Podcasts by MANIFEST with Sarah Prout

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout

The MANIFEST Podcast is a top-rated manifestation show that will deliver you a brand new dose of inspiration each week. Every episode is designed to remind you that you have the power to create your own reality and manifest your dreams when you connect to the energy of the Universe. Hosted by the bestselling author of DEAR UNIVERSE, Sarah Prout.

Further podcasts by Soul Space Media

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Listen To This Every Day If You Want To Attract Abundance from 2023-12-08T16:14:10

An intuitive download on the topic of abundance and fine tuning the clarity of your desires. Hint: it's time to activate your Divine mind.

The Book: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Embracing Sovereignty in Turbulent Times from 2023-12-06T17:18:17

A very candid conversation with Sean Patrick Simpson (my husband and CEO of DearUniverse.com) on overcoming fear and finding Truth.

Intention: to remind you of your power to rise ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The High Cost Of Not Speaking Your Truth from 2023-11-25T21:41:11

This is a topic I've been thinking a lot about lately - how the energy feels when you don't speak your truth or embody the essence of your intuition.

Get my book: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How I Healed Myself From Chronic Migraines from 2023-11-20T17:13:24

What Finally Worked After 2.5 Years Of Pain. Now as I share this, my migraines began in November 2020 and stopped (hopefully forever 🤞) in June 2023. This is episode is about what happened, wha...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Intuitive Messages, Ley Lines & Energy Systems from 2023-11-11T14:02:21

How to navigate your environment energetically and create a pattern for success. In this episode I talk about visiting ley lines, intuitive insights and magical family time in The Hamptons.


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Unlocking the #1 Vision Board Secret for Manifestation from 2023-10-24T11:30

New Colors Coming! Get on the Dear Universe WAITLIST: https://dearuniverse.com/pages/waitlis...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Clear Signs The Universe Is Speaking To You from 2023-10-20T19:11:09

Your Intuition Is Always Guiding The Way 🔮

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Peace Within (MEDITATION) from 2023-10-17T13:32:21

This is a meditation to listen to when you are feeling fearful, stressed or anxious. We need to remember to cultivate peace within so that it has a ripple effect out into the greater field of in...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Let's Talk About Non-Materialistic Manifestation from 2023-10-16T22:33:20

The focus needs to be on the FEELING.

  • Read the steps for manifestation on my Substack: Listen
MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
An Open Letter To A Struggling (Yet Hopeful) Past Version Of Myself from 2023-10-04T04:24

Today, I wanted to write a letter to 2009 Sarah Prout. I wanted to do this as a way to release any lingering energetic cords or tiny remnants that might be mildly attached. This is also somewhat...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Signs You’re on the Verge of a Manifestation Breakthrough from 2023-08-21T04:22

Six key signs, ranging from repeated relationship challenges to feelings of work dissatisfaction and financial constraints, may indicate you're nearing a pivotal manifestation breakthrough. ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why I Quit Alcohol from 2023-07-13T04:21

I'm celebrating 1 year since I quit alcohol. This episode includes some key reflections of what I've experienced over the past year in my health, mindset and perspective.

Book men...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Speak Your Reality Into Existence from 2023-06-22T04:19

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Resilience Requires Bravery from 2023-06-19T04:17

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Unleash The Hidden Element Within You from 2023-06-02T04:14

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Leave a Toxic Relationship from 2023-06-01T04:11

In this episode, I explore the complex journey of recognizing, leaving, and recovering from a toxic relationship. I define what constitutes such a relationship, discuss signs to look out for, an...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Trust The Timing Of Your Manifestations from 2023-05-25T04:07

Episode 300! In this episode, I reflect on my 13th anniversary of when I manifested the love of my life. I share how we met on Twitter back in 2009 and how we built our lives together and starte...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Remedy For Overwhelm and Anxiety from 2023-05-04T04:00

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Creating a Life You Love Beyond Social Media from 2023-05-01T04:58

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
When Manifestations Get Lost in Translation from 2023-04-20T04:26

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why It's So Important To Rise Above Fear from 2023-04-13T04:24

Rising above fear is crucial to living a fulfilling and successful life. By acknowledging and challenging our fears, taking small steps outside of your comfort zone, and seeking support from oth...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Discovering Your Unique Voice As A Writer from 2023-04-05T04:22

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Opening Your Energy Field To Manifest More from 2023-03-30T04:20

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Unlock The Hidden Magic Of Your Throat Chakra from 2023-03-23T04:00

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How Your Intuition Can Supercharge Your Manifestation Efforts from 2023-03-16T04:00

In this episode, I explore how to harness the power of intuition to enhance your manifestation skills. I share my insights on how to tap into your inner wisdom and use it to make better decision...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Use Creativity As A Spiritual Practice from 2023-03-09T05:00

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Do you struggle to find time for self-care in your busy life? If so, incorporating creativity into your spiritual practice could be just what y...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Beneath the Surface: Exploring the Magic of the Unseen World from 2023-03-02T05:00

If you're looking to manifest your desires and create the reality you truly want, one of the best things you can do is to explore what lies beneath the surface. In other words, don't jus...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
This Is How You Heal from 2023-02-23T17:05

In this episode, we're going to explore metaphysical practices that can remind you of your innate power to heal yourself with your thoughts and emotions. Have you ever considered how your th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
6 Ways To Manifest Money Fast from 2023-02-16T17:04

Remember, the key to manifesting money fast is to focus on abundance and prosperity, be grateful, visualize, change your mindset, take inspired action, surround yourself with abundance, and trus...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Breaking Free from Society's Valentine's Day Narrative from 2023-02-12T05:02

Today I'm exploring the complexities of feeling worthy of love, especially in the midst of the highly commercialized holiday of Valentine's Day. From the constant flood of heart-shaped c...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
4 Phrases to Say More Often for Immediate Abundance from 2023-02-09T05:00

Our daily language impacts the way our lives play out. Our thoughts and feelings shape our reality, so it's crucial to choose our words carefully. Here are 4 phrases to incorporate into your...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Ways To Relax In Stressful Situations from 2023-02-02T05:00

This week's episode explores ways to relax when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed in different situations. We'll discuss the effects of stress on the body and the mind, and offe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your Body Has The Power To Heal Itself from 2023-01-26T05:00

This is a powerful episode. Join me as I explore the amazing ability of our bodies to heal. I'll be discussing everything from the science behind the body's self-healing capabilities to ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
When Manifestation Isn't Working (And How to Fix It) from 2023-01-19T05:00

Are you feeling stuck with your manifestations and not seeing the results you desire? This podcast episode today is perfect for you! We'll be discussing why manifestation may not be working ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Visualizing Your Goals And Making Them Happen from 2023-01-12T05:01

Do you have big dreams that you want to achieve, but struggle to visualize them becoming a reality? In this episode, we'll be discussing the power of visualization and how it can help you ma...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Power of Positive Thinking from 2023-01-05T05:00

In this episode of the MANIFEST podcast, I will be discussing the power of positive thinking and how our thoughts can shape our reality. I will delve into the importance of mindset in manifestat...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
2022 - A Year In Review from 2022-12-29T05:00

Every year I record a summary of the things I've experienced and manifested throughout the year. This year was radically different from last year. I moved from Vegas to Florida, went on a lu...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
What Is Meant For You Will Manifest from 2022-12-22T05:00

Read my Substack: https://sarahprout.substack.com

DearUNIVERSE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How I Finally Reclaimed A Lost Part of Myself from 2022-12-19T15:20

In this bonus episode this week I talk about how I started to create art again and my origin story of becoming an intuitive artist rising above issues of self-worth.


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Heal Your Anxiety Around Money from 2022-12-15T05:08

Know that you are not powerless over your emotional state. You have the power to heal anything. In today’s episode I discuss my own healing journey around money anxiety and what I did along the ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How The Universe Speaks Through You from 2022-12-08T05:00

In today's episode we're diving into the realm of intuition and why it's so important to nurture your intuitive faculties. There are many ways that the Universe speaks through you an...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
ABRACADABRA - I Create As I Speak from 2022-12-01T21:22

We all know the saying, "words have power." But have you ever stopped to think about just how powerful your words can be? It's not just about the words you say to others, but the w...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Smudging and Burning Sage To Clear Negative Energy from 2022-11-24T05:00

Have you heard of the term “Smudging”? It’s where people burn sage, plant-based resins, incense or herbs to help to clear their energy field, auras and sacred environment. Today I share the impo...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why You Need To Stop Resisting Your Next Level from 2022-11-17T19:04

Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Feeling like you’re not progressing in life despite your best efforts? If so, then it’s time to take a step back and reassess your situation from the ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
New Moon Rituals To Manifest Anything You Want from 2022-10-24T21:49:30

Here are The 5 Powerful Steps of Meaningful Intention Setting when you are ready to launch your oh-so-amazing desires out to the Universe on the night of a NEW MOON…

Show Notes: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Daily Rituals For Success from 2022-10-19T21:27:24

In today's episode I explore daily rituals for success and the important elements to consider. Success isn't a thing - it's a feeling. I share how I went from living on less than $10 per day to ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Missing Manifestation Ingredient from 2022-10-11T20:26:26

Today's episode is about the missing manifestation ingredient most people don't know about. I'll also explore WHY it's so important if you hold the intention to manifest your goals and dreams. A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Stop Self-Sabotaging Thoughts from 2022-09-30T21:21:27

How To Stop Self Sabotaging Thoughts. Be brave enough to rise above fear and venture outside of your comfort zone. In today's episode I also talk about Prentice Mulford's book, THOUGHT FORCES an...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Things That Drive TRUE Manifestation from 2022-09-17T15:50:11

These are the main drivers of manifestation. You can't create energy if you're not aware of what you're aiming for. This is why emotional awareness and universal awareness is key. This includes ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Manifest Healing For A Loved One from 2022-09-07T20:46:38

HINT: It's not what you think it is. If you have been worried about someone in your life,  I want to help you with some powerful energetic tools to not get drawn into the drama. You can alw...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Hidden And Healing Secrets Of Your Nightly Dreams from 2022-08-31T20:51:43

There is so much infinite wisdom available to you if you are just willing to connect to the magic of the dream world. Many different cultures believe that our dream life is more important than o...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Write A Bestselling Non-Fiction Book from 2022-08-18T00:33:59

Today I share my journey to becoming a bestselling author, what that actually means, and how to spark your inspiration as a soul writer. If you are on a soul writer journey then make sure you jo...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Ways To Kickstart Your Manifestations from 2022-08-06T17:36:46

Whether you're new to the law of attraction or you're well-seasoned in the art of manifestation, this guide will help to inspire you on your journey and kick-start your vibration It can be reall...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
GET INSPIRED! 3 Ways Your Life Will Change from 2022-08-05T18:42:36

In this episode I share a personal life update on why I moved from Vero Beach to Windermere (Florida) recently. I also discuss three ways that your life will always inevitably change and transfo...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Become a MONEY MAGNET from 2022-07-23T13:49:49

Everything is energy. And when you want to create and attract something specific into your life then your words always guide your vibration.  God/The Universe responds to your vibration. Simply put...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Things You Didn’t Know About My Twin Flame Story from 2022-07-13T20:36:21

I MANIFESTED MY HUSBAND. I've been talking about this for the last twelve years. But what you didn't know as part of our TWIN FLAME story is that...I remember having dreams about Sean when I was...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Use The 55×5 Manifestation Method from 2022-07-12T20:49:03

You’ve probably heard of the 55×5 or 5×55 manifestation method. It’s been widely popularized on the internet over the last few years. A little known fact is that I was the very first person to brin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Create Beauty Out Of Chaos from 2022-07-05T21:28:07

After my Mediterranean adventure to France, Monaco and Italy (and also recovering from the dreaded COVID virus) I'm finally back! In this episode I share with you how to create beauty from chaos...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Julie Jancius: How To Connect With Your Angels And Activate Your Intuition from 2022-06-30T20:01:08

Watch this interview over on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ob1UfEYgv3o Have you ever felt like you have angels watching over you? You likely do… Today, I welcome Julie Jancius, also known as The Angel...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Hummingbird Medicine: Nourishment, Faith, Wisdom and Compassion from 2022-05-28T18:35:15

Get BE THE LOVE: https://amzn.to/3z4sMHS Today I share the afterword from the book because most people won’t read it (apparently). This episode shared hummingbird medicine and the power of the su...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Beauty of Stillness, Mercury Retrograde And The Madness Of A Book Launch from 2022-05-13T19:51:40

My new book is called BE THE LOVE and it's out now!

This book will guide you to: ⁣

💌 manifest happiness ⁣

💌 learn how to em...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Be The Love | Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard from 2022-05-06T14:24:22

This is such a hot topic (Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard) that most people who have been in a toxic dynamic within a relationship can relate to. I believe that the missing ingredient is compassion ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Law of Letting Go from 2022-05-05T18:50:39

My new book is called BE THE LOVE and I can't wait to share it with you. This book will guide you to: ⁣

💌 manifest happiness ⁣

💌 lea...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Raise Your Vibration ⚡ from 2022-05-05T07:22:28

Today’s topic is Raising Your Vibrations, where we’ll talk about how to raise your energy levels so you can begin manifesting at an accelerated pace. Join the free BE THE LOVE CHALLENGE! http://sar...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Own Your Emotions And Watch The Miracles Unfold from 2022-05-04T16:51:48

Join the free BE THE LOVE CHALLENGE! http://sarahprout.com/btl-challenge <<< check it out. Today’s episode is from Day 2 of the challen...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Set Powerful Intentions from 2022-05-03T13:37:45

Join the free BE THE LOVE CHALLENGE! http://sarahprout.com/btl-challenge <<< check it out. Today’s episode is from Day 1 of the challen...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5 Secrets To Believe In Your Own Magic from 2022-05-01T20:12

My new book is called BE THE LOVE and I can't wait to share it with you. This book will guide you to: ⁣

💌 manifest happiness ⁣

💌 lea...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How You Feel Is More Important Than How You Look from 2022-04-25T16:11:08

My new book is called BE THE LOVE and I can't wait to share it with you. This book will guide you to: ⁣

💌 manifest happiness ⁣

💌 lea...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Take Inspired Action To Manifest More FUN Into Your Life from 2022-04-21T17:46:59

When we offer the field of infinite potential a set of different instructions, then it reacts and responds with different manifestations. Here's how to manifest more fun. Join the free 5-day BE ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
When You’re Tired Of Trying To Be Enough Here’s What To Do from 2022-04-18T15:36:59

Join the free BE THE LOVE CHALLENGE! http://sarahprout.com/btl-challenge <<< check it out.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rate an review this podcast: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Success Is A Journey from 2022-04-15T15:11:40

I posted this on Facebook about success and it blew-up: https://sarahprout.ly/3JYrzUB <<< check it out.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rate an review this podc...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Identify Signs From The Universe from 2022-04-14T18:03:02

This is from the Soul Sessions with Sarah that I am hosting over on Facebook and Youtube. Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Stop Fighting With Your Spouse from 2022-04-08T14:41:23

This is an episode based on tried and tested spiritual (yet practical) methods of how to create better conflict management skills in your relationships, friendships and business partnerships. If...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
YOU ARE ENOUGH from 2022-04-06T11:10:05

**MILD trigger warning. I'm talking about eating disorders in this one.  Apparently, our beliefs are formed between the ages of zero to seven. My daughter Lulu Dawn, just turned seven. And it's so ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The #1 Manifestation Tip You Need To Know from 2022-04-01T09:00

Timelines are always on The Universe/God's timing. Our job is to trust it. Today I'm sharing with you the #1 Manifestation Tip You Need To Know. 

