Podcasts by Chaos to Confidence

Chaos to Confidence

It's time to flip the internal switch and take radical responsibility for your life. Episodes to help you go from a place of negativity and overwhelm to one of confidence, purpose and play. Delivered by Caity Walker (@caity_walker), Life Coach and Founder of We Are Mindfluencers.

Further podcasts by Caity Walker

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #23: Do more with what you have from 2020-11-17T18:00:02

In this episode I hope to encourage you to pull the goodness out of you. Wrap that colourful ribbon of what you HAVE around yourself and those you love and start showing up as the person you were b...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #22: It’s hard. It’s supposed to be. from 2020-10-20T17:00:52

Hey babes, are you feeling overwhelmed? Life feels hard?.. good. It’s literally meant to be hard. You’re growing, changing and aiming to #levelup. You got this.

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #21: Grateful AF from 2020-10-06T17:00:20

In this episode I hope to encourage you to shine a spotlight on all that you are grateful for. Those seemingly insignificant blessings that hide within the pockets of your everyday life. Enjoy xx

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #20: Hello Victim? This is your wake up call from 2020-09-29T18:00:58

Do you need a wake up call? Are you playing into a victim mentality? Time to snap out of it babe. Let’s take some small steps back into that power xo

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #19: Naturally Needy from 2020-09-02T09:10:40

In this episode I talk about being naturally needy and being PROUD of it. It takes courage to be vulnerable, emotional and open. Flip your perspective on having needs - babe, you’re a human. You’re...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #18: Imposter Syndrome from 2020-08-18T19:00:07

In this episode I touch on imposter syndrome and highlight what it’s really showing you; an opportunity to change. I don’t see any imposters here! Step forward babe, I got you.

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #17: It takes courage to care from 2020-08-11T19:00:41

In this episode I draw your attention to the courage that it takes to care, whilst hopefully reminding you that every day is a chance to build upon our lasting legacies as individuals. It’s time to...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #16: Step into your power from 2020-07-28T19:00:15

In this episode we discuss STEPPING IN to our best selves!! It’s time to truely believe that you have what it takes to do whatever your pretty little heart desires - it’s within you! I got you, gir...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #15: Level up, level up! from 2020-07-14T19:00:56

In this episode I talk about the underlying factors for lasting change or levelling up - yep, you guessed it. Vulnerability and authenticity. You gotta step into that raw, real version of you if yo...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #14: Your struggle is your story from 2020-07-07T19:00:30

In this episode I encourage you to appreciate the struggle. See it for what it is and appreciate that it is moulding and building you into the person you are meant to be. It’s time to embrace, shar...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #13: USE. YOUR. WORDS.... pls. from 2020-06-30T19:00:21

In this episode I talk about the ever burning need to communicate how you feel... no, really. Use your words, honey! You’re worth it, you’re capable and it’s fricken time. Happy connecting xx

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #12: Who lines up next to you? from 2020-06-23T19:00:47

In this episode I talk about reflecting on the support you have around yourself, the support you give to others and most importantly - recognising the kind of support that you are giving to your pr...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #11: The Hot Mess Express from 2020-06-16T19:00:47

In this episode I talk about the hot mess express that I’m currently travelling on - destination: no idea. Speed: fast as lightning. Maybe you’re a passenger too? Well, I’m here to make you feel be...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #10: Enough is enough from 2020-06-09T19:00:51

In this episode I share my thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement. And encourage you to educate yourself while discussing and challenging racial injustice. It’s time to be the change. Let’s go.

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #9: When you need it from 2020-06-02T19:00:41

At the time of recording this episode, I am navigating the hardest time of my life thus far. This is a collection of advice from loved ones; wrapped up in a different kind of episode. I hope you ca...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #8: Unkink your damn hose from 2020-05-19T19:00:29

In this episode I give light to the amazing analogy learnt from Peta Kelly’s brilliant book, Earth is Hiring. It’s a simple analogy about doing what you know needs to be done to get you back in you...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #7: Journey to greatness from 2020-05-12T20:55:58

In this episode I share a couple of nuggets of wisdom is regards to greatness and the journey to get there. Bit of vulnerability in this one, enjoy!

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #6: Shoo the should from 2020-05-05T20:52:05

In this episode I talk about the suffocating notion of ‘should’ and give insight into why we need to listen less to what we ‘should’ be doing and more to what our little hearts are telling us.

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #5: Bend it like Beckham from 2020-04-28T21:53:04

In this episode I talk about the need for a classic pivot in regards to your big goals and dreams (or atm everyday life!). The ability to be flexy in the approach while holding onto the big picture...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #4: TURN ON YOUR POSITIVITY POWERS! from 2020-04-21T20:55:07

In this episode I talk about turning on your positivity powers! Also known as being optimistic/looking at the glass half full. I explain the google mindset and how to set yourself up for positivity...

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #3: She’s a bit too much from 2020-04-14T08:43:37

In this episode I share my thoughts on how I overcame the shame of being a big personality and started to embrace my crazy.

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #2: Play is the way from 2020-04-07T22:15:10

In this episode I hope to encourage you to be a little silly today (and everyday!). It’s time to stop being such serious ‘adults’ and bring the good times back into everyday living!

Chaos to Confidence
Episode #1: Welcome to my brain from 2020-04-06T10:35:39

In this episode I introduce the podcast and tell you a bit about myself and what you can expect from listening to me. Thanks for tuning in! More fun over @caity_walker xo
