The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Apr 27 2021 - a podcast by Premiere Networks

from 2021-04-27T19:28:41

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Blue states lose House seats from 2020 census. Rush on leaving New York, beginning the exodus from high tax states, liberals fleeing the liberal utopias they tried to create. New York under Rudy Giuliani was an incredible place to live, exploding with opportunity, now it's dying from socialism, rampant criminality -- same story in city after city. Conservative caller fleeing New York, moving to red state. James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, speaks about his new podcast series: Rush Limbaugh: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone, which debuts on iHeartRadio May 12. Michigan caller intends to stay and fight the liberals. Chicago caller: Successful, educated people are moving out, immigrants, uneducated people are moving in.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:
Oscar ratings tank. LeVar Burton defends cancel culture on The View, calls it consequences culture. Lindsey Graham says America is not systemically racist, Maude Behar blasts him for it. Rush on Maude Behar making a fool of herself criticizing his comments on Hillary and agreeing with him in the process. CDC issues absurd guidelines allowing no masks outside (nobody was wearing them outside). Rush on how the left saw masks as a way to "give back". Biden sees unity in compliance. Rush on Obama's first 100 days. Biden's poll numbers, border crisis. James Golden on new podcast series on Rush. Southerner wants Northerners to assimilate when they move South.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:
John Kerry tipped off Iranians to Israeli operations in Syria. Rush told us Kerry was undermining America by talking to the Iranians. El Rushbo explains a supermoon. Biden wants to send another $80 million to the IRS for "enforcement". Rush told us that Biden-Harris was Obama's third term. EIB High Note: This hero has a canine hero of her own. More on James Golden's podcast on Rush. Did Kerry and Obama personally profit from the cash they gave Iran? Caller: Getting through to Rush on the phone was the greatest day of my life.Learn more about your ad-choices at

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