Marketing for Agencies with Nicole Osborne FTH: 091 - a podcast by Kim Doyal

from 2022-04-19T09:02

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Kim Doyal 0:00

Before we get into today's episode, I have a quick message for my sponsor cloudways. cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that simplifies your web hosting experience. The platform allows businesses to focus on their growth and have complete peace of mind with 24/7. Support and flexibility to scale. Can we just say support is hugely important when it comes to hosting. And thanks to cloud wise they are offering an exclusive discount for the Kim Doyal show listeners, visit and use a promo code Chem 20 to get 20% off for two months on the hosting plan of your choice. Alright guys, let's get into today's episode. Welcome to F the hustle. I'm your host, Kim Doyal. You want a life that is meaningful and exciting. In this podcast, we're going to talk about launching and growing an online business that fits your lifestyle. F the hustle is all about doing good work, building real relationships, and most importantly, creating a business that supports how you want to live your life. You don't have to sacrifice the quality of your life today to create something that sets your soul on fire. And yes, that includes making a lot of money. So we'll be talking about selling, charging what you're worth, and help earning more means helping more people. My goal is to help you find freedom and create a business on your terms. Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome to another episode of the podcast at the hustle with Kim Doyal. I of course am your host Kim Doyal. And I'm really excited today a because my guests and I have only chatted sort of via online. This is really our first time getting to connect in person, which I'll take in person video any day over just email. But we're going to talk about growing an agency. She's got a great YouTube channel. There's a lot of stuff I'm going to pick Nicole's brain about but let's welcome my guests. Nicole Osborne of Wonder stars. Thank you for being here, Nicole.

Nicole Osborne 1:51

Oh, Kim, I'm so excited to be here. I think I told you I'm a total fan girl. So to have you in Costa Rica. And thank you for having me.

Kim Doyal 2:01

You're, you know, it's so funny. You know, you're just like you and like if people say that to me, and it's so funny. I used to tell my kid my family. Like you know, you guys, I'm famous on the internet. And nobody believed me until like, my niece was 12. And she Googled me which it was all like blog posts and links and stuff. And I'm like, well, somebody believes me. But anyways, thank you.

Nicole Osborne 2:19

I'm on my seven year old. I'm speaking to Kim. She's in Costa Rica.

Kim Doyal 2:24

Well, and you're in Germany, like this is what I love about are you in Germany. Oh, no.

Nicole Osborne 2:29

What? German based in London. Oh, even matter. I talked to someone today in Florida and someone in Pakistan. So actually, today's International Day. I'm loving it. It totally

Kim Doyal 2:41

is. It's so funny when when and for people. I'm really curious. And you guys have promised we're gonna get into the interview here. But this is what I love about people in my offline world. Right who it's normal life day to day and it was like I was talking with I'm sure your friends at Pizza Neary this morning. I'm like, No, she's an Italian, who spent a ton of time in London. And now she lives in Spain. Like, this is why I love this. It's like the world is huge and small all at the same time.

Nicole Osborne 3:07

I love I love pizza. I just communicated with her via LinkedIn, chatting about her amazing program. And I think she's absolutely nailing it on LinkedIn. And I just think she's so authentic. And have you seen her artwork? She sometimes publishes that on Facebook. She's oh my gosh, yes. Talented. Wow.

Kim Doyal 3:23

Oh, yeah. No, we literally just

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