Podcasts by The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy

by Leo Babauta

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The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Summary of Action Steps from 2013-05-25T04:42:24

by Leo Babauta I’ve compiled a list of all the action steps at the end of each chapter, to make it easier for you to practice them on a regular basis: Think about the problems you might have, and t...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Conclusion from 2013-05-25T04:38:36

by Leo Babauta Contentment is a super power. If you can learn the skills of contentment, your life will be better in so many ways: You’ll enjoy life more. Your relationships will be stronger. You’l...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
FAQ from 2013-05-25T04:35:57

by Leo Babauta To finish off this book, I’d like to answer some questions submitted by you, my wonderful readers. They are excellent questions! The first section seems to be the greatest concern fo...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Techniques for Self-Acceptance from 2013-05-25T04:32:39

by Leo Babauta Contentment is largely determined by our level of self- acceptance. But how do you actually learn self-acceptance? Let’s look at some techniques that will help you learn how to accep...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Jealousy of Others from 2013-05-25T04:25:30

by Leo Babauta Have you ever seen something exciting that a friend is doing on some social network and felt a pang of jealousy? Or heard travel stories from people you know — amazing stories of exo...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Self-Happiness & Meeting Others from 2013-05-25T04:22:48

by Leo Babauta If becoming whole and happy with yourself helps in a romantic relationship with someone else, what about when it comes to meeting new friends, or making an impression at work or with...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Become Whole In a Relationship from 2013-05-25T04:19:29

by Leo Babauta Let’s take an example of a woman who spends a lot of her day wondering what her boyfriend is doing, looking for clues that he loves her, wondering why he isn’t paying attention to he...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Don’t Tie Your Self-Worth to Others’ Actions from 2013-05-25T04:16:15

by Leo Babauta Getting better at reacting to the actions of others is one thing, but one of the more difficult problems is allowing the actions of others to affect how we judge ourselves. A good ex...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Our Reactions to the Actions of Others from 2013-05-25T04:11:20

by Leo Babauta Frustrations from others can ruin our day — from getting angry at other drivers when they rudely cut you off, to being frustrated with your child or spouse, to being irritated with c...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Finding Happiness Within from 2013-05-25T04:08:49

by Leo Babauta If external sources of happiness aren’t constant or reliable, we should look internally instead. But what does that mean? It means finding joy in how amazing you are, in your constan...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Where Happiness Comes From from 2013-05-25T04:05:47

by Leo Babauta It’s worth taking a moment to consider where happiness comes from. Is it from things like having someone love you, or eating a fantastic meal, or having a great body, or relaxing on ...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Trying to Find Happiness in External Sources from 2013-05-25T04:01:50

by Leo Babauta There was a time not too many years ago when I was addicted to cigarettes, junk food, TV, shopping, and more, while being unhappy and having relationship problems. What was the commo...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Love Yourself from 2013-05-25T03:58:57

by Leo Babauta One of the biggest manifestations of our fear that we’re not good enough is our belief that our bodies aren’t good enough. Very few people are happy with their body. I’ll say that ag...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Build Trust from 2013-05-25T03:52:33

by Leo Babauta When we fail at habits repeatedly, we lose trust in ourselves, don’t believe in our ability to stick to something, and feel guilty and sometimes disgusted with ourselves. This is a b...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Advertising & Fantasies from 2013-05-25T03:47:47

by Leo Babauta One of the biggest reasons people buy so much, and are so discontent with their lives, is advertising. Advertising creates false needs — all of a sudden we need an iPhone or a new ca...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Watch Your Ideals & Expectations from 2013-05-25T03:43:39

by Leo Babauta Our lives are a series of fantasies — ideals and expectations — but unfortunately we’re not often aware that we’re having them. And while we all have fantasies, and sometimes they ca...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Comparing to What You Don’t Have from 2013-05-25T03:39

by Leo Babauta One of the biggest sources of discontent is comparing yourself to other people, or your life to what you see others doing. Or what you’ve accomplished compared to what others have do...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
Contentment Isn’t Doing Nothing from 2013-05-25T03:23:28

by Leo Babauta Before we get to the practical steps, let’s talk about contentment and change. Many people think that if you’re content, you’re just going to lay around doing nothing all day. Why do...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
The Path of Contentment from 2013-05-25T03:16:16

by Leo Babauta We start out in life thinking that we’re awesome. We can dance in public as 5-year-olds and not care what others think of us. By the time we’re adults, that’s been driven out of us, ...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
The What and Why of Contentment from 2013-05-25T03:13:37

by Leo Babauta What is contentment? For me, it’s really about being happy with who you are. Which I wasn’t for many years, and I think most people are not. In my life, I’ve learned to be better at ...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
The Root of the Problem from 2013-05-25T03:04:23

by Leo Babauta Almost every kind of problem we have has discontent with ourselves (and our lives) as its root. I’ll repeat that for emphasis: All of our problems stem from discontent. Let’s take a ...

The Little Book of Contentment | Leo Babauta - Zen Habits - Audiobook and Podcast Recording - A Guide to Becoming Happy
The Agreement from 2013-05-25T02:45:44

by Leo Babauta This isn’t meant to be a book that you glance through and then set aside. It’s also not about general philosophy or life advice. It’s not meant to get you to buy into a program. What...