Order BE THE LOVE: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Affirmations To Heal Your Life from 2022-03-31T13:36:17

Here are a collection of the most powerful affirmations for manifestation from my book: Be The Love.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Ways To Let Go Of Bad Manifesting Habits from 2022-03-30T13:55:21

Have you ever questioned if your manifesting habits are actually serving you?

I wouldn't be doing my job as a manifestation teacher if I didn't share the tried and tested ways we tend to ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To UN-MANIFEST Shame from 2022-03-24T16:07:41

This episode is a DOOZY! I share how I felt when I had an affair back in 2009 and how I "un-manifested" my limiting beliefs and the shame surrounding this specific event. Please keep in mind shame ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
I Had An Affair: How To UN-MANIFEST Shame from 2022-03-24T16:07:41

This episode is a DOOZY! I share how I felt when I had an affair back in 2009 and how I "un-manifested" my limiting beliefs and the shame surrounding this specific event. Please keep in mind shame ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Energy You Put Out There Always Returns To You from 2022-03-22T10:00

Short and sweet motivation for you today. The energy you put out there will always return to you - sometimes tenfold! This episode is a reminder of the power that gratitude has to change your li...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Use Mantras In Meditation & Find Your Manifestation Mantra Today from 2022-03-21T09:00

Sound has the sacred power to up-level your manifestations during your meditation practice. In today's episode I share how the gift of surrender from the Universe is the key to your success.&nbs...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Teaching Kids About Manifestation with Lulu Dawn and Ava Moon from 2022-03-20T18:11:19

Today's special guests are my daughters, Lulu Dawn (7) and Ava Moon (5). I ask them about manifestation, self-esteem and what make them feel happy. This sweet interview can be listened to with y...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Not Sure How Your Dreams Will Come True? from 2022-03-19T19:12:33

When you feel lost, confused or unworthy – you need a VISION. In fact, you need to remember the power of visualization. 

That’s where the Be The Love Visualization comes in: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Dangers Of Spiritual Bypassing from 2022-03-09T16:26:10

The title sounds scarier than it is, I promise. In this episode I share how we sometimes make assumptions, or sabotage the potential for true healing from within. I share some real-life examples...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Skin Cancer Story And Why You Must Always Trust Your Gut (And Get A Second Opinion) from 2022-03-04T17:24:59

Today I received some excellent news. My skin cancer biopsy came back as NEGATIVE. In fact, I was previously told I needed MOHs surgery and the Universe landed me in a new location for a second opi...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Manifest Becoming A Published Author from 2022-03-01T20:33:41

Today I share my publishing journey and how much of a wild ride of manifestation it's been over the last 15 years. I've self-published and been traditionally published. In this episode I offer a...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Know When Your Relationship Is Over from 2022-03-01T19:49:30

I get messages all the time from people asking for advice on when to know when their relationship is truly worth giving up. I cover so much of my own journey through relationships in my book cal...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Magic Of Crystal Energy from 2022-02-27T05:00

Do you love crystals? Crystals not only look beautiful and magical, but they also have the power to help amplify your energy. However, with that being said, crystals do not manifest your dreams ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5×55 Manifestation Method from 2022-02-26T15:57:45

In this episode I discuss what I call "The Ancient Manifesting Ritual" that has changed the lives of thousands upon thousands of my students. In fact, I manifested $250,000 from using this exact pr...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Universe Has A Message For You (222) from 2022-02-22T05:00

It's "Twosday" and won't happen again in our lifetimes. It's 02/22/2022 and a magical day to understand how number sequences and angel numbers are an invitation to remember the power of the pres...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmation to HEAL your body from 2022-02-21T16:28:12

Listen to this affirmation at least twice a day for best results.

Dear Universe, May I manifest healing in my body. So be it, so it is.



MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Ways To Manifest Anything You Want from 2022-02-16T19:00

Here are 7 Ways To Manifesting Anything You Want. These are the foundational principles of everything I have taught over the last decade. Read this as a blog post: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How Creativity Helps You To Manifest from 2022-02-10T22:26:53

I recorded this episode spontaneously this morning outside the recording studio here in Florida. I was inspired to share how creativity and making art helps you to manifest and raise your vibrat...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Universe Will Reward Your Bravery from 2022-02-02T19:04:24

This episode calls you to remember why the Universe will always reward your bravery in your times of need. It's time to venture out of your comfort zone and create magic. Pre-order BE THE LOVE: ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your Emotions Are The Gatekeepers To Manifestation from 2022-01-26T21:40:08

Your feelings are powerful intuitive tools of wisdom to attract your dreams into your life. How you process your emotions is a really important practice on any manifestation journey. Pre-order B...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Choose Love Over Fear from 2022-01-17T20:58:41

The question I get asked frequently is: “How can I choose love over fear?” In this episode I share my recent biopsy results, moving to Florida, getting a cold and how to navigate your emotions to m...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Make A Vision Board That Actually Works from 2022-01-08T22:49:26

Creating a vision board can be a thrilling activity for a person that loves to get messy with magazines, glue, scissors, and the manifestation of big dreams. But did you know that there are oth...


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Breathing Through Times Of Uncertainty from 2022-01-04T22:33:16

This was a very impromptu recording whilst sitting outside my dermatologist's office before another skin biopsy. The intention is to share from my heart the energy tools and ideas I use in real-...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Good Vibes, Mostly from 2021-12-30T01:27:16

Have you heard the phrase "GOOD VIBES ONLY" - well it's a bunch of BS. You need to process you emotions to manifest from a space of alignment and clarity. Here's my two cents on the subject. Oh ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Which MANIFESTATION methods work the best? from 2021-12-22T23:56:29

I get asked this question ALL the time. "Sarah, which manifestation methods work best?" The answer is complicated, but the key is to find what will work best for you to attract all of your goals...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
New Year Meditation : Setting Powerful Intentions for 2022 from 2021-12-22T21:25:48

Enjoy this meditation that I created for you to attract and manifest all of your goals, dreams, wishes and desires into your life. Also, please join me for the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge: http...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Stop Worrying And Start MANIFESTING from 2021-12-20T23:56:19

Manifestation is about empowering yourself to embrace your emotions. When you process how you are feeling then you begin to ease your concern and your uncertainty towards the future. Stop worryi...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why You Can't Manifest For Others from 2021-12-01T00:48:37

We all have our own unique soul signature and frequency that vibrates out there into the Universe. As you might know, your thoughts create your reality and then they are bounced...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Use Citrine Crystal To Manifest ABUNDANCE from 2021-11-28T02:56:18

This episode covers how I manifested over $6,000 in just two hours of purchasing (and holding) a citrine crystal that I got in Sag Harbor, New York.

💛 Get your citrine crystal here: Listen

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Mystic Sequence to Align Your Chakras from 2021-11-10T17:15:14

Tune into the energy of infinite possibilities and deep healing when you become aware of the healing role your chakras have on your manifestation journey.  The intention is to balance your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
10 Things To Never Apologize For from 2021-11-08T23:05:13

I am not a big fan of the saying “sorry not sorry” because it skips personal responsibility. And learning to refine the art of deeply apologizing from a space of humility can be transformational...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Say These 10 Magical Words To Receive A Meaningful Sign From The Universe from 2021-11-07T16:57:49

To spark a conversation with the Universe you must learn to ASK for signs, symbols and synchronicities. Otherwise you are just randomly floating through life without being intentional with what ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why I Created The Dear Universe Academy (Your School For Meaningful MANIFESTATION) from 2021-11-06T19:06:02

As a cherished member of my manifesting community I want you to know that I am always thinking of new ways to support you on your spiritual journey. It’s my greatest joy to see your manifestatio...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your SECRET Plan For Meaningful Manifestation Revealed from 2021-11-05T18:00

What is manifestation, really? The definition might surprise you. How does the "missing key" work to create meaningful manifestation?

Here is part of the proven sequence that gets resul...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Manifestation Myth-Busting: What Works, What Doesn't And What Screws Things Up from 2021-11-04T18:00

With my work teaching many beautiful people around the world to manifest and embody spiritual principles, I still find there are very common misconceptions about what manifesting is and is not. ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Align With Your Future Self And Declare Your Destiny from 2021-11-03T18:00

The journey of change is created and started by every single thought, action and feeling we offer the Universe. 

This is why it's so important to declare your destiny and set powerfu...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Spark Your Connection With The Universe And Decode Your Signs from 2021-11-02T17:59:14

The Universe is always speaking to you and the secret sauce is learning how to discern what the messages are on your manifestation journey.  

The key method to identify ways that the...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Missing KEY To The Law of Attraction from 2021-11-01T18:08:25

What is The Missing Key to The Law of Attraction?

The missing key to The Law of Attraction is CONSISTENT Connection with The Universe.

Remember, connecting with Th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Choose The NEW Paradigm of Manifestation from 2021-10-30T13:44:51

This is a spontaneous episode that I recorded just 15 minutes after one of the most profound connection points with The Universe I've ever had. In this episode I share how CONNECTION with The Un...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Truth About Manifesting MONEY from 2021-10-29T20:24:32

Manifesting money is all about the energy that you bring to the experience. The more playful and open you can be with the Universe, the more likely it is that your vibration is buzzing at an exc...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
This Too Shall Pass from 2021-10-28T21:51:50

If you're going through a season of uncertainty right now then this is for you. 

Join my 5-Day Dear Universe #Manifestation Challenge: http:...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Think The Universe Isn’t Listening? from 2021-10-25T15:10:01

When I asked my audience, Do You Ever Think The Universe Isn’t Listening To You?, the vast majority of them said…YES!  My heart sank a little bit with each response as thousands ro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Signs You Are About to MANIFEST Your Intentions from 2021-10-22T21:32:12

Out of the 7 signs and feelings which one do you resonate with the most on your manifestation journey? Are you ready to manife...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmations to BEGIN the Next Chapter Of Your Life from 2021-10-20T19:23:17

Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams? Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.co...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmations to LET GO OF THE PAST from 2021-10-19T18:46:29

Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams? Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.co...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmations to DECLARE YOUR DESTINY 🔮 from 2021-10-18T21:12:06

Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams? Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.co...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmations to Connect With The POWER of The Universe from 2021-10-17T23:15:37

Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.com/challenge

Affirmations to Connect With...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmations to Raise Your VIBRATION from 2021-10-16T23:00

Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.com/challenge

Affirmations to Raise Your V...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Claim Your Effortless Manifestations from 2021-10-15T17:42:32

Join The Dear Universe Manifestation Challenge. Register for FREE here: http://SarahProut.com/challenge
In this episode we explore the ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Powerful Tips For Setting Intentions from 2021-10-08T18:31:43

Follow on Instagram: https://Instagram.com/SarahProut When you are setting intentions you not only activate The Law of Attraction but you let the Universe know that you are ready to begin the next ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
NEW MOON 🌙 Mini-Meditation from 2021-10-06T20:25:58

Follow for more manifestation inspiration on IG: http://Instagram.com/sarahprout

The new moon and the week leading up the new moon is a magic...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Secret To Meaningful Manifestation (Part 1.) from 2021-10-03T20:27:37

Hello from The Hamptons! This episode shares from my heart how I had skin cancer, saw a meteorite and keep getting sent signs from the Universe. It's also a tiny taste of The Secret To Mean...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Fear Is A Virus And LOVE Is The Cure from 2021-09-14T21:52:05

Today I’m sharing for the first time the “Be The Love” philosophy from my upcoming book (out May 2022). It’s a three-step journey to feel, heal and reveal. I'm also sharing how fea...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmation to TRUST The Universe and LET GO of anxiety from 2021-09-06T23:52:05

💜 Follow me on Instagram: @sarahprout

👉 Get The Dear Universe BOOK: https://amzn.to/3BAeg8O


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Affirmation for ABUNDANCE from 2021-09-03T23:29:11

💜 Follow me on Instagram: @sarahprout

👉 Get The Dear Universe BOOK: https://amzn.to/3BAeg8O


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
MEDITATION for Compassion And Kindness from 2021-09-02T23:29:23

As requested, here is a 5-minute meditation for compassion and kindness that will help you to step out of feelings of frustration into a newfound sense of peace. 

