Podcasts by The Best Version of You!

The Best Version of You!

Learn tips and tools on how to handle fears and doubts and start believing in yourself, so that you can express the person you are with confidence and finally achieve your dreams!

Further podcasts by Aina Wie Haveland

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

The Best Version of You!
Use your passions and strengths to create a life you're happy with! from 2020-07-07T09:49:50

Unsure about what truly makes you happy or doubting your abilities to make your dreams come true?

Hear this episode to learn how you can use your passions and strengths to create a better...

The Best Version of You!
What is fear and how you can take action anyway! from 2020-07-03T09:46:38

Learn what fear is and how you can work through it and achieve your dreams, whether it's writing a book, starting a business or making new friends. 

The Best Version of You!
How to shift your life from boring to exciting! from 2020-07-02T10:40:47

Does life feel pretty much the same? Here's how to shift that and grow your confidence and happiness at the same time!
