Our Coronavirus Discussion - a podcast by popculturepub

from 2020-03-13T10:09:43

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With everything going on in the world in regards to the coronavirus we decided to discuss this and how it effects our lives and pop culture as a whole. 

Hosted by Chris Lockhart with Co-Hosts Jason Roberts and Kevin Decent. 

Thank you for taking the time to download and/or listen to this podcast. We appreciate any feedback you can give us. Please leave a review on iTunes or at Podbean.com
Also we would like to hear from you: you can contact Chris (who is the Producer of this podcast) by e-mail at chrisloc1701@yahoo.ca
or contact Chris on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @chrisloc1701
Check out Chris's blog at: www.randomnerdness.com
Check out Jason's blog at: www.nerdylifeofmine.com
Check out Kevin's blog: www.maskedlibrary.wordpress.com
You can also contact Kevin on facebook.com/maskedlibrary and Twitter.com/maskedlibrary
Be sure to check out the 'Pop Culture Pub & Podcast' group on Facebook
& Be sure to check out the 'The Incredible Fans.....of The Incredible Hulk' group on Facebook.

Keep calm and the podcast on!


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