Podcasts by The Wonder Dome

The Wonder Dome

Welcome to The Wonder Dome. On this podcast, I explore the question “what is your fiercest hope for humanity?” through conversations with an incredible array of practitioners from across disciplines, including coaches, artists, entrepreneurs, healers, scientists, philosophers, psychologists, and organizational leaders. All of these people are working at the edge of what’s possible for humanity, striving to help us all become more resilient, adaptive, creative, and compassionate.

Further podcasts by Andy Cahill

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

The Wonder Dome
#130 Mindfulness and Menopause (with Edi Pasalis) from 2023-11-15T09:00

It's a joy to be joined by my dear friend, the inspiring Edi Pasalis. Edi is a mindfulness teacher, a yoga teacher, and a leadership practitioner.  Arguably, she is the person who ga...

The Wonder Dome
#129 Trauma-Informed Leadership (with Amy Elizabeth Fox) from 2023-11-07T09:00

Amy Elizabeth Fox is the CEO and co-founder of Mobius Executive Leadership. It's safe to say that the work I do in the world at Listen

The Wonder Dome
#128 Art as Sacred Practice (with Cheryl Ntumy) from 2023-10-31T09:00

Cheryl Ntumy is deeply committed to art as a vehicle for self-understanding and collective cultural growth. Her writing ranges widely, traversing everything from romance to speculative fi...

The Wonder Dome
#127 Life Without a Tie (with Ray Martin) from 2023-10-24T09:00

This wonderful and inspiring conversation with Ray Martin has been a long time coming - and I'm so excited to finally share it with you!

Note that it was recorded several mo...

The Wonder Dome
#126 Leading with Design (with Jee Chang) from 2023-09-12T09:00

The Wonder Dome is back after our summer hiatus! And we're kicking off the fall with Jee Chang - a leadership coach, creative director, designer, and professor who teaches at Parsons...

The Wonder Dome
#125 Last Exit (with Max Gladstone) from 2023-05-23T09:00

Max Gladstone has a “galaxy brain” - he is deeply and widely read, he has thought deeply about many different dimensions of life and existence, and he has a remarkable gift for transmitti...

The Wonder Dome
#124 Purpose Soaked in Beauty (with O.B. Amaechi) from 2023-05-16T09:00

O.B. Amaechi is a Nigerian-American author, entrepreneur, fashion designer, educator, and coach whose “purpose is soaked in beauty.” Our conversation delves deeply into the themes evoked ...

The Wonder Dome
#123 To Sleep, Perchance to Wake (with Jeff Lieberman) from 2023-05-03T09:00

Jeff Lieberman is the co-founder of Sleepawake Camp. A play on the “sleep away camp,” Sleepawake is a boot camp for the body, heart, and mind. T...

The Wonder Dome
#122 When Life Gets You Right (with Paul Dunion) from 2023-04-25T09:00

Paul Dunion has been working for decades to help people of all ages - especially men - step more fully into their maturity, their identity, and their potential. And to do so in a way that...

The Wonder Dome
#120 The Stories that Might Set Us Free (with Tlotlo Tsamaase) from 2023-03-21T09:00

Tlotlo Tsamaase is a remarkably talented author of speculative fiction. Her novella The Slience of the Wiltin...

The Wonder Dome
#119 When All Seems Lost... Love (with RSA Garcia) from 2023-03-07T09:00

R.S.A. Garcia is a Trinbagonian speculative fiction author who lives in Trinidad and Tobago with her extended family, and as she says, too many cats and dogs :^) Her debut science fiction...

The Wonder Dome
#118 Reset the Frame (with Eric Larson and SB Rawz) from 2023-02-28T09:00

Eric Larson, SB Rawz, and I met several years ago. We're all coaches, and we're all on varying parts of our journey into the profession: building our careers, building ou...

The Wonder Dome
#117 Dreams From Beyond (with Julie Nováková) from 2023-02-14T09:00

Julie Nováková is an award-winning Czech author of science fiction and detective stories. She tells inspiring stories of possible futures rooted in a really solid understanding of practic...

The Wonder Dome
#116 Speculative Realities (with Sara Rivera) from 2023-02-07T09:00

Sara Rivera is a Cuban/Peruvian artist, writer, translator, and educator. Her poetry and fiction have been published in a number of literary journals and anthologies. She was awarded a 20...