If you enjoyed this...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Signs From The Universe In Times Of Need from 2021-09-01T23:33:51

This episode was inspired by someone that sent me a message on Instagram asking about signs from loved ones who have departed. Not only have I received signs from lost loved ones, I believe it's...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why I Deleted TikTok from 2021-08-27T23:38:04

This is probably one of the most controversial episodes I have recorded. Please note that this is from my heart and from a space of COMPASSION Here it is: I deleted TikTok because I think it is tox...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Believe Beyond What You Can See from 2021-08-27T00:53:12

My message for you is to BELIEVE BEYOND WHAT YOU CAN SEE. The manifestation journey is all about rising above your emotions to see the Universe training you for greatness. Today I share this quo...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
178: Your Most Burning Manifesting And Law Of Attraction Questions Answered from 2021-08-19T00:16:50

Today I answer your most burning questions about manifestation, the law of attraction, and spirituality. We talk about everything from signs to synchronicities to how to manifest abundance ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your Most Burning Manifesting And Law Of Attraction Questions Answered from 2021-08-19T00:16:50

Today I answer your most burning questions about manifestation, the law of attraction, and spirituality. We talk about everything from signs to synchronicities to how to manifest abundance ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
177: 75 Hard : My Transformation Story And The Importance Of Self-Care from 2021-08-15T23:08:18

I recently completed a mental toughness challenge called #75hard. I never believed I would start something like this program, let alone complete it. Every single day for 75 days in a row I worke...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
75 Hard : My Transformation Story And The Importance Of Self-Care from 2021-08-15T23:08:18

I recently completed a mental toughness challenge called #75hard. I never believed I would start something like this program, let alone complete it. Every single day for 75 days in a row I worke...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
176: Lion’s Gate Portal Law of Attraction Visualization from 2021-08-05T23:47:38

Raise your vibration and manifest your desires with this Lion’s Gate Portal Law of Attraction Visualization I created for you. Listen to it any time between now and the 8th of A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Lions Gate Portal Law of Attraction VISUALIZATION from 2021-08-05T23:47:38

Raise your vibration and manifest your desires with this Lions Gate Portal Law of Attraction Visualization I created for you. Listen to it any time between now and the 8th of August. This year fall...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
175: Confession: I Grew Up In A Haunted House from 2021-08-05T00:12:39

It's true. I grew up in a haunted house from 1988-1999. I was very reluctant to share this story, but it’s part of my personal history of how I developed a passion for the mystical side of life....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Confession: I Grew Up In A Haunted House from 2021-08-05T00:12:39

It's true. I grew up in a haunted house from 1988-1999. I was very reluctant to share this story, but it’s part of my personal history of how I developed a passion for the mystical side of life....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
174: Alchemize Your Fear Into Faith from 2021-07-29T12:00

This episode shares with you the reason why it's so important to remember your SOVEREIGNTY and rise above your fear. Turn your pain into power and realize that you are on a journey of empowermen...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Alchemize Your Fear Into Faith from 2021-07-29T12:00

This episode shares with you the reason why it's so important to remember your SOVEREIGNTY and rise above your fear. Turn your pain into power and realize that you are on a journey of empowermen...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
173: You Are LOVED from 2021-07-22T23:27:41

If you need to hear this right now please remember...YOU ARE LOVED. The Universe loves you. God/Source/Infinite Spirit LOVES you. All of your perceived flaws, your quirks, your mistakes, and you...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Are LOVED from 2021-07-22T23:27:41

If you need to hear this right now please remember...YOU ARE LOVED. The Universe loves you. God/Source/Infinite Spirit LOVES you. All of your perceived flaws, your quirks, your mistakes, and you...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
172: How to SURRENDER and Manifest Last-Minute Miracles from 2021-07-15T23:48:05

This episode was inspired by a frequently asked question on Instagram: HOW DO I SURRENDER? In this episode, I share the details of 11th-hour manifestations and asking the universe for a last-min...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to SURRENDER and Manifest Last-Minute Miracles from 2021-07-15T23:48:05

This episode was inspired by a frequently asked question on Instagram: HOW DO I SURRENDER? In this episode, I share the details of 11th-hour manifestations and asking the universe for a last-min...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
171: The Power Of New Moon Manifestation Rituals from 2021-07-09T23:29:24

Listen to this on the night of a NEW MOON! iThe new moon and the week leading up to the new moon is a magical time to spark new and exciting beginnings. It’s a time to get clear about the things...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Power Of New Moon Manifestation Rituals from 2021-07-09T23:29:24

Listen to this on the night of a NEW MOON! iThe new moon and the week leading up to the new moon is a magical time to spark new and exciting beginnings. It’s a time to get clear about the things...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
170: You Are In The Driver's Seat Of Your Own Transformation from 2021-07-08T18:26:37

This episode is a reminder that you are always changing, growing, and evolving. REMEMBER: You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. 

I launched my brand new...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Are In The Driver's Seat Of Your Own Transformation from 2021-07-08T18:26:37

This episode is a reminder that you are always changing, growing, and evolving. REMEMBER: You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. 

I launched my brand new MER...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Magnetic AFFIRMATIONS to Attract Abundance from 2021-07-02T21:08:43

Affirmations are a powerful way to imprint your subconscious mind and shift your beliefs to attract abundance. In this episode, I share with you three MAGNETIC affirmations to attract abundance ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
169: 3 Magnetic AFFIRMATIONS to Attract Abundance from 2021-07-02T21:08:43

Affirmations are a powerful way to imprint your subconscious mind and shift your beliefs to attract abundance. In this episode, I share with you three MAGNETIC affirmations to attract abundance ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
168: The Difference Between God And The Universe from 2021-06-24T12:00

I've been asked this question so many times: "What's the difference between God and The Universe?" and "Do you believe in God?" Today I answer those questions and remind you why it's important t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Difference Between God And The Universe from 2021-06-24T12:00

I've been asked this question so many times: "What's the difference between God and The Universe?" and "Do you believe in God?" Today I answer those questions and remind you why it's important t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
167: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Manifest Magic from 2021-06-18T00:29:57

Here are metaphysical ways you can screw up your life or sabotage your success (and how to fix them).  

You’re human and so these things come as no surprise. However, when you ge...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Manifest Magic from 2021-06-18T00:29:57

Here are metaphysical ways you can screw up your life or sabotage your success (and how to fix them).  

You’re human and so these things come as no surprise. However, when you get cu...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
166: 3 Reasons Your Vision Board Is NOT Working (And How To Fix It) from 2021-06-11T00:27:32

Creating a vision board can be a thrilling activity for a person that loves to get messy with magazines, glue, scissors, and big dreams.  But did you know that there are other elements that...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Reasons Your Vision Board Is NOT Working (And How To Fix It) from 2021-06-11T00:27:32

Creating a vision board can be a thrilling activity for a person that loves to get messy with magazines, glue, scissors, and big dreams.  But did you know that there are other elements that...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
165: Speak What You Want Into Existence from 2021-06-02T23:46:35

Speak what you want into existence, the Universe is listening. 

Be mindful of the energy you bring to your words and what you speak (with intention) into reality as a manifestati...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Speak What You Want Into Existence from 2021-06-02T23:46:35

Speak what you want into existence, the Universe is listening. 

Be mindful of the energy you bring to your words and what you speak (with intention) into reality as a manifestation.&...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Manifesto Of Courage from 2021-05-26T23:13:35

This is a MANIFESTO OF COURAGE that I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. ⁣ The key idea is this: ⁣
𝗡𝗼 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆?...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
164: Manifesto Of Courage from 2021-05-26T23:13:35

This is a MANIFESTO OF COURAGE that I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. ? The key idea is this: ?

?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???. ?????????????? ?? ???? ??...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Bank Of The Universe Manifestation Check (ACTIVATION) from 2021-05-23T01:35:08

How Much Would You Like The Universe To Manifest Into Your Bank Account? In this activation audio, I share with you how to use the Bank Of The Universe Manifestation Check to attract abundance i...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
163: The Bank Of The Universe Manifestation Check (ACTIVATION) from 2021-05-23T01:35:08

How Much Would You Like The Universe To Manifest Into Your Bank Account? In this activation audio, I share with you how to use the Bank Of The Universe Manifestation Check to attract abundance i...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Activate Your Intuition For Manifestation from 2021-05-13T23:44:42

Discover the 5 creative methods you can use to spark your intuition for manifestation. I also share a story of how listening to my intuition in a split-second decision saved my life. 


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
162: How To Activate Your Intuition For Manifestation from 2021-05-13T23:44:42

Discover the 5 creative methods you can use to spark your intuition for manifestation. I also share a story of how listening to my intuition in a split-second decision saved my life. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
161: The Ultimate Sleep Meditation from 2021-05-05T03:32:54

This is a special 10-minute sleep meditation to set the powerful intention to manifest a peaceful and deeply restful night’s sleep.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Ultimate Sleep MEDITATION from 2021-05-05T03:32:54

This is a special 10-minute sleep meditation to set the powerful intention to manifest a peaceful and deeply restful night’s sleep.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
160: My Mystical Trip To Sedona, Manifestation Games And The Power Of The Elements from 2021-05-05T03:05:53

This episode includes how I spoke to the Universe, saw angel numbers of alignment and many other adventures on my recent family trip to Sedona. 


This episode is s...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Mystical Trip To Sedona, Manifestation Games And The Power Of The Elements from 2021-05-05T03:05:53

This episode includes how I spoke to the Universe, saw angel numbers of alignment and many other adventures on my recent family trip to Sedona. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
159: If It Doesn't Challenge You Then It Doesn't Change You from 2021-04-22T12:00

In this episode I discuss how self-sabotage can sometimes rise up when we are unwilling to meet a challenge. If you want to manifest your dreams then you have to venture out of your comfort zone...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
If It Doesn't Challenge You Then It Doesn't Change You from 2021-04-22T12:00

In this episode I discuss how self-sabotage can sometimes rise up when we are unwilling to meet a challenge. If you want to manifest your dreams then you have to venture out of your comfort zone...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
158: 6 Magical Messages from The Universe (and what they mean) from 2021-04-14T21:04:50

The Universe is always giving us clues to guide us on our journey. But have you been paying attention and listening?

Resources listed in the episode: 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
6 Magical Messages from The Universe (and what they mean) from 2021-04-14T21:04:50

The Universe is always giving us clues to guide us on our journey. But have you been paying attention and listening?
Resources listed in the episode: 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
157: The Difference Between Making A Million Dollars and Manifesting It from 2021-04-08T23:56:43

Today's episode is brought to you courtesy of the wisdom of my 6-year old daughter, Lulu Dawn. Children are powerful manifestation teachers and today Lulu pointed out that there's a differe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Difference Between Making A Million Dollars and MANIFESTING It from 2021-04-08T23:56:43

Today's episode is brought to you courtesy of the wisdom of my 6-year old daughter, Lulu Dawn. Children are powerful manifestation teachers and today Lulu pointed out that there's a differe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
156: You Are Not Broken from 2021-04-08T00:03:45

Listen to this if you need a sacred reminder that you are not broken and that you must choose YOU in each and every moment. Today marks 20 years since I married my first husband and I share some of...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Are Not Broken from 2021-04-08T00:03:45

Listen to this if you need a sacred reminder that you are not broken and that you must choose YOU in each and every moment. Today marks 20 years since I married my first husband and I share some of...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
155: Why Not Setting Intentions Is Scarier Than Clowns from 2021-03-24T23:09:37

In this episode, I reveal the scary outcomes that can happen as a result of not taking time to set specific and powerful intentions. I share the story of how I closed the gap between intention t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why Not Setting Intentions Is Scarier Than Clowns from 2021-03-24T23:09:37

In this episode, I reveal the scary outcomes that can happen as a result of not taking time to set specific and powerful intentions. I share the story of how I closed the gap between intention t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
154: How To Trust The Universe from 2021-03-19T00:37:46

In each and every moment you can choose LOVE or you can choose fear. When doubt rises up (and it will on your #manifestation? journey)...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Trust The Universe from 2021-03-19T00:37:46

In each and every moment you can choose LOVE or you can choose fear. When doubt rises up (and it will on your #manifestation​ journey)...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
153: The Evolution Of Magic During The Pandemic from 2021-03-16T23:05:38

This is your invitation to envision the pandemic coming to an end and for the commencement of a beautiful new beginning. You have the power to create incredible #manifestations and to choose to ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Evolution Of Magic During The Pandemic from 2021-03-16T23:05:38

This is your invitation to envision the pandemic coming to an end and for the commencement of a beautiful new beginning. You have the power to create incredible #manifestations and to choose to ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
152: The Best Manifesting Books to Help You Attract Your Dreams from 2021-03-04T01:40:09

Books can be a gateway to the next chapter of your life. On my manifesting journey over the last two decades, I have been a voracious reader of personal development and spirituality books. This ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Best Manifesting Books to Help You Attract Your Dreams from 2021-03-04T01:40:09

Books can be a gateway to the next chapter of your life. On my manifesting journey over the last two decades, I have been a voracious reader of personal development and spirituality books. This ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
151: 3 Affirmations To Help You Manifest Your Dreams and Desires from 2021-02-25T00:33:46

Affirmations are the best way to imprint your subconscious mind and retrain your brain to form more empowering beliefs about yourself the world you are creating around you.


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Affirmations To Help You Manifest Your Dreams and Desires from 2021-02-25T00:33:46

Affirmations are the best way to imprint your subconscious mind and retrain your brain to form more empowering beliefs about yourself the world you are creating around you.

