAT YEAR PART 2 from 2021-01-11T03:32:59

One of the privileges God gave man is the ability to make choices and this is where we all start. You must start with the decision of what you want to achieve. You must have a clear vision because ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
HOW TO HAVE A GREAT YEAR Part 1 from 2021-01-03T21:46:44

My Pastor- Bishop Olaitan Aromolaran (The Senior Pastor of Joy Cometh Ministries) once made this statement, "A change of year does not guarantee a change of life, without a change of mindset and ac...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
GRATITUDE: A Key to Direction Change from 2020-11-29T16:25:52

What if I told you there is one small change you could make in your life that would produce tremendous results? Let me explain. Most people do not realize that focusing on what they do not have o...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Don't Die in Your Nest. from 2020-11-14T20:42:20

God is not through with you yet. He is taking you somewhere in life. Where you are is not your destination. You can't afford to make a passage your palace. Timely movement facilitates a glorious fu...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Don't Look Back from 2020-11-08T17:20:35

If you know the story, Lot’s wife looked back, and she turned into a pillar of salt. I heard Joyce Meyer say, “She lost her future because she looked back”. You too can lose your future by looking ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
D.R.I.V.E (Pt 2) from 2020-11-01T15:17:52

One of the worst thing that could happen to someone is to continue making efforts when you don't know the effort to make. Motion without direction equals destruction.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
D.R.I.V.E (Pt 1) from 2020-10-18T16:50:07

Mary Kay Ash said, “There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.” I used to be in that category of...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Focus Right from 2020-10-11T17:40:18

You have the ability to change the entire direction of your life with that little thing right under your nose. Successful people take a proactive approach to their dreams. They don't just wait to ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Mind Your Mind from 2020-09-27T17:43:31

When you have the right mind set and you have gotten healing for the scarred mind then you change to mind speed. It's time for you to begin to soar. In this episode, you will discover several mind ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Dream Again! from 2020-09-20T18:44:25

Dreams are good because they exceed our current reality. A dreamer has the capacity to live in the tomorrow before the arrival of tomorrow. Dreams reflects our future possibilities. This podcast ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Your Destiny is Calling. from 2020-09-06T20:22:01

I sincerely believe you are here on Earth by divine purpose, and God is expecting you to cover grounds during your lifetime and before you exit the world. You don’t have time to waste any longer. E...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Turn Your Past into Power from 2020-08-29T07:12:43

Stop recollecting your sad past, rather, create your desired future because it takes more energy and effort to recollect than to create. Memory is more tasking than imagination. Thinking backward i...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Fight Your Fear from 2020-08-23T20:15:39

"Fear not for [there is nothing to fear]," If you want to be successful and fulfil your destiny maximally, you have to fight your fear. In this podcast, you will learn how to effectively fight you...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Change Begins with You! from 2020-08-16T20:40:24

Do you know that the change you are waiting for is waiting for you? Nothing changes until you change. When you take consistent steps to experiencing a new turn in your life, things naturally fall i...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Understanding Purpose and Vision Part 1 from 2020-08-11T20:26:25

One of the critical requirements to a profitable life on earth is living a purposeful and visionary life. Life without vision and purpose is a life filled with fantasy. The substance of tomorrow is...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Stay Diligent from 2020-08-09T09:52:15

Men who have become a blessing are definitely not loafers. They are diligent men who discovered what they had capacity for and derived pleasure in their work.  A diligent man has learnt to say 'No...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Use what you have. from 2020-08-02T20:40:05

It's quite unfortunate that many people are worried and preoccupied with what they do not have that they often forget that they too have certain things which others do not have. In this episode, ...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
You have a future. from 2020-07-26T21:24:40

The enemy does not fight what he does not fear.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Imagination from 2020-07-19T20:47:28

Every adventure is birthed in the imagery factory of the mind. Before you can do or have something, you’ve got to imagine it.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Stay Positive! from 2020-07-05T20:08:40

If you will change the way you think, you will change your life. Your transformation starts with the renewal of your mind.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
MENTAL SHIFT 2- Your Thought Shapes Your Life from 2020-06-28T17:19:15

Your words are going to the create the circumstances of your life. In this podcast, you will learn how to shape your life through your thought and your talk. God bless you.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
MENTAL SHIFT: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. from 2020-06-21T14:32:37

Do you know that the happening around you is a reflection of your dominant thoughts? Several of us have self-imposed limits we have consciously and unconsciously placed on ourselves. In this podc...

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
The Principles and Concept of Faith from 2020-06-12T10:41:26

Faith is a mystery that gives us mastery in life.

Tunde Adepoju ( Monday Morning Motivation)
Pillars of Faith Part 1 from 2020-06-12T10:15:57

We are OVER-CAREFUL in our declaration because we UNDER-BELIEVE the revelation of God's promises to us.