The Wonder Dome
#115 The Gold in the Silence (with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn) from 2023-01-27T09:00

The world is as noisy as ever, and only getting more so. And we're not just talking about the actual sound waves produced by machines, cars, televisions, etc. There's a l...

The Wonder Dome
#114 Finding Inner Safety (with Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan) from 2023-01-10T09:00

Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan has worked 25+ years as a physiologist and sleep and energy expert. At the core of our conversation is her most recent book, Listen

The Wonder Dome
#111 Nature, Culture, and the Sacred (with Nina Simons) from 2022-11-23T09:00

Nina Simons is the co-founder of Bioneers, an organization focused on helping the human species reach a place of true racial and gender justi...

The Wonder Dome
#110 There's No Place Large Enough to Contain This Happiness (with Rada Yovovich, Kade Friedman,&Wesley Morris) from 2022-11-15T16:00

This episode officially marks the end of 10 episodes celebrating 100 conversations in The Dome! The opportunity to bring together past guests in new constellations has been a deeply meani...

The Wonder Dome
#108 Towards a New Cultural Imagination (with Jeff Hull and Ben Preston) from 2022-10-24T21:00

My guests today for this continued celebration of 100 episodes of the Wonder Dome are Dr. Jeff Hull and Ben Preston. Jeff was on episode #55 of the Dome, "Meta Leadership," and Ben was...

The Wonder Dome
#109 Modus Operandi (with Rayshauna Gray) from 2022-10-10T13:00

I've been bringing back different constellations of past guests to celebrate 100 episodes of The Wonder Dome. For this one, I decided to do something a little different. My returning guest ...

The Wonder Dome
#107 The Difference that Makes a Difference (with Joel Monk and Ishita Sharma) from 2022-08-30T09:00

Continuing my celebration with past guests are Joel Monk (founder of Coaches Rising) and Listen

The Wonder Dome
#106 Facing the Violence Within (with Lawrence Barriner and Yotam Schachter) from 2022-08-23T09:00

Both Lawrence Barriner and Yotam Schachter have built their careers and callings around helping others grow and evolve. A big part of that for both of them is facilitating experiences where men ...

The Wonder Dome
#105 The Tavern at the Beginning of the World (with Lee Chambers and Robert Stephenson) from 2022-08-16T09:00

For episode 105, I am joined from across the pond by Lee Chambers and Chelsea Simpson and Kim Loh a...

The Wonder Dome
#101 Change Begins in Art (with Ken Liu, Tochi Onyebuchi, and Ray Nayler) from 2022-06-30T09:00

Back for our second episode of the Summer Celebration Series are Ken Liu, Mindful Diversity. She brings t...

The Wonder Dome
#98 Camping in the Heartlands (with Cat Tweedie) from 2022-06-08T08:00

Cat Tweedie is the CEO and co-founder of Sleepawake Camp, a four-week residential intensive for 18 to 24-year-olds to explore how to live life w...

The Wonder Dome
#97 What the Heart Hears (with Rev. Dr. Nóirín Ní Riain) from 2022-05-19T12:00

Rev. Dr. Nóirín Ní Riain is a theologian, philosopher, and teacher of music and music history. She is a Reverend minister, a master of ritual, and uses sound to help people mark the most ...

The Wonder Dome
#96 For All Beings (with Monique Schubert) from 2022-05-13T08:00

Monique Schubert is a dear friend who I've had the privilege of studying with, learning from, and teaching alongside. She is a beautiful soul who sees life as an extended project ...

The Wonder Dome
#95 Everything Is Humming (with Sessei Meg Levie) from 2022-05-03T08:00

My conversation with Sessei Meg Levie works with the possibility that sitting in stillness, attending to what is without judging yourself or the world, and simply noticing, can open whole...

The Wonder Dome
#94 Queer Flourishing for All (with Dominic Longo) from 2022-04-28T08:00

Dominic Longo is the founder of Flourishing Gays, a coaching and consulting firm that works especially with gay, bi, queer, and trans men to...

The Wonder Dome
#93 At the Intersection of Light and Loss (with Cynthia Scott) from 2022-04-21T08:00

Cynthia Scott has carried a lifelong curiosity about how people thrive, regenerate, and transform. She's done extensive research on burnout prevention, personal and organizational re...