Say th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
150: 7 Things To Do When Waiting For Your Stuff To Manifest from 2021-02-18T13:00

Here are 7 things to do when your stuff (AKA dreams) still haven’t manifested themselves into your life and you're waiting…and waiting and….waiting. Ar...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Things To Do When Waiting For Your Stuff To Manifest from 2021-02-18T13:00

Here are 7 things to do when your stuff (AKA dreams) still haven’t manifested themselves into your life and you're waiting…and waiting and….waiting. Ar...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
149: (Meditation) Raise Your Vibration from 2021-02-11T23:27:53

This is one of my all-time favorite meditations from the archives in my #Manifesting Academy. As you'll hear, I recorded it spontaneously and it really made me laugh and raise my vibration. As h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Raise Your Vibration MEDITATION from 2021-02-11T23:27:53

This is one of my all-time favorite meditations from the archives in my #Manifesting Academy. As you'll hear, I recorded it spontaneously and it really made me laugh and raise my vibration. As h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
148: The 6 Biggest Mistakes I Have Made In My Business from 2021-02-05T00:43:54

As an entrepreneur I've probably made hundreds of mistakes in the last decade, however, today I'm sharing my top 6 with you. REMINDER: Make sure you follow me on Clubhouse: @sarahprout


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 6 Biggest Mistakes I Have Made In My Business from 2021-02-05T00:43:54

As an entrepreneur I've probably made hundreds of mistakes in the last decade, however, today I'm sharing my top 6 with you. REMINDER: Make sure you follow me on Clubhouse: @sarahprout

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
147: How I Manifested A Million Dollars Using The Law of Attraction from 2021-02-01T22:46:04

We (my husband and I) started with nothing but inspired ideas, high hopes, and the willingness to do all of the hard work required to succeed. Our overnight success took about a decade and we’re...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How I Manifested A Million Dollars Using The Law of Attraction from 2021-02-01T22:46:04

We (my husband and I) started with nothing but inspired ideas, high hopes, and the willingness to do all of the hard work required to succeed. Our overnight success took about a decade and we’re...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
146: The Wonderful Energetic Benefits Of Grounding Or Earthing from 2021-01-19T01:49:56

Grounding or “earthing” is when you go barefoot on sand, dirt, rock, grass, or water to connect with the energy of the earth. It recharges you, is great for your health, and has numerous wellnes...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Wonderful Energetic Benefits Of Grounding Or Earthing from 2021-01-19T01:49:56

Grounding or “earthing” is when you go barefoot on sand, dirt, rock, grass, or water to connect with the energy of the earth. It recharges you, is great for your health, and has numerous wellnes...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
145: My Near Death Experience (NDE) And How It Changed Me from 2021-01-09T00:29:02

I started watching the show on Netflix called "Surviving Death" and it reminded me of my own near-death experience in 2015 when I gave birth to my daughter, Lulu Dawn. Today I share a personal e...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Near Death Experience (NDE) And How It Changed Me from 2021-01-09T00:29:02

I started watching the show on Netflix called "Surviving Death" and it reminded me of my own near-death experience in 2015 when I gave birth to my daughter, Lulu Dawn. Today I share a personal e...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
144: The 5 Real Reasons You're Not Manifesting What You Want from 2021-01-05T01:25:37

Here are the top five very real reasons you're not manifesting your goals, dreams, wishes, and desires. 


This episode is sponsored by
¡ Anchor: The easiest w...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 5 Real Reasons You're Not Manifesting What You Want from 2021-01-05T01:25:37

Here are the top five very real reasons you're not manifesting your goals, dreams, wishes, and desires. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
143: 2020 - A Year Of Manifestations In Review from 2020-12-28T22:47:55

This year I got my first tattoo, signed an exclusive book deal, moved to the Hamptons for 3 months, and spent Thanksgiving in an emergency room in New York.  Join me for a thoughtful recap ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
2020 - A Year Of Manifestations In Review from 2020-12-28T22:47:55

This year I got my first tattoo, signed an exclusive book deal, moved to the Hamptons for 3 months, and spent Thanksgiving in an emergency room in New York.  Join me for a thoughtful recap ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
142: 7 Instant Ways To Manifest Your Intentions from 2020-12-06T21:51:37

Make sure you join my 21-Day Manifesting Challenge that begins on Jan 1st, 2021:  ? https://SarahProut.com/challenge

Listen to The Sarah Prout podcast: https://sarahprout.l...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Instant Ways To Manifest Your Intentions from 2020-12-06T21:51:37

Follow on IG: https://Instagram.com/sarahprout

7 Instant Ways To Manifest Your Intentions

1. Get clear about what you really want to create
2. Visualize your desired outcom...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
141: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call: How Emotions And Feelings Manifest In Your Body from 2020-12-03T20:48:35

I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. Here's what I learned about listening to my body, the power of communication, and also the importance of self-care. It was a spiritual wake-up call for sure...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
A Spiritual Wake-Up Call: How Emotions And Feelings Manifest In Your Body from 2020-12-03T20:48:35

I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. Here's what I learned about listening to my body, the power of communication, and also the importance of self-care. It was a spiritual wake-up call for sure...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
140: Deep Self-Care And Creating Sacred Space To Manifest from 2020-11-24T21:21:22

I'm taking a break from work, my phone, social media, and news until next week. I’m going completely offline. I have never done this before. And I’m so ready for this new level of self-care. Tod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Deep Self-Care And Creating Sacred Space To Manifest from 2020-11-24T21:21:22

I'm taking a break from work, my phone, social media, and news until next week. I’m going completely offline. I have never done this before. And I’m so ready for this new level of self-care. Tod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
139: How To Forgive Others And Find Peace Within Yourself from 2020-11-19T20:26:32

This episode is gritty, raw, unedited, and probably one of the toughest ones I have recorded yet. I share how I decided to forgive my ex-husband for our 10 years of shared domestic violence and ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Forgive Others And Find Peace Within Yourself from 2020-11-19T20:26:32

This episode is gritty, raw, unedited, and probably one of the toughest ones I have recorded yet. I share how I decided to forgive my ex-husband for our 10 years of shared domestic violence and ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
138: What Is The Law Of Attraction? from 2020-11-11T20:49:08

It's time to remember the power you have to create your own reality. This is my spin on the Law of Attraction. Also, make sure you register for my FREE Abundance Masterclass that begins on Nov 1...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
What Is The Law Of Attraction? from 2020-11-11T20:49:08

It's time to remember the power you have to create your own reality. This is my spin on the Law of Attraction. Also, make sure you register for my FREE Abundance Masterclass that begins on Nov 1...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
137: Kim Kardashian Shared My Dear Universe Affirmation And This Is What Happened from 2020-11-06T21:44:08

Kim Kardashian shared my Dear Universe affirmation. There's a Law of Attraction story behind this, some powerful lessons in non-judgment and the beauty of creating your own signature energy patt...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Kim Kardashian Shared My Dear Universe Affirmation And This Is What Happened from 2020-11-06T21:44:08

Kim Kardashian shared my Dear Universe affirmation. There's a Law of Attraction story behind this, some powerful lessons in non-judgment and the beauty of creating your own signature energy patt...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
136: Rise Above Fear And Embrace Love (Meditation) from 2020-10-31T18:04:26

It's my birthday! To celebrate I wanted to give you a meditation gift called Rise Above Fear And Embrace Love.  Use this meditation when you feel like you need grounding and desire...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Rise Above Fear And Embrace Love MEDITATION from 2020-10-31T18:04:26

It's my birthday! To celebrate I wanted to give you a meditation gift called Rise Above Fear And Embrace Love.  Use this meditation when you feel like you need grounding and desire...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
135: Trust Your Gut: Intuition Is Your Superpower from 2020-10-30T19:47:54

You have amazing power within you. In fact, you're in constant contact with The Universe. This cosmic force is always delivering messages, signs, wisdom and whispers to you thro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Trust Your Gut: INTUITION Is Your Superpower from 2020-10-30T19:47:54

You have amazing power within you. In fact, you're in constant contact with The Universe. This cosmic force is always delivering messages, signs, wisdom and whispers to you thro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
134: How To Alchemize Your Emotions In Uncertain Times from 2020-10-23T19:29:37

This week was a doozy! In this episode, I run through a couple of real-life examples of how to alchemize your emotions in your times of need and uncertainty. You can definitely empower your emot...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To ALCHEMIZE Your Emotions In Uncertain Times from 2020-10-23T19:29:37

This week was a doozy! In this episode, I run through a couple of real-life examples of how to alchemize your emotions in your times of need and uncertainty. You can definitely empower your emot...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
133: Toxic Positivity, "Shoulding" On Others and How to Feel to Heal from 2020-10-12T21:05:36

It’s so important to feel your feelings and allow time and space to process them. We are experiencing high levels of uncertainty right now so this episode is for those of you that need the remin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Toxic Positivity, "Shoulding" On Others and How to Feel to Heal from 2020-10-12T21:05:36

It’s so important to feel your feelings and allow time and space to process them. We are experiencing high levels of uncertainty right now so this episode is for those of you that need the remin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
132: Thoughts Are Things from 2020-10-05T21:46:48

This episode shares a very serendipitous story of how I discovered the work of New Thought writer, Prentice Mulford. Prentice Mulford was born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, in 1834. It is said tha...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Thoughts ARE Things from 2020-10-05T21:46:48

This episode shares a very serendipitous story of how I discovered the work of New Thought writer, Prentice Mulford. Prentice Mulford was born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, in 1834. It is said tha...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
131: The Life-Changing Miracle Of Decluttering from 2020-09-28T20:54:10

This is an audio from a Facebook live that my husband (Sean Patrick Simpson) and I recorded on how we created the space energetically to move from Las Vegas to The Hamptons in New York. If you'r...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Life-Changing Miracle Of Decluttering from 2020-09-28T20:54:10

This is an audio from a Facebook live that my husband (Sean Patrick Simpson) and I recorded on how we created the space energetically to move from Las Vegas to The Hamptons in New York. If you'r...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
130: The Essence and Magic of Emotional Empowerment from 2020-09-21T20:17:26

This episode reminds you of the power you have to guide your emotions and your energy with people, places, and experiences. 


This episode is sponsored by
¡ A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Essence and Magic of Emotional Empowerment from 2020-09-21T20:17:26

This episode reminds you of the power you have to guide your emotions and your energy with people, places, and experiences. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
129: Manifesting A Rainbow Baby After Miscarriage from 2020-09-02T00:03:23

This episode shares a little bit of my personal story of going through five miscarriages in a row. My intention is to give hope that miracles happen and to trust in Divine Timing.  Pregnanc...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Manifesting A Rainbow Baby After MISCARRIAGE from 2020-09-02T00:03:23

This episode shares a little bit of my personal story of going through five miscarriages in a row. My intention is to give hope that miracles happen and to trust in Divine Timing.  Pregnanc...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
128: My Morning Routine And Other Manifesting Questions from 2020-08-25T00:49:24

I recently felt like I had a bit of podcaster’s block (like writer’s block) so I asked some of you on Instagram to ask me your #manifesting questions to create an episode. See the questions here...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Morning Routine And Other Manifesting Questions from 2020-08-25T00:49:24

I recently felt like I had a bit of podcaster’s block (like writer’s block) so I asked some of you on Instagram to ask me your #manifesting questions to create an episode. See the questions here...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
127: Hummingbird Medicine, Moving To The Hamptons and My Next Chapter from 2020-08-18T22:10:47

This is a long-overdue update on what’s been going on since I took a break from podcasting for nearly two months. I’m moving to The Hamptons in New York, and my new spirit animal is the hummingb...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Hummingbird Medicine, Moving To The Hamptons and My Next Chapter from 2020-08-18T22:10:47

This is a long-overdue update on what’s been going on since I took a break from podcasting for nearly two months. I’m moving to The Hamptons in New York, and my new spirit animal is the hummingb...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
126: One year TUMMY TUCK update - a journey of healing and empowerment from 2020-07-06T23:21:42

A little over a year ago I had a tummy tuck operation and today I'm sharing the private journey of how I feel about it now. 


This episode is sponsored by
¡ A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
One year TUMMY TUCK update - a journey of healing and empowerment from 2020-07-06T23:21:42

A little over a year ago I had a tummy tuck operation and today I'm sharing the private journey of how I feel about it now. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
125: How To Meditate from 2020-06-19T22:11:47

There are so many benefits of spending time in prayer or meditation. It strengthens your intuition, amplifies your manifesting powers, and connects you to the beautiful flow of the Universe. Tod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Meditate from 2020-06-19T22:11:47

There are so many benefits of spending time in prayer or meditation. It strengthens your intuition, amplifies your manifesting powers, and connects you to the beautiful flow of the Universe. Tod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
124: Your Beliefs And Your Creativity As A Legacy And What You Leave Behind from 2020-06-15T23:32:05

I found out that an old friend of mine passed away, his name was Grant Alexander McCracken. He was a poet, an artist, and a character.  This sad news got me thinking about how we leave our ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your Beliefs And Your Creativity As A Legacy And What You Leave Behind from 2020-06-15T23:32:05

I found out that an old friend of mine passed away, his name was Grant Alexander McCracken. He was a poet, an artist, and a character.  This sad news got me thinking about how we leave our ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
123: How To Manifest A Restful Night's Sleep from 2020-06-09T22:23:06

What keeps you up at night? Do you feel anxiety? In today's show, I share with you the top 7 things you can do to get a restful and peaceful night's sleep so you can recharge and be your best se...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Manifest A Restful Night's Sleep from 2020-06-09T22:23:06

What keeps you up at night? Do you feel anxiety? In today's show, I share with you the top 7 things you can do to get a restful and peaceful night's sleep so you can recharge and be your best se...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
122: How To Feel CONNECTED from 2020-06-01T23:03:49

This is a reading from my book called #DearUniverse which is all about emotional empowerment and guiding your feelings. This one is how to manifest feeling connected. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Feel CONNECTED from 2020-06-01T23:03:49

This is a reading from my book called #DearUniverse which is all about emotional empowerment and guiding your feelings. This one is how to manifest feeling connected. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
121: 7 Positive Signs Abundance, Prosperity, and Good Fortune Are Manifesting For You Very Soon from 2020-05-25T22:00:57

The number #1 intention that most people want to manifest is more money. Does this sound like you? Abundance creates a beautiful opportunity to experience more freedom in your life. Here...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Positive Signs Abundance, Prosperity, and Good Fortune Are Manifesting For You Very Soon from 2020-05-25T22:00:57

The number #1 intention that most people want to manifest is more money. Does this sound like you? Abundance creates a beautiful opportunity to experience more freedom in your life. Here...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
120: The Art Of Visualization To Attract True Love from 2020-05-23T00:05:54

You have the power to strengthen your intuition to attract anything your heart desires. Today I share some of my own personal experiences with creative visualization and remind you how to use th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Art Of Visualization To Attract True Love from 2020-05-23T00:05:54

You have the power to strengthen your intuition to attract anything your heart desires. Today I share some of my own personal experiences with creative visualization and remind you how to use th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
119: How I Finally Got The Law Of Attraction To Work For Me from 2020-05-19T00:55:18

It was 2014 and we were broke. We were also newlyweds, I kept on having miscarriages and our house was haunted (a story for another day).I felt like the Universe had forgotten me. Here’s how I m...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How I Finally Got The LAW OF ATTRACTION To Work For Me from 2020-05-19T00:55:18

