The Most Common Trait of All Successful People - a podcast by The Art of Being Dar

from 2020-05-21T16:59:57

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Hey, welcome to The Art of Being Dar, with your host, me Dar Dixon.

This is from an interview that I did with a YouTube channel called Film Courage.

Film Courage is on YouTube.

Not only are they cool people, but it's an amazing channel with amazing content. If you have any desires to be in Hollywood and learn more about acting, directing, producing, storytelling, script breakdown, the writing process, even music, you name it.

That's the channel I'd go to.

You’d be well served to go there.

Go over there and check them out.

Subscribe to their channel.

They’re great people.

I love them.


This is from a clip that I did with them last year in 2019.

I went in there and I thought I was gonna talk about acting, my Hollywood experience, my career, art, the process of character development, you know, all that kind of typical stuff.

And the first question out of the gate turned this entire interview into something that I was not expecting at all.

And actually, I loved.

It was a really “Life is Art & Art is Life” moment, and I'll explain more about that in a subsequent clip.

But in this one here, this is what I found with my own research and my own study, to be the most common trait found in all successful people.

Whether they’re artists, businesspeople, you name it.

And I'm pretty sure it's not what you think it is.

Let's give it a listen.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE.

To the podcast.

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In This Episode:

  • 4:10     Hustling is a Full-Time game

  • 4:58       It’s a psychological game, ultimately - Managing your emotions

  • 8:07       The most common trait of successful people

  • 9:59       You're gonna make mistakes. You're going to.

  • 10:40    They’re having the same conversation

  • 11:10    Mistakes? Mistakes are a blessing, man

  • 11:40    Pain is the greatest teacher there is.

  • 12:42    A bullshit narrative.

  • 13:43    The impostor syndrome – EVERYONE has it

  • 14:21    Eff it… I’m gonna go ahead and do it anyway.

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Share this episode with your friends.

Make sure you subscribe to the podcast.

You don't want to miss out on this.

~ ~ ~

Until next time, remember:

"Art is Life & Life is Art"

~ ~ ~


Film Courage - YouTube

Video of this episode HERE

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Self Compassion -

(with Kristin Neff and Brené Brown)

Julia Cameron (The Artist's Way)



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Further episodes of The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon

Further podcasts by The Art of Being Dar

Website of The Art of Being Dar