The Wonder Dome
#92 Choose the Rough Waters (with Aidan McCullen) from 2022-04-14T09:00

One of the coolest things about hosting The Wonder Dome is that I get to dive deep into conversations with some of the most dynamic human beings on the planet. Aidan McCullen is one of th...

The Wonder Dome
#91 Whole Body Wisdom (with Nathan Blair) from 2022-04-05T09:00

Nathan Blair is the founder and lead trainer at the Somatic School, a school for coaches and other practitioners who want to understand ...

The Wonder Dome
#90 Bridging the Imaginal Gap (with Gayle Karen Young) from 2022-03-31T10:00

Gayle Karen Young is a catalyst for human and organizational development. She is a mentor, a teacher, an empath, a systems thinker, and a healer. For many years, she worked as the chief c...

The Wonder Dome
#89 Raising Thriving Boys (with Janet Allison) from 2022-03-22T09:00

Janet Allison's work asks and helps us answer the question, how do we raise boys to become good men? She is the founder of Boys Alive, ...

The Wonder Dome
#88 Chill Executive Officer (with Kyrah Altman) from 2022-03-15T09:00

Kyrah Altman is the Chill Executive Officer and co-founder of LEAD an organization devoted to cultiva...

The Wonder Dome
#87 Go Ahead, Make Someone's Day (with Howard Prager) from 2022-03-08T09:00

Since he was a kid, Howard Prager has been living the question, “how can I make someone else’s day?” 

Howard is the Founder and Executive Director of the from 2022-03-01T09:00

Owen Ó Súilleabháin lives the belief that art has the power to awaken the most dynamic and creative aspects of ourselves in the world, regardless of whether or not we identify as “arti...

The Wonder Dome
#85 Dharma in Difficult Times (with Stephen Cope) from 2022-02-22T08:00

Do you ever ask yourself, “What can I do in the face of these deep, pervasive social, cultural, and spiritual dilemmas that our species has faced and will continue to face in the decades and...

The Wonder Dome
#84 To Stand and Sing in Witness (with Ariel Burger) from 2022-02-10T12:00

My guest today is Ariel Burger: scholar, artist, poet, musician, rabbi, professor, nonprofit leader, and former student of Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel. Listen

The Wonder Dome
#83 Awake in a Hurting World (with Sam Chase) from 2022-02-02T15:00

I’m excited to have Sam Chase on the show today. Sam is one of the most gifted mindfulness & meditation practitioners I have ever met. He is the author of a wonderfully rich book call...

The Wonder Dome
#82 Fossil Poetry (with Báyò Akómoláfé) from 2022-01-25T14:00

Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “language is fossil poetry.” If that's true, then Báyò Akómoláfé is one of the most remarkable archaeologists and excavators of language's hidden m...

The Wonder Dome
#81 The Space Where Worlds Meet (with Ben Preston) from 2022-01-12T16:00

Ben Preston is an Ulsterman from Northern Ireland who currently lives and works across Australia and New Zealand as a regenerative engin...

The Wonder Dome
#80 Until Now (with Carrie Newcomer) from 2021-12-09T10:00

Those of you who have been listening for a while know that I care deeply about the creative process. About the ways in which insight can come to us from the most unexpected places. One of our op...

The Wonder Dome
#79 Yoga Radicals (with Allie Middleton) from 2021-11-30T10:00

Allie Middleton is deeply attuned to the future possibilities that might be. She has been meditating and practicing yoga for over 45 years and is the author of from 2021-11-03T08:00

Mattias Olsson is a remarkable independent documentary filmmaker and the creator of Campfire Stories, making films that touch the roots of chan...

The Wonder Dome
#76 The Art of Dissolving Structures of Oppression (with Michael Bobbitt) from 2021-10-26T08:00

Michael J. Bobbitt is the executive director of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, working to elevate cultural life across the state with an ...

The Wonder Dome
#75 Making New Worlds Possible (with Lawrence Barriner II) from 2021-10-19T11:00

The first time I had the good fortune to meet Lawrence Barriner II, I was so deeply touched and moved that I immediately invited him to come on this podcast. We spent about 45 minutes tog...

The Wonder Dome
#74 Systems Thinking, Systems Sensing (with Robert Hanig) from 2021-10-12T08:00

Robert Hanig is a pioneer in the field of systems thinking and systems sensing. He's been doing this work for decades, helping organizations and groups of people more deeply understa...