It was 2014 and we were broke. We were also newlyweds, I kept on having miscarriages and our house was haunted (a story for another day).I felt like the Universe had forgotten me. Here’s how I m...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
118: Two Simple Secrets That Took Me From Welfare To A Million Dollars from 2020-05-12T00:56

Here are the two secrets that I used to go from living on welfare as a single mother to running a 7-figure business. Keep in mind that everyone has a different journey ahead of them and behind t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Two Simple Secrets That Took Me From Welfare To A Million Dollars from 2020-05-12T00:56

Here are the two secrets that I used to go from living on welfare as a single mother to running a 7-figure business. Keep in mind that everyone has a different journey ahead of them and behind t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
117: The New Normal of Manifesting from 2020-04-23T23:27:36

Mother Earth is being reset. The Universe has decluttered space by requiring people to stay home. Society has been disrupted. Thus, energy patterns are vibrating at a completely different freque...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The New Normal of Manifesting from 2020-04-23T23:27:36

Mother Earth is being reset. The Universe has decluttered space by requiring people to stay home. Society has been disrupted. Thus, energy patterns are vibrating at a completely different freque...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
116: 7 Affirmations To Be More Present from 2020-04-14T22:51:36

Here are 7 Affirmations To Be More Present. Say these gems to manifest presence when you feel your mind wandering into the habituated space of selective hearing, mindless scrolling or unconsciou...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Affirmations To Be More Present from 2020-04-14T22:51:36

Here are 7 Affirmations To Be More Present. Say these gems to manifest presence when you feel your mind wandering into the habituated space of selective hearing, mindless scrolling or unconsciou...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
115: How To Activate Your Manifesting Superpowers from 2020-04-10T22:50:47

When it comes to intentionally wanting to call something into your reality like a soul mate, a dream home, or a giant pile of cash, it’s important to remember that everything is energy....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Activate Your Manifesting Superpowers from 2020-04-10T22:50:47

When it comes to intentionally wanting to call something into your reality like a soul mate, a dream home, or a giant pile of cash, it’s important to remember that everything is energy....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
114: 6 Things I'm Doing During The Pandemic from 2020-04-04T00:32:25

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a reality sweeping through our lives and changing how we do things and what we’re focusing on. Here are 6 things I'm doing during the pandemic to stay grounded, fee...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
6 Things I'm Doing During The Pandemic from 2020-04-04T00:32:25

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a reality sweeping through our lives and changing how we do things and what we’re focusing on. Here are 6 things I'm doing during the pandemic to stay grounded, fee...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
113: How To Fight Fairly With Your Partner (When You Can’t Leave The House) from 2020-04-02T00:17:12

The toilet seat is up, or it needs to be cleaned. The chewing/crunching noises are so loud you’re losing your mind. And you’re both fighting to be right, heard and seen. Here’s what needs to hap...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How To Fight Fairly With Your Partner (When You Can’t Leave The House) from 2020-04-02T00:17:12

The toilet seat is up, or it needs to be cleaned. The chewing/crunching noises are so loud you’re losing your mind. And you’re both fighting to be right, heard and seen. Here’s what needs to hap...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
112: Be The Energy Of What You Desire When You're Stuck Indoors from 2020-03-30T20:52:41

When you're stuck indoors and you feel as if you're trapped in the monotony of daily life then it's imperative that if you can't go outside that you turn INWARD. This isn't time to hang up your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Be The Energy Of What You Desire When You're Stuck Indoors from 2020-03-30T20:52:41

When you're stuck indoors and you feel as if you're trapped in the monotony of daily life then it's imperative that if you can't go outside that you turn INWARD. This isn't time to hang up your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
111: The Top 5 Things You CAN Control In Life from 2020-03-20T23:22:21

These unprecedented times are a little scary, but the good news is that there are things you CAN control in your life that will make you feel more comfortable with uncertainty and connected to j...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Top 5 Things You CAN Control In Life from 2020-03-20T23:22:21

These unprecedented times are a little scary, but the good news is that there are things you CAN control in your life that will make you feel more comfortable with uncertainty and connected to j...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
110: Find Your Point of Peace and Rise Above Fearful Thoughts (Meditation) from 2020-03-10T21:53:16

This is a meditation to help you to navigate uncertainty during this time (or any time). Take in a deep breath and remember that you are not alone - we're all in this together. Sending so much L...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Find Your Point of Peace and Rise Above Fearful Thoughts MEDITATION from 2020-03-10T21:53:16

This is a meditation to help you to navigate uncertainty during this time (or any time). Take in a deep breath and remember that you are not alone - we're all in this together. Sending so much L...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
109: What I Learned From Earning A Million Dollars from 2020-03-09T19:23:32

Ever wondered whether or not there is such a thing as an overnight success? I'm sharing with you some of the highlights, low points and pivotal moments of how I went from living on welfare to ma...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
What I Learned From Earning A Million Dollars from 2020-03-09T19:23:32

Ever wondered whether or not there is such a thing as an overnight success? I'm sharing with you some of the highlights, low points and pivotal moments of how I went from living on welfare to ma...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
108: The Coronavirus And How to Navigate Fear from 2020-03-04T01:29:29

This episode shares some tips and advice on how to be responsible and empowered emotionally during this time hearing about the Coronavirus or COVID-19. Let's face it, the thought of this virus h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Coronavirus And How to Navigate Fear from 2020-03-04T01:29:29

This episode shares some tips and advice on how to be responsible and empowered emotionally during this time hearing about the Coronavirus or COVID-19. Let's face it, the thought of this virus h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
107: Being Adaptive When The Universe Tests You from 2020-02-25T01:57:06

We got sudden news that we needed to move out by the end of the month. Then my daughter had to go to the hospital for a few days. This episode reminds you of how to be adaptive when The Universe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Being Adaptive When The Universe Tests You from 2020-02-25T01:57:06

We got sudden news that we needed to move out by the end of the month. Then my daughter had to go to the hospital for a few days. This episode reminds you of how to be adaptive when The Universe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
106: Life Is Short So Follow Your Dreams And Live With Intention from 2020-01-27T19:22:45

Following the sudden and tragic death of Kobe Bryant yesterday, I want to remind you to follow your dreams, take leaps of faith, be guided to take inspired action. Life is short - so live each d...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Life Is Short So Follow Your Dreams And Live With Intention from 2020-01-27T19:22:45

Following the sudden and tragic death of Kobe Bryant yesterday, I want to remind you to follow your dreams, take leaps of faith, be guided to take inspired action. Life is short - so live each d...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
105: Putting Rainbow Sprinkles On Turds: The Downside To The Self-Help Industry from 2020-01-24T19:39:09

Getting real and raw about how spirituality and self-help concepts are presented online is important. When we get curious about the wholistic elements of personal growth, then we feel better and...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Putting Rainbow Sprinkles On Turds: The Downside To The Self-Help Industry from 2020-01-24T19:39:09

Getting real and raw about how spirituality and self-help concepts are presented online is important. When we get curious about the wholistic elements of personal growth, then we feel better and...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
104: The 5 Reasons Why A Leopard CAN Change Its Spots from 2020-01-23T17:45:12

I got trigged when someone on Instagram stories was talking about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. She pretty much said that a leopard cannot change his spots - which I disagree with since I also...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 5 Reasons Why A Leopard CAN Change Its Spots from 2020-01-23T17:45:12

I got trigged when someone on Instagram stories was talking about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. She pretty much said that a leopard cannot change his spots - which I disagree with since I also...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
103: The Goddess Kali and the Breakdown Before The Breakthrough from 2020-01-17T17:17:09

Do you believe in apparitions or ghosts? Throughout history there have been mystical visitations from spirits, guides and angels. Today I share a story of when the Hindu Goddess Kali appeared in...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Goddess Kali and the Breakdown Before The Breakthrough from 2020-01-17T17:17:09

Do you believe in apparitions or ghosts? Throughout history there have been mystical visitations from spirits, guides and angels. Today I share a story of when the Hindu Goddess Kali appeared in...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
102: The 6 Limiting Beliefs That Might Be Holding You Back from Money and Abundance from 2020-01-13T09:00

You have to be brave. You have to be willing to understand yourself at a deeper level that will ultimately help to boost you forward into the next empowering chapter of your life. Are you ready?...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 6 Limiting Beliefs That Might Be Holding You Back from Money and Abundance from 2020-01-13T09:00

You have to be brave. You have to be willing to understand yourself at a deeper level that will ultimately help to boost you forward into the next empowering chapter of your life. Are you ready?...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
101: Digital Sage and Clearing For Your Energetic Field (Meditation) from 2020-01-11T11:00

Here is a guided meditation for you to use when you feel like you need resetting and recalibration. Grab your sage, diffuse your essential oils and get ready to visualize healing energy in your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Digital Sage and Clearing For Your Energetic Field (Meditation) from 2020-01-11T11:00

Here is a guided meditation for you to use when you feel like you need resetting and recalibration. Grab your sage, diffuse your essential oils and get ready to visualize healing energy in your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
100: My Sacred Day of Self-Care to See A Plastic Surgeon, A Psychic, and A Tattoo Artist from 2020-01-09T20:35:56

This episode documents how I turned my overwhelm into a divine day of self-care. In just one day I went to see a plastic surgeon, a psychic, and a tattoo artist (plus signed up for a yoga class)...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Sacred Day of Self-Care to See A Plastic Surgeon, A Psychic, and A Tattoo Artist from 2020-01-09T20:35:56

This episode documents how I turned my overwhelm into a divine day of self-care. In just one day I went to see a plastic surgeon, a psychic, and a tattoo artist (plus signed up for a yoga class)...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
99: How to Play Manifesting Games to Attract Abundance from 2020-01-07T20:09:19

Want to create and attract more abundance into your life? This episode shares how you can use the power of your emotions to guide and manifest your reality. Follow me: http://instagram.com/sarahpro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Play Manifesting Games to Attract Abundance from 2020-01-07T20:09:19

Want to create and attract more abundance into your life? This episode shares how you can use the power of your emotions to guide and manifest your reality. Follow me: http://instagram.com/sarahprout

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
98: Collective Healing Meditation for The Australian Bushfires from 2020-01-03T23:06:59

It's heartbreaking to see the bushfires in Australia burning out of control. Today I'm inviting you to join me for a collective healing meditation to send love and prayers to all of those affect...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Collective Healing Meditation for The Australian Bushfires from 2020-01-03T23:06:59

It's heartbreaking to see the bushfires in Australia burning out of control. Today I'm inviting you to join me for a collective healing meditation to send love and prayers to all of those affect...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
97: Setting Powerful Intentions With 7 Things to Manifest in 2020 from 2019-12-31T00:05:37

It's the start of a brand new decade! Happy New Year! In today's show we dive into 7 Things to Manifest In 2020. 


This episode is sponsored by
¡ Anchor: The easiest way ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Setting Powerful Intentions With 7 Things to Manifest in 2020 from 2019-12-31T00:05:37

It's the start of a brand new decade! Happy New Year! In today's show we dive into 7 Things to Manifest In 2020. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
96: From Welfare To Creating A Million Dollar Business - A Decade In Review from 2019-12-18T00:39:03

In this episode I share with you the journey of going from being a single mother living on welfare, to now running a successful million dollar business. This is a manifestation story that spans ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
From Welfare To Creating A Million Dollar Business - A Decade In Review from 2019-12-18T00:39:03

In this episode I share with you the journey of going from being a single mother living on welfare, to now running a successful million dollar business. This is a manifestation story that spans ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
95: What The Universe Is Trying to Tell You When Syncronicities Happen from 2019-12-11T17:31:18

This is possibly my most favorite topic: syncronicities, manifesting and The Law of Attraction. What is The Universe trying to tell you about your life?


This episode is spon...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
What The Universe Is Trying to Tell You When Syncronicities Happen from 2019-12-11T17:31:18

This is possibly my most favorite topic: syncronicities, manifesting and The Law of Attraction. What is The Universe trying to tell you about your life?

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
94: Why Failure Always Appears Before Success from 2019-12-05T00:53:05

Things get scary before your desires manifest. It's just a fact of life and a reminder of why it's so important to remember that whatever you want is on the other side of fear. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why FAILURE Always Appears Before Success from 2019-12-05T00:53:05

Things get scary before your desires manifest. It's just a fact of life and a reminder of why it's so important to remember that whatever you want is on the other side of fear. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
93: The 5 Seasons of Your Manifesting Journey from 2019-11-24T21:05:35

Here are the 5 seasons of your spiritual and emotional empowerment on your journey to manifesting. Each one is different and can be experienced at the same time. 


This episod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 5 Seasons of Your Manifesting Journey from 2019-11-24T21:05:35

Here are the 5 seasons of your spiritual and emotional empowerment on your journey to manifesting. Each one is different and can be experienced at the same time. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
92: Powerful Affirmations For Abundance from 2019-11-20T00:13:15

Here are a selection of powerful affirmations for abundance. The best way to prime your mindset and transform your reality is to say affirmations on a daily basis.



MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Powerful Affirmations For Abundance from 2019-11-20T00:13:15

Here are a selection of powerful affirmations for abundance. The best way to prime your mindset and transform your reality is to say affirmations on a daily basis.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
91: Teaching Children About Meditation and Gratitude from 2019-10-31T16:22:57

In this episode I share with you a recording of my evening ritual with my two youngest daughters. Together we do a Dear Universe meditation and gratitude practice. There are lots of giggles and ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Teaching Children About Meditation and Gratitude from 2019-10-31T16:22:57

In this episode I share with you a recording of my evening ritual with my two youngest daughters. Together we do a Dear Universe meditation and gratitude practice. There are lots of giggles and ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
90: How to Deal With Major Life Transitions With Ease and Grace from 2019-10-09T21:30:01

How do you transition from one phase in your life to another without it all having to be drama-loaded and explosive? How do you avoid the energetic drain of fear, doubt and anxiety as you climb ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Deal With Major Life Transitions With Ease and Grace from 2019-10-09T21:30:01

How do you transition from one phase in your life to another without it all having to be drama-loaded and explosive? How do you avoid the energetic drain of fear, doubt and anxiety as you climb ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
89: The 7 Manifesting Languages - Which One Is Yours? from 2019-10-07T22:01:22

Your Manifesting Language is determined by the joy that is sparked in your heart when you think of how The Universe expresses progress and transformation through your experience. This is a brand...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 7 Manifesting Languages - Which One Is Yours? from 2019-10-07T22:01:22

Your Manifesting Language is determined by the joy that is sparked in your heart when you think of how The Universe expresses progress and transformation through your experience. This is a brand...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
88: Real-Time Raw and Vulnerable Thoughts on Rising Above Overwhelm and Seeking Mental Space from 2019-10-04T16:07:20

This episode is pretty raw and has been recorded on my phone, in the car, outside of Target in Las Vegas. I left my house to take a drive and get some space.


