The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 28 2021 - a podcast by Premiere Networks

from 2021-01-28T20:21:04

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GameStop story is fascinating because it parallels what's happening in politics. The Establishment will crush anyone who games the system and uses it like they do. Normal people played hedge fund game, drove up price of GameStop, which had been shortened by hedge funders, engineered unauthorized transfer of wealth from financial ruling class to middle class, Big Tech clamps down on Reddit to stop GameStop sales. Regular people on Reddit "short squeezed" the big hedge funds. Robinhood app shuts down trading of GameStop. Donald Trump caused a panic in the political establishment just like the one we're seeing in the stock market. Millions of Americans voted for socialism, voted for the cancel culture, voted for fascism. To think Republicans will automatically come back in 2022 is wishful thinking. New York AG accuses Cuomo of undercounting nursing home deaths by 50%. Redditor GameStop trader calls the show. Biden is fronting Obama's third term.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:
Susan Rice is running the Biden White House for Obama. Keystone pipeline worker on how Biden took his job and the election. Schumer says his agenda is summed up in one word "climate". Climate change is the gateway for the left to control every aspect of your life. Biden climate change advisor Gina McCarthy says climate change is the biggest public health crisis of our time, which is a lie. Kerry admits we could go to zero carbon emissions tomorrow and the problem isn't solved, tells workers who lose jobs to go make solar panels. Biden kills more jobs, halts border wall construction. Traditional American politics as we've known it is no more. Don't count on Democrats overstepping and Republicans winning in 2022. Millions and millions of Americans voted for Biden and the socialist Democrat agenda. ChiComs roll out anal swab COVID test. Short selling and day traders.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:
Biden admits he's just restoring the Obama administration policies. Keystone worker responds to Kerry. Jay Inslee: We don't want to shackle people to temporary jobs that will only last another 30 years. Kerry doesn't understand opposition to Biden climate policy. Rand Paul's great speech on the unconstitutional impeachment scam. Biden forms panel to pack the Supreme Court. Justice Roberts refuses to sit for Trump impeachment trial. Leaky Leahy taken to hospital after being sworn in as presiding officer. Rand Paul calls out Democrat incitement to violence, deranged hatred for Trump. Victor Davis Hanson on life after Trump. A look at the world in the year Rush was born, 1951. The New McCarthyism of the Democrats, blacklisting Trump employees. Democrats are using their power to eliminate the need to persuade voters.Learn more about your ad-choices at

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