The Wonder Dome
#73 Move Fast, Make Change, Shine Bright (with Shannon Lucas and Tracey Lovejoy) from 2021-10-06T08:00

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing the power duo of Shannon Lucas and Tracey Lovejoy, co-founders of Catalyst Constellations. These two are true forces of nature.


The Wonder Dome
#72 The Theater of Our Lives (with Robert Stephenson) from 2021-09-30T12:00

Robert Stephenson is a coach, trainer, mentor, and inspirational speaker. For a number of years, he was the director for coaching at Animas, ...

The Wonder Dome
#71 The Long Game (with Dorie Clark) from 2021-09-21T12:00

Dorie Clark is seemingly unstoppable. She's been named one of the top 50 business thinkers in the world. She's been recognized as the number one communication coach in the world...

The Wonder Dome
#70 The View from the Brink of Everything (with Parker Palmer) from 2021-09-15T08:00

My guest today is the wise, generous, courageous soul, Parker Palmer.  You'll hear him touch into his sense of how he was born into the world and how that shaped him moving through l...

The Wonder Dome
#69 The Rocket Years (with Elizabeth Segran) from 2021-09-09T08:00

Elizabeth Segran is a senior staff writer at Fast Company, and her work has appeared in a broad range of publications, including The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, the Chronic...

The Wonder Dome
#68 Back and Forth Across the Doorsill (with Schuyler Brown) from 2021-08-19T08:00

I feel really lucky that Schuyler Brown and I found our way to each other through some beautiful synergies. She is a dear friend of David Sauvage Open Source Wellness, bringing the ethos of ‘community as medicine’ into the...

The Wonder Dome
#63 The Conscious Evolution of the Human Species (with Richard Barrett) from 2021-07-13T10:00

Richard Barrett is a provocateur of human potential. He has committed his life to helping the human species evolve. And, if I’m honest with myself, I expected him to be a solemn elder esp...

The Wonder Dome
#62 A Bridge Between Worlds (with Netaly Ophir Flint) from 2021-07-07T09:00

My conversation with Netaly Ophir Flint was an exciting meeting of multiple worlds. She and I have worked together as part of a leadership development organization called Conscious Capitalism movement and co-author of the Thrive by SweetRush. SweetRush Inc. is a global training and development firm where A...

The Wonder Dome
#57 Pleasure and Power (with Hana Ramat) from 2021-06-03T08:00

Hana Ramat has a fascinating background in psychology, psychotherapy, mindfulness, and human development. Over the past 10+ years, she's worked with folks of all ages and backgrounds...

The Wonder Dome
#56 Future Meets Present (with Amer Jandali) from 2021-05-25T08:00

My guest today is Amer Jandali, an energizing, creative human being who brings together a variety of different disciplines to imagine a world where a true human future is possible....

The Wonder Dome
#55 Meta-Leadership (with Dr. Jeffrey Hull) from 2021-05-19T08:00

Dr. Jeffrey Hull has been something of a “mentor at-a-distance” for me. His book, Flex: The Art and Science of Leadership in a Changing World Listen

The Wonder Dome
#54 Joining Team Courage (with Brooke Lavelle) from 2021-05-11T12:00

Brooke Lavelle is the co-founder and president of the Courage of Care Coalition, a nonprofit that helps people from across cultures, backgroun...

The Wonder Dome
#53 The Journey Towards Collective Healing (with Liz Moyer Benferhat) from 2021-05-04T08:00

Liz Moyer Benferhat is a healer with a big question and a big dream: How do we heal ourselves collectively in the face of the damage and change that our entire planet is facing as our cli...

The Wonder Dome
#52 The Church of What Wants to Happen (with David Sauvage) from 2021-04-29T09:00

David Sauvage is an empath, deeply attuned to the emotional states of people around him. He's best known for his performance art doing intuitive readings in front of audiences...

The Wonder Dome
#51 What if Money Isn't What We Think? (with Nadja Taranczewski) from 2021-04-20T08:00

Nadja Taranczewski is a transformational coach, and I can attest firsthand to the power and impact of her work. I did two coaching sessions with Nadja a year ago and I still notice the im...