This episode is...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Real-Time Raw and Vulnerable Thoughts on Rising Above Overwhelm and Seeking Mental Space from 2019-10-04T16:07:20

This episode is pretty raw and has been recorded on my phone, in the car, outside of Target in Las Vegas. I left my house to take a drive and get some space.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
87: The Best Way to Predict The Future Is To Create It from 2019-10-03T21:09:23

Just remember that you have the power to create your own reality with your energy and your emotions. In this episode I talk about ways that you can take inspired actions to make sure you are con...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Best Way to Predict The Future Is To Create It from 2019-10-03T21:09:23

Just remember that you have the power to create your own reality with your energy and your emotions. In this episode I talk about ways that you can take inspired actions to make sure you are con...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
86: Dealing with Mom Guilt As a Spiritual Entrepreneur from 2019-09-30T22:35:38

This one is for the parents out there that are not sure how to balance business at the same time as raising children. Here's my two-cents on the issue and why it's important to re-frame your per...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Dealing with Mom Guilt As a Spiritual Entrepreneur from 2019-09-30T22:35:38

This one is for the parents out there that are not sure how to balance business at the same time as raising children. Here's my two-cents on the issue and why it's important to re-frame your per...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Ultimate 7 Step INTENTION Setting Process from 2019-09-27T16:44:53

Anything and everything that you desire to manifest begins with intention. In this episode I share The Ultimate 7 Step Intention Setting Process that will help you to attract and create what it ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
85: The Ultimate 7 Step Intention Setting Process from 2019-09-27T16:44:53

Anything and everything that you desire to manifest begins with intention. In this episode I share The Ultimate 7 Step Intention Setting Process that will help you to attract and create what it ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Ask The Universe for Signs from 2019-09-24T22:00

It's so important that when you're on a journey to manifesting that you ask The Universe to send you signs that you are on the right path. In this episode I discuss the 3 ways that The Universe ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
84: How to Ask The Universe for Signs from 2019-09-24T22:00

It's so important that when you're on a journey to manifesting that you ask The Universe to send you signs that you are on the right path. In this episode I discuss the 3 ways that The Universe ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Carolin Soldo: From Passion to Profits from 2019-08-30T18:28:17

Carolin has been called “The Fairy Godmother of Coaches” for no other reason than her years of experience, deep expertise, and love for her international coaching community. Carolin works with p...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
83: Carolin Soldo: From Passion to Profits from 2019-08-30T18:28:17

Carolin has been called “The Fairy Godmother of Coaches” for no other reason than her years of experience, deep expertise, and love for her international coaching community. Carolin works with p...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Mindset Tips to Attract Abundance and Prosperity from 2019-08-02T18:41:50

Do you have an abundance mindset or are you locked on scarcity? This is a distinction that will ultimately manifest your success. In this episode I discuss how to cultivate an abundance mindset ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
82: Mindset Tips to Attract Abundance and Prosperity from 2019-08-02T18:41:50

Do you have an abundance mindset or are you locked on scarcity? This is a distinction that will ultimately manifest your success. In this episode I discuss how to cultivate an abundance mindset ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Stuff You Should Know About Raising Empowered Children from 2019-07-30T19:23:27

From my perspective I share how to raise your children to be good and empowered human beings. Everything from the "shoulds" you place on them to your responsibility to lead with love, empat...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
81: Stuff You Should Know About Raising Empowered Children from 2019-07-30T19:23:27

From my perspective I share how to raise your children to be good and empowered human beings. Everything from the "shoulds" you place on them to your responsibility to lead with love, empat...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Transformative Power of Forgiveness from 2019-06-21T18:11:42

Over thirty-eight million video views, tens of thousands of comments, a bestselling book, over ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
80: The Transformative Power of Forgiveness from 2019-06-21T18:11:42

Over thirty-eight million video views, tens of thousands of comments, a bestselling book, over ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
My Tummy Tuck Journey: A Goodbye Letter to My Beautiful Wrinkly Stomach from 2019-06-19T17:11:59

Next week I’m going to have a tummy tuck. In this episode I share my emotions, my reflections and my goodbyes to my stomach. It’s a very personal journey that I want to express just in case it h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
79: My Tummy Tuck Journey: A Goodbye Letter to My Beautiful Wrinkly Stomach from 2019-06-19T17:11:59

Next week I’m going to have a tummy tuck. In this episode I share my emotions, my reflections and my goodbyes to my stomach. It’s a very personal journey that I want to express just in case it h...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How Are You Showing Up For Your Dreams Today? (motivation) from 2019-06-12T16:59:33

How Are You Showing Up for Your Dreams Today? Are you creating something new and exciting? Are you following an intuitive hunch? Are you telling your loved ones you love them? Perhaps you are <...


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
78: How Are You Showing Up For Your Dreams Today? (motivation) from 2019-06-12T16:59:33

How Are You Showing Up for Your Dreams Today? Are you creating something new and exciting? Are you following an intuitive hunch? Are you telling your loved ones you love them? Perhaps you are <...


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Michelle Sorro: Live Your Best Life with Empowered Visibility from 2019-06-10T19:42:49

Michelle Sorro is a TV Retail Host on Emmy winning Extra, Speaker, Host of The Mindset Mashup podcast and Founder of Video Mastery Academy. In this episode we discuss how to be unapologetically ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
77: Michelle Sorro: Live Your Best Life with Empowered Visibility from 2019-06-10T19:42:49

Michelle Sorro is a TV Retail Host on Emmy winning Extra, Speaker, Host of The Mindset Mashup podcast and Founder of Video Mastery Academy. In this episode we discuss how to be unapologetically ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Michael Trainer: Human Potential and Creating Global Impact from 2019-05-28T18:08:26

Today's guest is the founder of Peak Mind, Michael Trainer. We have a powerful conversation about human potential and creating global impact. Michael shares wisdom and insight that will remind y...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
76: Michael Trainer: Human Potential and Creating Global Impact from 2019-05-28T18:08:26

Today's guest is the founder of Peak Mind, Michael Trainer. We have a powerful conversation about human potential and creating global impact. Michael shares wisdom and insight that will remind y...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Dear Universe VISUALIZATION from 2019-04-16T19:59:02

Not Sure How Your Dreams Will Ever Manifest?  When you're having trouble getting started, you might feel lost and confused. You need a VISION. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
75: Dear Universe (Visualization) from 2019-04-16T19:59:02

Not Sure How Your Dreams Will Ever Manifest?  When you're having trouble getting started, you might feel lost and confused. You need a VISION. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Be The Love VISUALIZATION from 2019-04-16T19:48:18

Visualization is an art-form. It’s when you create pictures and mental imagery in your mind to prompt positive outcomes and change. Anyone can do it and the benefits are awe-inspiring. This epis...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
74: Be The Love (Visualization) from 2019-04-16T19:48:18

Visualization is an art-form. It’s when you create pictures and mental imagery in your mind to prompt positive outcomes and change. Anyone can do it and the benefits are awe-inspiring. This epis...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Dear Universe, I am ready to begin the next chapter of my life from 2019-04-13T22:34:33

In this episode I share the reason why the energy of The Universe is always moving you forward and how you can take 3 INSPIRED steps of action to begin the next chapter of your life. To get your...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
73: Dear Universe, I am ready to begin the next chapter of my life from 2019-04-13T22:34:33

In this episode I share the reason why the energy of The Universe is always moving you forward and how you can take 3 INSPIRED steps of action to begin the next chapter of your life. To get your...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Secrets For Instant Manifestations from 2019-03-28T15:48:10

It’s an incredibly exciting time because my book Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
72: 3 Secrets For Instant Manifestations from 2019-03-28T15:48:10

It’s an incredibly exciting time because my book Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Manifest Anything You Want from 2019-03-19T00:25:43

It's time to get out of your head and into your heart about what you want to create in your life. This episode shows you how to guide your energy to a space of knowing that each moment is a powe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
71: How to Manifest Anything You Want from 2019-03-19T00:25:43

It's time to get out of your head and into your heart about what you want to create in your life. This episode shows you how to guide your energy to a space of knowing that each moment is a powe...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How Spiritual People Deal With Haters from 2019-03-07T22:33:15

Ever had to deal with an online troll before? Someone that was so obsessed with you because they don't understand your magic? It's okay. What other people think of you is none of your business, ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
70: How Spiritual People Deal With Haters from 2019-03-07T22:33:15

Ever had to deal with an online troll before? Someone that was so obsessed with you because they don't understand your magic? It's okay. What other people think of you is none of your business, ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Get to Choose Your Emotions from 2019-02-16T01:02:34

In this episode I discuss how an Uber driver planted a seed of doubt in my mind on my way to a TV interview to promote Dear Universe. I also share my recent hospital visit from ingesting a bad b...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
69: You Get to Choose Your Emotions from 2019-02-16T01:02:34

In this episode I discuss how an Uber driver planted a seed of doubt in my mind on my way to a TV interview to promote Dear Universe. I also share my recent hospital visit from ingesting a bad b...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Art of Letting Go from 2019-01-16T19:09:54

In this episode I talk about the art of letting go in the manifestation process and my experience with using CBD oil for relaxation and releasing stress. 

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
68: The Art of Letting Go from 2019-01-16T19:09:54

In this episode I talk about the art of letting go in the manifestation process and my experience with using CBD oil for relaxation and releasing stress. 


This ep...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Vulnerability Is Your Key to Emotional Freedom from 2019-01-10T18:05:40

It is said that a problem shared is a problem spared. There is some serious magic that is activated when you can share your story from a space of vulnerability. This episode invites you to open you...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
67: Vulnerability Is Your Key to Emotional Freedom from 2019-01-10T18:05:40

It is said that a problem shared is a problem spared. There is some serious magic that is activated when you can share your story from a space of vulnerability. This episode invites you to open you...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why Self-Love Will Manifest Your Empowered Future from 2019-01-03T00:22:41

This episode is pretty real and raw. For most of my life I have been so mean to myself. I’ve criticized the way I look almost on an hourly basis. No matter where I am on the darn scale, I’ll fin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
66: Why Self-Love Will Manifest Your Empowered Future from 2019-01-03T00:22:41

This episode is pretty real and raw. For most of my life I have been so mean to myself. I’ve criticized the way I look almost on an hourly basis. No matter where I am on the darn scale, I’ll fin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
New You: Your Meditation for Transformation from 2018-12-14T20:39:12

Happy Holidays! This is a FREE gift in the form of a meditation to create and allow the space to manifest the new you for the new year and beyond.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
65: New You: Your Meditation for Transformation from 2018-12-14T20:39:12

Happy Holidays! This is a FREE gift in the form of a meditation to create and allow the space to manifest the new you for the new year and beyond.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5 Ways to Believe in Your Own Magic from 2018-12-13T23:08:15

One of the biggest roadblocks to manifesting what you want is to not believe in your own magic. We all have it. We all have magic inside us. We all have this incredible and unique superpower to cre...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
64: 5 Ways to Believe in Your Own Magic from 2018-12-13T23:08:15

One of the biggest roadblocks to manifesting what you want is to not believe in your own magic. We all have it. We all have magic inside us. We all have this incredible and unique superpower to cre...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Rituals to Make 2019 The Best Year Ever from 2018-12-08T17:09:56

You might say the exact same thing every single year: “This year is going to be the best year ever!” Sound familiar? Do you set powerful intentions leading up to the New Year, only to fall short or...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
63: Rituals to Make 2019 The Best Year Ever from 2018-12-08T17:09:56

You might say the exact same thing every single year: “This year is going to be the best year ever!” Sound familiar? Do you set powerful intentions leading up to the New Year, only to fall short or...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Allowing Your Energy and Intuition to Guide The Way Forward from 2018-11-30T18:34:09

There’s been this feeling that I experience once in a while where I feel so incredibly grounded. It usually appears at the change of seasons, or when I recover from having a cold or a virus. It’s u...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
62: Allowing Your Energy and Intuition to Guide The Way Forward from 2018-11-30T18:34:09

There’s been this feeling that I experience once in a while where I feel so incredibly grounded. It usually appears at the change of seasons, or when I recover from having a cold or a virus. It’s u...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How The Emotional Triggers Within Your Family Impact The Manifestation of Your Dreams from 2018-11-19T18:44:49

It’s the golden nuggets of deep spiritual work that are often revealed when you are able to withstand the storm of bothersome family dynamics. It’s the pink elephant in the room that no one talks a...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
61: How The Emotional Triggers Within Your Family Impact The Manifestation of Your Dreams from 2018-11-19T18:44:49

It’s the golden nuggets of deep spiritual work that are often revealed when you are able to withstand the storm of bothersome family dynamics. It’s the pink elephant in the room that no one talks a...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Conscious Parenting Tips to Empower Your Children from 2018-10-26T19:20:45

Children are powerful teachers sent to us by The Universe. When you learn how to go with the flow, praise, laugh and connect with your child then tremendous healing can manifest.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
60: Conscious Parenting Tips to Empower Your Children from 2018-10-26T19:20:45

Children are powerful teachers sent to us by The Universe. When you learn how to go with the flow, praise, laugh and connect with your child then tremendous healing can manifest.


