I Want to Stay Home with My Kids. My Husband wants me to work - Episode 157 - a podcast by Stu Gray and Lisa Gray

from 2018-08-22T11:00:42

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I want to stay home with my kids. My Husband wants me to go back to work Episode 157

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On the Show Today:

*We got new Toilets in our house. It's the little things.

Well, it was actually a big thing that we have wanted to do for three years. #adultingwin

*Stu is battling a stomach "something" Prayers appreciated :) Thanks

Listener Question:

We’ve talked about kids before getting married and got on the same page with things like how many and names, even that we’d be open to fostering kids. now that we are more serious about it we talked about jobs after kids. I don’t want to work when we have children ... He on the other hand says I have to work.

He wants me back to work as soon as maternity leave is over. We both work in the same place and don’t make much money, even together. We talked about him getting a better job so I can stay home with the kids and he gets mad and sarcastic and says maybe I should get a better job so he can stay home. He has work ethic and goes to work 40 hours every week (as do I) so I don’t want to say he’s lazy but I dont See what he does all day at work and his job allows him to play on his phone and sit most of the day....

So it’s not like I’m asking him to quit his dream job and goals for me. I wish he would want to work hard for me and our family since staying home with the kids is very important to me....

I understand in some situations women have to work and there’s no other option. And some women want to work and don’t mind leaving their children with a babysitter or putting them in daycare or even the father staying home instead and that's perfectly fine but that’s just not what I want to do...

Am I being selfish in wanting to stay home with our kids? Am I disrespecting my husband if I do stay home anyways? And is it wrong of me to ask him to get a better job to support us? How do I explain it to him in a way were he doesn’t get angry and overwhelmed thinking he has to support us even tho I feel as the man he should?


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Show art: Additional Music from Audiohero.com

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