The Wonder Dome
#50 When Four Paths Converge (with Cyrus Shahrad, Lee Chambers, and Francis Briers) from 2021-04-14T08:00

Well, it's hard to believe it, but it's been one year since I’ve launched The Wonder Dome. It was shortly after we went into lockdown here in the States, ...

The Wonder Dome
#50 When Four Paths Converge (with Cyrus Shahrad, Lee Chambers, and Francis Briers) from 2021-04-14T08:00

Well, it's hard to believe it, but it's been one year since I’ve launched The Wonder Dome. It was shortly after we went into lockdown here in the States, ...

The Wonder Dome
#49 In Devotion to Art (with Pearl Bates) from 2021-04-07T08:00

Pearl Bates is an incredibly talented visual artist. John Cleese, of Monty Python fame, has referred to her art as some of the most original work he's ever seen. That's no under...

The Wonder Dome
#48 We Can Make the Cities Levitate (with Tochi Onyebuchi) from 2021-03-30T10:00

Tochi Onyebuchi is the award-winning author of several works of speculative fiction. His most recent novel, Riot Baby, strikes ...

The Wonder Dome
#47 Freedom and Fairness (with Gabe Wilson) from 2021-03-24T08:00

If you care about what it means to skillfully and meaningfully navigate inter-group conflict towards resolution, connection, and new possibility, then this conversation is for you. Gabe Wilso...

The Wonder Dome
#46 Writing Your Internal Resumé (with Tai Sunnanon) from 2021-03-16T08:00

Tai Sunnanon is a whirling dervish of a human, incredibly energetic, driven, persistent, intelligent, creative, and caring. He's the founder and CEO of Emergent, which brings a systemic intellige...

The Wonder Dome
#43 Living in Flow Consciousness (with Jackie Knechtel) from 2021-02-24T08:00

Jackie Knechtel is a deeply loving, generous, and brilliant soul. We met at a training together, and from the moment I connected with her presence over Zoom, I said, this person has s...

The Wonder Dome
#42 All Life in a Song (with Laura Cortese) from 2021-02-16T08:00

Laura Cortese is a Grammy-nominated songwriter, singer, fiddler, and all-around ultra-talented artist. We have such an awesome conversation about where her music comes from. Her music thr...

The Wonder Dome
#41 Keep Leading (with Eddie Turner) from 2021-02-09T08:00

As you'll hear in our conversation, Eddie Turner is an incredibly dynamic and charismatic human being who spends a lot of time and energy working with the question of how leaders lea...

The Wonder Dome
#40 Primal Living (with Gregory Koufacos) from 2021-02-02T08:00

Gregory Koufacos is the author of the recently released book The Primal Method, which distills his approach to helping men of al...

The Wonder Dome
#39 From Your Inner Well (with Lee Chambers) from 2021-01-27T08:00

I'm finding it hard to put into words how special this conversation with Lee Chambers was for me. I know I say that about every episode :-) but this one truly was. Lee is an environm...

The Wonder Dome
#38 Our Life Blooms in Conversation (with Aaron Finbloom) from 2021-01-20T08:00

Aaron Finbloom is delightfully hard to pin down. I experience him as a sort of entrepreneur-philosopher-trickster, sitting at this beautiful intersection where a penetrating inquiry into ...

The Wonder Dome
#37 Imagining New Ways to Live Together (with Chris Herndon) from 2020-12-22T13:00

My first guest to kick off 2021 is Chris Herndon, founder of Growth Mindset Coach and director of coaching for Innate Marketing Genius program. From the moment we met, Christina instantly tuned in...

The Wonder Dome
#33 The Inner Flame (with Max Klau) from 2020-11-24T08:00

My guest today is a dear friend of mine, Dr. Max Klau. We met nearly a decade ago at a songwriting class at Club Passim in Cambridge, MA, when Max was studying for his doctoral degree at Harvard...

The Wonder Dome
#32 Art Saves Lives (with Asiya Korepanova) from 2020-11-18T08:00

The dynamic, award-winning concert pianist Asiya Korepanova has been immersed in music since she was 4 years old. Since moving to the states from Russia in 2012, she's played at Carn...

The Wonder Dome
#31 Where Is This So-Called'Everyman?'(with Nathan Shultz) from 2020-11-11T08:00

My guest today is Nathan Shultz. He's a coach who helps founders and executives make high impact changes in their lives and careers by connecting purpose and profit. He's a part...