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Are The Oracle: Building Your Intuition to Manifest Instant Guidance from 2018-10-24T16:34:47

It’s time to take your power back and not rely on others to validate the energetic trajectory that you already know in your heart. Trust your instinct and connect to The Universe to manifest magic.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
59: You Are The Oracle: Building Your Intuition to Manifest Instant Guidance from 2018-10-24T16:34:47

It’s time to take your power back and not rely on others to validate the energetic trajectory that you already know in your heart. Trust your instinct and connect to The Universe to manifest magic....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
58: Create Powerful Connection Beyond Judgment from 2018-10-19T19:15:30

Want to expand your spiritual experience? The fastest way is to venture out of your comfort zone and connect with new people that you would usually avoid.


This episode is sp...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Secret Door to Success: 3 Keys to Manifest Miracles from 2018-10-11T19:21:45

Here are the keys to the Secret Door to Success. Heads up though, these are probably not the manifesting techniques you think they are.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
57: The Secret Door to Success: 3 Keys to Manifest Miracles from 2018-10-11T19:21:45

Here are the keys to the Secret Door to Success. Heads up though, these are probably not the manifesting techniques you think they are.


This episode is sponsored by
¡ A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Visualize Your Dreams MEDITATION from 2018-10-10T19:00

Here's a meditation to make your day a little better

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
56: Visualize Your Dreams (Meditation) from 2018-10-10T19:00

Here's a meditation to make your day a little better


This episode is sponsored by
¡ Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. ht...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your Weight Does Not Measure Your Worth from 2018-10-10T18:27:13

You are worthy. You are enough. Today I share the idea of celebrating who you are right now in the present moment.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
55: Your Weight Does Not Measure Your Worth from 2018-10-10T18:27:13

You are worthy. You are enough. Today I share the idea of celebrating who you are right now in the present moment.


This episode is sponsored by
¡ Anchor: The easiest wa...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Quit Hiding Your Magic. The World Is Ready For You from 2018-10-02T08:30

A message from The Universe when you need to remember to quit hiding your magic. After all, the world is ready for you!

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
54: Quit Hiding Your Magic. The World Is Ready For You from 2018-10-02T08:30

A message from The Universe when you need to remember to quit hiding your magic. After all, the world is ready for you!


This episode is sponsored by
¡ Anchor: The easies...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Fork In the Road: How to Make An Empowered Decision from 2018-10-01T08:30

Every person that is alive on this planet today, and everyone that has passed before us, has had to make decisions in their lives. Sometimes they are inconsequential like whether to have peanut but...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
53: The Fork In the Road: How to Make An Empowered Decision from 2018-10-01T08:30

Every person that is alive on this planet today, and everyone that has passed before us, has had to make decisions in their lives. Sometimes they are inconsequential like whether to have peanut but...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
When You Say YES, The Universe Responds from 2018-09-30T08:30

Just like in the movie ‘YES MAN’ with Jim Carrey you need to learn how to accept opportunities and put yourself out there. YES is a powerful affirmation to the Universe that you are ready for serio...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
52: When You Say YES, The Universe Responds from 2018-09-30T08:30

Just like in the movie ‘YES MAN’ with Jim Carrey you need to learn how to accept opportunities and put yourself out there. YES is a powerful affirmation to the Universe that you are ready for serio...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Really Want to Transform Your Life from 2018-09-29T13:00

There are so many opportunities in life to connect to the heart of what it is you REALLY want. But how often to you take the time to ask yourself how you can transform your life for the better? Her...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
51: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Really Want to Transform Your Life from 2018-09-29T13:00

There are so many opportunities in life to connect to the heart of what it is you REALLY want. But how often to you take the time to ask yourself how you can transform your life for the better? Her...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Breaking Through The Belief You're Not Ready from 2018-09-26T08:30

Many times you might use the theme of ‘not being ready’ as an excuse to say comfortable in your life. You might be sitting on the sidelines of your own reality, watching the world go by. You might ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
50: Breaking Through The Belief You're Not Ready from 2018-09-26T08:30

Many times you might use the theme of ‘not being ready’ as an excuse to say comfortable in your life. You might be sitting on the sidelines of your own reality, watching the world go by. You might ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Time It Takes to Manifest Your Dreams from 2018-09-24T08:30

"Dear Universe, Hurry up!" Sound familiar? More than likely you have felt frustrated that your intentions are still yet to manifest into your current reality. I get it. It can be infuriating to see...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
49: The Time It Takes to Manifest Your Dreams from 2018-09-24T08:30

"Dear Universe, Hurry up!" Sound familiar? More than likely you have felt frustrated that your intentions are still yet to manifest into your current reality. I get it. It can be infuriating to see...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Still Stuck? The Real Pain of Not Changing from 2018-09-21T08:30

Quite often in life we get so caught up in perfection and seeking perfection, that it sabotages us from moving forward. This is one of the many reasons why New Year’s Resolutions simply don’t work....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
48: Still Stuck? The Real Pain of Not Changing from 2018-09-21T08:30

Quite often in life we get so caught up in perfection and seeking perfection, that it sabotages us from moving forward. This is one of the many reasons why New Year’s Resolutions simply don’t work....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
When It Hits The Fan, It's All Part Of The Plan from 2018-09-19T08:30

Bad and unfortunate events happen in life. It’s unavoidable because we’re human, and we’re here to learn. One of the biggest lies perpetuated in the personal development and self-help industry is t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
47: When It Hits The Fan, It's All Part Of The Plan from 2018-09-19T08:30

Bad and unfortunate events happen in life. It’s unavoidable because we’re human, and we’re here to learn. One of the biggest lies perpetuated in the personal development and self-help industry is t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
What To Do When Your Intentions Won't Manifest from 2018-09-17T08:00

More than likely you’ve set a powerful intention to manifest something really specific into your life like winning the lottery, buying your dream home or finally meeting your soul mate. This is tot...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
46: What To Do When Your Intentions Won't Manifest from 2018-09-17T08:00

More than likely you’ve set a powerful intention to manifest something really specific into your life like winning the lottery, buying your dream home or finally meeting your soul mate. This is tot...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Way of ABUNDANCE: Crystallized Emotion That Turns to Gold from 2018-09-14T08:30

For those of you that love The Law of Attraction and might have watched “The Secret”, you must have heard the phrase: “Thoughts become things”. Well, they don’t. That’s only a tiny piece of the big...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
45: The Way of Abundance: Crystallized Emotion That Turns to Gold from 2018-09-14T08:30

For those of you that love The Law of Attraction and might have watched “The Secret”, you must have heard the phrase: “Thoughts become things”. Well, they don’t. That’s only a tiny piece of the big...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Lies We Tell Ourselves to Stay Stuck from 2018-09-12T08:30

There are about a gazillion, lies we tell ourselves to stay stuck. Our egos are extremely clever and tricky little creatures that fool us into believing that we need to stay small in order to remai...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
44: Lies We Tell Ourselves to Stay Stuck from 2018-09-12T08:30

There are about a gazillion, lies we tell ourselves to stay stuck. Our egos are extremely clever and tricky little creatures that fool us into believing that we need to stay small in order to remai...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Making Space for True Love To Manifest from 2018-09-10T08:30

The Universe wants you to experience and attract true love and connection. The following ideas are to attract romance into your reality. These fun and practical little tips will magnify your energy...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
43: Making Space for True Love To Manifest from 2018-09-10T08:30

The Universe wants you to experience and attract true love and connection. The following ideas are to attract romance into your reality. These fun and practical little tips will magnify your energy...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Ultimate Recipe to Fix The Vibes from 2018-09-07T08:30

Everything is energy. We literally live in an “ocean of motion” where all the things are buzzing and oscillating at a specific frequency. Sometimes as we move through our lives we ride the wave of ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
42: The Ultimate Recipe to Fix The Vibes from 2018-09-07T08:30

Everything is energy. We literally live in an “ocean of motion” where all the things are buzzing and oscillating at a specific frequency. Sometimes as we move through our lives we ride the wave of ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How Are You Filling The Gap Between Your Heart and The Universe? from 2018-08-20T22:46:19

Sometimes we forget how powerful we are and we act out of pain. We forget that we are part of The Universe, and we choose to keep ourselves small instead of rising to greatness.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
41: How Are You Filling The Gap Between Your Heart and The Universe? from 2018-08-20T22:46:19

Sometimes we forget how powerful we are and we act out of pain. We forget that we are part of The Universe, and we choose to keep ourselves small instead of rising to greatness.


MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Three Words That Will Radically Transform Your Life from 2018-07-30T20:24:02

I was sitting in my car this morning procrastinating. Sometimes it’s super peaceful just parking the car and sitting in stillness witnessing the world go by. I was trying to motivate myself to get ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
40: Three Words That Will Radically Transform Your Life from 2018-07-30T20:24:02

I was sitting in my car this morning procrastinating. Sometimes it’s super peaceful just parking the car and sitting in stillness witnessing the world go by. I was trying to motivate myself to get ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Energetic Reset Secrets for Empaths from 2018-07-25T21:46:11

I just returned from a family vacation that was full of beautiful opportunities to manage my energy and guide my emotions. As an empath, crowds, lines, queues, waiting, more waiting, other people’s...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
39: Energetic Reset Secrets for Empaths from 2018-07-25T21:46:11

I just returned from a family vacation that was full of beautiful opportunities to manage my energy and guide my emotions. As an empath, crowds, lines, queues, waiting, more waiting, other people’s...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Keep Seeing 111 or 11:11? It's a SIGN from The Universe! from 2018-07-15T16:59:12

The 111 or 1111 sequence can be an incredibly meaningful sign of alignment in the process of manifestation. You might also see 222, 333 or perhaps even 555. Whatever the numerical sequence,...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
38: Keep Seeing 111 or 11:11? It's a SIGN from The Universe! from 2018-07-15T16:59:12

The 111 or 1111 sequence can be an incredibly meaningful sign of alignment in the process of manifestation. You might also see 222, 333 or perhaps even 555. Whatever the numerical sequence, these ‘...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Grace Smith: The Self-Empowering Benefits of Hypnotherapy from 2018-07-14T19:09:12

Grace Smith is on a mission to make hypnosis mainstream. A renowned hypnotherapist, Grace is the founder of www.gshypnosis.com, the world’s #1 hypnotherapy hub, as well as Grace Space Hypnotherapy ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
37: Grace Smith: The Self-Empowering Benefits of Hypnotherapy from 2018-07-14T19:09:12

Grace Smith is on a mission to make hypnosis mainstream. A renowned hypnotherapist, Grace is the founder of www.gshypnosis.com, the world’s #1 hypnotherapy hub, as well as Grace Space Hypnotherapy ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Signs The Universe Is Trying to Tell You Something from 2018-07-13T17:15:57

Our entire lives are built upon the exquisite system of intention and feedback. That is, you call something in (either consciously or subconsciously) and then the Universe will respond in the form ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
36: 7 Signs The Universe Is Trying to Tell You Something from 2018-07-13T17:15:57

Our entire lives are built upon the exquisite system of intention and feedback. That is, you call something in (either consciously or subconsciously) and then the Universe will respond in the form ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Choose Kindness Over Judgment from 2018-07-07T20:11:05

This is an inspired and spontaneous episode based on an interaction I had with a young man that asked me for money at the parking lot in Target. I gave him $20 and asked him to consider two thought...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
35: Choose Kindness Over Judgment from 2018-07-07T20:11:05

This is an inspired and spontaneous episode based on an interaction I had with a young man that asked me for money at the parking lot in Target. I gave him $20 and asked him to consider two thought...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
You Are Worthy from 2018-07-05T23:07:39

The underlying cause of self-sabotage in a person’s life is undoubtedly not feeling worthy enough not being able to receive. We tend to create unnecessary drama or obstacles that prevent us from bl...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
34: You Are Worthy from 2018-07-05T23:07:39

The underlying cause of self-sabotage in a person’s life is undoubtedly not feeling worthy enough not being able to receive. We tend to create unnecessary drama or obstacles that prevent us from bl...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Everything You Need to Know About TWIN FLAMES from 2018-07-03T23:39:11

Twin Flames are becoming more common to encounter as people are setting powerful intentions to live in fully conscious relationships filled with Divine, rare, true, soulful love. ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
33: Everything You Need to Know About Twin Flames from 2018-07-03T23:39:11

Twin Flames are becoming more common to encounter as people are setting powerful intentions to live in fully conscious relationships filled with Divine, rare, true, soulful love. So what is a Twin ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Mindset Tips for Attracting Prosperity from 2018-06-26T20:17:28

One of the first steps to changing your mindset is to decide that you are worthy and ready to manifest abundance. In this episode I discuss how to guide your energy to play with the Universe to att...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
32 :Mindset Tips for Attracting Prosperity from 2018-06-26T20:17:28

One of the first steps to changing your mindset is to decide that you are worthy and ready to manifest abundance. In this episode I discuss how to guide your energy to play with the Universe to att...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The 3 Forgotten Elements of Manifestation from 2018-06-21T19:49:46

Often overlooked and not utilized, these important three elements in the process of manifesting will radically transform your reality if you remember to use them.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
31: The 3 Forgotten Elements of Manifestation from 2018-06-21T19:49:46

Often overlooked and not utilized, these important three elements in the process of manifesting will radically transform your reality if you remember to use them.


