Podcasts by The Jamal Muse Show

The Jamal Muse Show

I talk about life, stuttering, self-esteem, personal development and a bunch of other stuff.

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Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

The Jamal Muse Show
Stuttering has a lot more to do than just stuttering from 2022-04-21T16:56:43.885644

To reach out to Marjorie, you can email her at marjoriefoer4@gmail.com

John Harrison's book, Redefining Stuttering, can be downloaded for free ...

The Jamal Muse Show
Taking ownership for your life and stutter from 2022-04-21T16:56:43.872535

We all have a host of problems in our life, and our stutter is seemingly the root case of these problems. This viewpoint actually contributes to the problem. Once we start taking full responsibilit...

The Jamal Muse Show
Focusing on the right things to become a better speaker and a better human - Sit down with Marjorie Foer from 2022-04-21T16:56:43.850663

Here's the link to the first interview I did with Marjorie back in June 2020.


The Jamal Muse Show
Episode 11 - Why your old stuttering habits may resurface after a long period of fluency from 2020-11-18T14:58:39

I received a question a not too long ago from someone who's been fluency for a good few months, and then suddenly started blocking again. She was confused. I explain why this may happen and how to ...

The Jamal Muse Show
Episode 10 - Pleasing people and how this can make you stutter more from 2020-10-12T19:59:09

In this episode I talk about an incident one of my clients faced in his job, how he was speaking fine one moment then all of a sudden he stutter appeared out of nowhere. I dissect the interaction ...

The Jamal Muse Show
Episode 9 - How we can use the inconsistency of stuttering to help us in life from 2020-08-18T22:07:44

Our fluency is never consistent is it? Some days we're largely fluent, other days...not so much. Instead of getting worked up and all frustrated about this, we can use this to help us identify the ...

The Jamal Muse Show
Interview with Jacqueline, an American script writer and Youtuber who's living her dream while stuttering from 2020-07-14T20:39:37

You can find Jacqueline on her YouTube channel by clicking here.

The Jamal Muse Show
Letting go of control and being vulnerable in speaking situations from 2020-06-26T11:51:09

Fluency is much like falling asleep and falling in love. The more conscious effort and control we apply, the less likely we are to be fluent. This episode talks about letting go, being more vulnera...

The Jamal Muse Show
How to leverage your stutter to achieve your dreams from 2020-06-21T21:41:16

In this episode, I interview Jamie Stenhouse and using your stutter to achieve your dreams, attracting your ideal partner and so much more.

The Jamal Muse Show
Stuttering and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies from 2020-06-15T19:26:58

As people who stutter, we have this uncanny ability to predict which words we'll stutter on, or whether we'll stutter at all. In other words, we predict the future when it comes to our speech. And...

The Jamal Muse Show
Stuttering and perfectionism from 2020-05-28T18:36:05

It had been a month since my pilot episode, and it was high time I dished out some new content. Raw and unscripted, this episode talks stuttering and perfectionism.

The Jamal Muse Show
Pilot Episode from 2020-04-27T10:19:13

Pilot episode to the Jamal Muse show. I discuss stuttering, what it means to my life, and how this global pandemic has provided opportunities.