The Wonder Dome
#30 The Poetry of Being Here (with Dr. Srini Pillay) from 2020-11-03T08:00

Dr. Srini Pillay is without a doubt one of the most dynamic, brilliant, multi-talented human beings I've had the good fortune to bring on the show. When I think about the life that I...

The Wonder Dome
#29 A Study in Mutability (with Ray Nayler) from 2020-10-27T08:00

Ray Nayler has been widely hailed as one of the up-and-coming masters of speculative fiction. He has published over fifty stories in preeminent magazines across the realms of science fict...

The Wonder Dome
#28 Gather Up Your Lonely Days (with Paul Hansen) from 2020-10-20T08:00

Paul Hansen is the lead singer, songwriter, and bandleader for local indie-folk heroes, The Grownup Noise. I've known Paul for over ten years. Not only is he one of the biggest guys ...

The Wonder Dome
#27 Making Our Home in a Story (with Ken Liu) from 2020-10-13T08:00

My guest today is the speculative fiction author, futurist, and polymath, Ken Liu. Ken has one of the most beautiful minds I've ever encountered. As a novelist and storyteller, he&ap...

The Wonder Dome
#26 There Are No"Throw-Away"People (with Kade Friedman) from 2020-10-06T08:00

I've known Kade Friedman for roughly 20 years, and they are without a doubt, one of the most creative, enthusiastic, inspiring, and original people I've ever met. Kade is a mast...

The Wonder Dome
#25 Finding Intimacy at the Heart of Conflict (with Kim Loh) from 2020-09-29T08:00

Kim Loh is a conflict resolution and negotiation specialist, leadership coach, and co-author of the book Compassionate Conversations:...

The Wonder Dome
#24 Showing Up Filled Up (with Craig Chavis Jr.) from 2020-09-22T08:00

Craig Chavis Jr. is unstoppable. As a business coach, he specializes in helping people with day jobs launch profitable businesses and successfully transition into full-time entrepreneursh...

The Wonder Dome
#23 Embodying the Iron Mountain (with Robert Mulhall) from 2020-09-15T08:00

Robert Mulhall is a lifelong explorer and transformational leader. He currently serves as the Vice President of programming and business strategy for the Kr...

The Wonder Dome
#22 Emergent Leadership (with Michael Stern) from 2020-09-09T20:00

Michael Stern is a social innovator, a spiritual teacher, and a leadership coach for the next generation of leaders in the world. He is also student of Integral theory, a framework for un...

The Wonder Dome
#21 With Clear Eyes and A Full Heart (with Rayshauna Gray) from 2020-09-01T08:00

Rayshauna Gray has one of the most beautiful minds I've ever encountered. She's a public historian, truth-teller, creator, and entrepreneur who has partnered with organizations ...

The Wonder Dome
#20 The Lives We Carry with Us (with Richard Schwartz) from 2020-08-25T08:00

Dr. Richard Schwartz transformed my life. I know that's a bold claim. But if I had to locate the single experience that's had the most profound and lasting impact in my work and...

The Wonder Dome
#19 Embracing Your Wholeness (with Ishita Sharma) from 2020-08-18T08:00

I've had the immense privilege of sharing space with Ishita Sharma on a number of occasions over the past year. It’s difficult to put into words what she does for people, or at least...

The Wonder Dome
#18 The Strength Beyond Our Fear (with Yotam Schachter) from 2020-08-11T08:00

My guest today is Yotam Schachter. Yotam is the founder of Presence Tree Leadership, where he provides guidance and grounding for change-makers. I cannot think of a better name f...

The Wonder Dome
#17 Waking Down and Spiraling Up (with Joel Monk) from 2020-08-04T08:00

Joel Monk is a transformational coach and truth be told, a bit of a hero of mine. He’s the founder of Coaches Rising, a community on the cutting edge of human development with over 600...

The Wonder Dome
#16 Living Your Gifts (with Sophia Moon) from 2020-07-28T09:00

Sophia Moon helps people ranging from age four to ninety-four live their creative gifts. She is an abstract artist, a songwriter, a community organizer, a teacher, and a seeker on the lif...