This episod...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to RISE Above Limiting Beliefs from 2018-05-24T17:16:38

Are you ready to shine a light on some of your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting your desires? In this episode, I share 3 rituals you can try that will radically help to t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
30: How to Rise Above Limiting Beliefs from 2018-05-24T17:16:38

Are you ready to shine a light on some of your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting your desires? In this episode, I share 3 rituals you can try that will radically help to t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Altars and Creating Sacred Space for Manifestation from 2018-05-11T18:00:01

Want to learn how to create an altar and create a sacred space within your home or office to amplify the energy for manifestation? This episode discusses some of the beloved items I keep on my alta...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
29: Altars and Creating Sacred Space for Manifestation from 2018-05-11T18:00:01

Want to learn how to create an altar and create a sacred space within your home or office to amplify the energy for manifestation? This episode discusses some of the beloved items I keep on my alta...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Thoughts DO NOT Become Things from 2018-05-02T23:21:49

Have you heard that thoughts become things? It's FALSE. The truth is that emotions and feelings are what manifests. They are the fuel of creation. In this episode I explore how to spark a more mean...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
28: Thoughts DO NOT Become Things from 2018-05-02T23:21:49

Have you heard that thoughts become things? It's FALSE. The truth is that emotions and feelings are what manifests. They are the fuel of creation. In this episode I explore how to spark a more mean...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Sacred Productivity Tools to Spark Inspiration from 2018-04-13T18:32:30

If you feel a little stuck and you’re not sure how to shift your energy then there are so many powerful things you can do in order for your mojo to return. For the resources, so to: http://sarahpro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
27: Sacred Productivity Tools to Spark Inspiration from 2018-04-13T18:32:30

If you feel a little stuck and you’re not sure how to shift your energy then there are so many powerful things you can do in order for your mojo to return. For the resources, so to: http://sarahpro...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Boost Your Energy from 2018-04-05T19:25:22

This episode explores the free and creative ways you can spark your conversation with the Universe in order to generate more energy in your current reality. These are powerful ideas to support your...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
26: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Boost Your Energy from 2018-04-05T19:25:22

This episode explores the free and creative ways you can spark your conversation with the Universe in order to generate more energy in your current reality. These are powerful ideas to support your...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Marci Shimoff: Manifesting Happiness, Wealth and Wellness from 2018-03-21T21:04:51

Marci Shimoff (Shy-Moff) is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. In this episode we discus...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
25: Marci Shimoff: Manifesting Happiness, Wealth and Wellness from 2018-03-21T21:04:51

Marci Shimoff (Shy-Moff) is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher, and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. In this episode we discus...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Marla Mattenson: How to Create A Life-Long Love Affair With Your Partner from 2018-02-15T16:30:16

Marla Mattenson is a relationship & intimacy expert specializing in coaching entrepreneur couples with a desire to learn how to take their drive for success and growth mindset in business and apply...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
24: Marla Mattenson: How to Create A Life-Long Love Affair With Your Partner from 2018-02-15T16:30:16

Marla Mattenson is a relationship & intimacy expert specializing in coaching entrepreneur couples with a desire to learn how to take their drive for success and growth mindset in business and apply...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
10 Things SUCCESSFUL Manifestors Do Differently from 2018-02-12T18:17:36

Here are the 10 Things Successful Manifestors Do Differently and how you can start adopting these traits as your own to create a life you adore. Show notes: http://sarahprout.com/successful-manifes...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
23: 10 Things Successful Manifestors Do Differently from 2018-02-12T18:17:36

Here are the 10 Things Successful Manifestors Do Differently and how you can start adopting these traits as your own to create a life you adore. Show notes: http://sarahprout.com/successful-manifes...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Your 5-Minute MEDITATION for Manifesting from 2018-02-08T18:10:12

Here's a 5-Minute Meditation for Manifesting. It will help you to relax, to surrender, and to boost your energy to connect with the Universe and manifest your desires.

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
22: Your 5-Minute Meditation for Manifesting from 2018-02-08T18:10:12

Here's a 5-Minute Meditation for Manifesting. It will help you to relax, to surrender, and to boost your energy to connect with the Universe and manifest your desires.


This e...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Set Boundaries in Dysfunctional Families from 2018-02-07T22:25:28

I believe that we choose to be born into our families as a soul lesson. It's a sacred contract that was signed prior to our birth, that as a spiritual being we are here to play a role, to learn and...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
21: How to Set Boundaries in Dysfunctional Families from 2018-02-07T22:25:28

I believe that we choose to be born into our families as a soul lesson. It's a sacred contract that was signed prior to our birth, that as a spiritual being we are here to play a role, to learn and...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Myth-Busting Meditation and Going With The Flow from 2018-02-01T16:58:12

Some very common myths about meditation are that you "must" sit a certain way, clear your mind of all thoughts and that everyday tasks cannot be turned into a spiritual practice. But what if I told...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
20: Myth-Busting Meditation and Going With The Flow from 2018-02-01T16:58:12

Some very common myths about meditation are that you "must" sit a certain way, clear your mind of all thoughts and that everyday tasks cannot be turned into a spiritual practice. But what if I told...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Powerful Reasons to Love Yourself NOW from 2018-01-25T18:49:17

A woman wrote to me on Instagram a couple of days ago and said she holds the intention to project vibes of abundance and harmony but struggles with looking in the mirror and 'hating' what she sees....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
19: Powerful Reasons to Love Yourself from 2018-01-25T18:49:17

A woman wrote to me on Instagram a couple of days ago and said she holds the intention to project vibes of abundance and harmony but struggles with looking in the mirror and 'hating' what she sees....

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Ryan Yokome: Awaken Your Soul Wealth and Manifest Deep Transformation from 2018-01-24T19:47:40

I was so grateful to share this conversation with Ryan that uncovered some incredible topics. We chatted about everything ranging from manifestation to channeling from Source energy. You'll need to...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
18: Ryan Yokome: Awaken Your Soul Wealth and Manifest Deep Transformation from 2018-01-24T19:47:40

I was so grateful to share this conversation with Ryan that uncovered some incredible topics. We chatted about everything ranging from manifestation to channeling from Source energy. You'll need to...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Welfare To $1 Million Dollars: How I Manifested Abundance And Radically Shifted My Mindset from 2018-01-17T17:54:19

I remember just eight short years ago I was scrambling for coins in my purse to feed my kids for the day. We lived in a tiny apartment with no washing machine, no heating, and no fridge. My welfare...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
17: Welfare To $1 Million Dollars: How I Manifested Abundance And Radically Shifted My Mindset from 2018-01-17T17:54:19

I remember just eight short years ago I was scrambling for coins in my purse to feed my kids for the day. We lived in a tiny apartment with no washing machine, no heating, and no fridge. My welfare...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Melissa Ambrosini: Deep Love, Rocking Relationships and Soulful Sex from 2018-01-12T19:07:07

Navigating the realm of relationships is one of the biggest spiritual missions of our lives. We learn and grow from them no matter which stage of the love-journey we're on. So whether you're seekin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
16: Melissa Ambrosini: Deep Love, Rocking Relationships and Soulful Sex from 2018-01-12T19:07:07

Navigating the realm of relationships is one of the biggest spiritual missions of our lives. We learn and grow from them no matter which stage of the love-journey we're on. So whether you're seekin...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Be Your Best Self In 2018 from 2017-12-30T22:29:29

This episode is a tiny dose of inspiration to help you set powerful intentions to manifest your desires in the new year. You are worthy!

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
15: Be Your Best Self In 2018 from 2017-12-30T22:29:29

This episode is a tiny dose of inspiration to help you set powerful intentions to manifest your desires in the new year. You are worthy!


This episode is sponsored by
¡ A...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Joanna DeVoe: The Queen Archetype and The Magick of Manifesting from 2017-12-20T00:50:07

Joanna DeVoe is the kooky creatrix behind all things Kickass Witch. She also hosts the weekly podcast, 'Hippie Witch : Magick For A New Age', which is the place where Magick with a K meets the Law ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
14: Joanna DeVoe: The Queen Archetype and The Magick of Manifesting from 2017-12-20T00:50:07

Joanna DeVoe is the kooky creatrix behind all things Kickass Witch. She also hosts the weekly podcast, 'Hippie Witch : Magick For A New Age', which is the place where Magick with a K meets the Law ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
How to Shift Your Vibration When You're Having A Bad Day from 2017-11-28T20:01:49

We’ve all found ourselves tired, grumpy, hormonal, upset and unsettled at various times in our lives. The truth is that it’s totally normal and human for things to not be all peachy-keen 100% of th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
13: How to Shift Your Vibration When You're Having A Bad Day from 2017-11-28T20:01:49

We’ve all found ourselves tired, grumpy, hormonal, upset and unsettled at various times in our lives. The truth is that it’s totally normal and human for things to not be all peachy-keen 100% of th...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Yasmin Boland: Manifesting And The Moon from 2017-11-22T00:15:49

Yasmin is incredibly inspiring. She's a bestselling author and founder of Moonology. Journalist turned astrologer and New Age writer, Yasmin, has been scouring the skies for insights for over 15 ye...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
12: Yasmin Boland: Manifesting And The Moon from 2017-11-22T00:15:49

Yasmin is incredibly inspiring. She's a bestselling author and founder of Moonology. Journalist turned astrologer and New Age writer, Yasmin, has been scouring the skies for insights for over 15 ye...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
The Wild Orange Meditation for Abundance from 2017-11-14T18:34:50

This Wild Orange Mediation for Abundance can be done daily. If you try this practice for 7 consecutive days you will radically notice a difference in your mood, in your ability to remain present...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
11: The Wild Orange Meditation for Abundance from 2017-11-14T18:34:50

This Wild Orange Mediation for Abundance can be done daily. If you try this practice for 7 consecutive days you will radically notice a difference in your mood, in your ability to remain present...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Why You Are Worthy Enough to Manifest Your Desires from 2017-11-07T20:08:23

We tend to create unnecessary drama or obstacles that prevent us from blossoming into our full potential. We might set New Year's resolutions that fizzle out soon after they've been set and then ho...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
10: Why You Are Worthy Enough to Manifest Your Desires from 2017-11-07T20:08:23

We tend to create unnecessary drama or obstacles that prevent us from blossoming into our full potential. We might set New Year's resolutions that fizzle out soon after they've been set and then ho...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Make Your Life More Magical from 2017-11-02T19:41:09

Life is NOT a dress rehearsal. How you spend each day is extremely important, and yet we get stuck in the rut of the daily grind. It doesn’t take much to radically transform your current reality. W...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
9: Make Your Life More Magical from 2017-11-02T19:41:09

Life is NOT a dress rehearsal. How you spend each day is extremely important, and yet we get stuck in the rut of the daily grind. It doesn’t take much to radically transform your current reality. W...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Danielle Laporte: Devotion and Discernment from 2017-10-30T22:49:28

In this episode, I connect with Danielle LaPorte - a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, and creator of The Desire Map and The Desire Map Day Planner, White Hot Truth and The Fire Starter Sessions. W...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
8: Danielle Laporte: Devotion and Discernment from 2017-10-30T22:49:28

In this episode, I connect with Danielle LaPorte - a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, and creator of The Desire Map and The Desire Map Day Planner, White Hot Truth and The Fire Starter Sessions. W...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
New Moon Rituals and The Power of Intention Setting from 2017-10-19T21:57:44

The new moon and the week leading up the new moon is a magical time to spark new and exciting beginnings. It’s a time to get clear about the things you really want to create and manifest into your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7: New Moon Rituals and The Power of Intention Setting from 2017-10-19T21:57:44

The new moon and the week leading up the new moon is a magical time to spark new and exciting beginnings. It’s a time to get clear about the things you really want to create and manifest into your ...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Me Too from 2017-10-17T16:15:05

It might be a difficult and confronting topic to discuss, but on the other side of the bravery it takes to speak up is LIGHT and an invitation to create change.  #MeToo UPDATE: I had t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
6: Me Too from 2017-10-17T16:15:05

It might be a difficult and confronting topic to discuss, but on the other side of the bravery it takes to speak up is LIGHT and an invitation to create change.  #MeToo UPDATE: I had t...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Remove These 6 Words From Your Life To Manifest Prosperity from 2017-10-16T18:50:51

If you would love to manifest more awesome stuff into your life like love, happiness, prosperity or abundance, then you NEED to stop saying the 6 following words or phrases. For show notes please v...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
5: Remove These 6 Words From Your Life To Manifest Prosperity from 2017-10-16T18:50:51

If you would love to manifest more awesome stuff into your life like love, happiness, prosperity or abundance, then you NEED to stop saying the 6 following words or phrases. For show notes please v...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3 Prosperity Secrets to Manifest Abundance from 2017-10-09T21:04:41

I'm going to share with you the Perpetual Loop of Purpose. If you're struggling with feeling stressed about bills or that life isn't showing up for you in the way you would like it to, this episode...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
4: 3 Prosperity Secrets to Manifest Abundance from 2017-10-09T21:04:41

I'm going to share with you the Perpetual Loop of Purpose. If you're struggling with feeling stressed about bills or that life isn't showing up for you in the way you would like it to, this episode...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Julie Montagu: Manifesting Vibrant Health and Wellness from 2017-10-07T00:17:35

Julie Montagu, The Flexi Foodie, is one of London's top yoga and nutrition teachers and recently named Top 10 Holistic Health Icons in the world and one of Britain’s most inspiring women.In this ep...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
3: Julie Montagu: Manifesting Vibrant Health and Wellness from 2017-10-07T00:17:35

Julie Montagu, The Flexi Foodie, is one of London's top yoga and nutrition teachers and recently named Top 10 Holistic Health Icons in the world and one of Britain’s most inspiring women.In this ep...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
7 Signs The Law of Attraction Is Working For You from 2017-10-07T00:03:06

In this episode of Journey to Manifesting here are 7 very common signs that the Law of Attraction is Working For You. For episode details and show notes please visit: http://sarahprout.com/podcast/...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
2: 7 Signs The Law of Attraction Is Working For You from 2017-10-07T00:03:06

In this episode of Journey to Manifesting here are 7 very common signs that the Law of Attraction is Working For You. For episode details and show notes please visit: http://sarahprout.com/podcast/...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
Sean Patrick Simpson: Transformational Leadership and The Law of Attraction from 2017-09-30T19:30:41

Sean Patrick Simpson is the CEO of Soul Space Media. Recently mentioned in a Forbes article as the "Messenger Alchemist", Sean shares his insights and wisdom on conscious business, finding your pur...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
1: Sean Patrick Simpson: Transformational Leadership and The Law of Attraction from 2017-09-30T19:30:41

Sean Patrick Simpson is the CEO of Soul Space Media. Recently mentioned in a Forbes article as the "Messenger Alchemist", Sean shares his insights and wisdom on conscious business, finding your pur...

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
A Soulful Invitation to MANIFEST with Sarah Prout from 2017-09-28T16:43:57

I am filled with gratitude and joy to be launching my brand new podcast! For the full list of episodes and inspirational resources please visit: http://sarahprout.com/podcast

MANIFEST with Sarah Prout
0: A Sneak Peek And Soulful Invitation from 2017-09-28T16:43:57

I am filled with gratitude and joy to be launching my brand new podcast! This is a tiny sneak peek into what you can expect on the Manifest Your Best Life podcast. Make sure you subscribe and tr...