The Wonder Dome
#15 Don't Sell Your Dreams for a Day Job (with Jay Clouse) from 2020-07-21T08:00

My guest on this week's episode of The Wonder Dome is Jay Clouse. He's a prolific creator and entrepreneur, and he stands for anyone and everyone who aspires to make a ...

The Wonder Dome
#14 Sparking Purposeful Leadership (with Karin Stawarky) from 2020-07-14T08:00

Karin Stawarky is the founder of Spark Leadership Partners. Her 20+ years of practice reflect her deep belief in the integration of all parts of ourselves: our thinking self, feeling self...

The Wonder Dome
#13 Such a Time as This (with Wendy Wise) from 2020-07-07T08:00

Wendy Wise is a First Nation indigenous energy healer and well-being advocate who was born with gifts of vision and wisdom: the capacity to understand people beyond the intellect, support...

The Wonder Dome
#12 Standing at the Precipice (with Cyrus Shahrad) from 2020-06-30T08:00

Cyrus Shahrad is a human of many talents: musician, novelist, journalist, and film critic. His work has appeared in a range of publications, from the New Statesman to the Telegraph to Goo...

The Wonder Dome
#11 Entering a New Life (with Meg Wolf) from 2020-06-24T08:00

Meg Wolf is a remarkable human being. She's a leadership coach who leverages her background as a professional actor to help leaders develop their presence and communication skills so...

The Wonder Dome
#10 Coming Home to Ourselves (with Francis Briers) from 2020-06-16T08:00

Francis Briers has over 15 years of experience facilitating individuals and groups. He trained at one of the UK's top drama schools, and he's an executive coach, a spi...

The Wonder Dome
#09 Elevating Suppressed Truths (with Dr. Shoshana Simons) from 2020-06-08T12:00

I often talk about “walking the walk.” Dr. Shoshana Simons has been doing that for decades. She is a teacher, leader, coach, essayist, activist, and healer. She has a particular interest ...

The Wonder Dome
#08 The Intelligence of Love (with Dr. Kris Lee) from 2020-06-01T12:00

For this week’s episode of The Wonder Dome, my guest is Dr. Kristin Lee, also known as Dr. Kris. She's an internationally recognized award-winning behavioral science professor, a l...

The Wonder Dome
#07 The Leadership Artist (with Aithan Shapira) from 2020-05-26T19:00

This week on The Wonder Dome, I am joined by Aithan Shapira. He's the founder of Tilt, a culture design and transformation firm focused on helping global leaders, organizati...

The Wonder Dome
#06 The Courage to Be All of Your Selves (with Rada Yovovich) from 2020-05-19T09:00

My guest today is Rada Yovovich, a remarkably multifaceted human being who moves skillfully and creatively through many different contexts. She's an experienced coach, mediator, trai...

The Wonder Dome
#05 Awake to the Mystery (with Christos Vayenas) from 2020-05-11T12:00

How do you connect your outer life to your inner life? What is something that inspires you and sparks the creativity in your inner world? And how do we share that with those around us?


The Wonder Dome
#04 Healing the World through Conscious Leadership (with Dr. Annice Fisher) from 2020-05-04T12:00

Dr. Annice Fisher is a coach for people ready to use their choice and power as the foundation for a more equitable world. As the CEO & Founder of The BEE FREE Woman and Developing Cap...

The Wonder Dome
#03 Truth in the Silence (with Chelsea Simpson) from 2020-04-23T13:00

Join me in this week’s discussion with Chelsea Simpson, a coach, professor, and all-around creative human who walks to the beat of her own drum. She is the Co-founder of the Emerging Lead...

The Wonder Dome
#02 Walking Across Worlds (with Nabil Laoudji) from 2020-04-16T15:00

Welcome back to The Wonder Dome!  This week I had a powerful conversation with Nabil Laoudji, a serial entrepreneur who has worked on projects ranging from storytelling and politics, he...

The Wonder Dome
#01 May the Creative Force Be With You (with Todd Marston) from 2020-04-09T12:00

On the inaugural episode of The Wonder Dome, I talk with my music teacher and all-around incredible artist, Todd Marston. We explore why art matters, especially in the midst of t...

The Wonder Dome
#00 Into the Heart of the Wonder Dome from 2020-04-09T12:00

Welcome to The Wonder Dome

On this podcast, I explore the question “what is your fiercest hope for humanity?” through conversations with an incredible array of practitioners fro...
