84 // It’s Time To Roar! Take back the territory the enemy stole! - a podcast by Kristin Dronchi / Mindset / Inspiration / Passive Income / MLM

from 2023-07-20T04:03

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Episode Summary:

Did you know a lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away? We want to harness that power and encourage all mamas and grandmas to find their voice. Join our event in September, "Mama, It's Time to Roar," where we'll share tips and strategies to protect your home, family, children, and health from the mainstream agenda.

Our mission is not just about online businesses but making a positive impact on society. Let's raise up million-dollar women entrepreneurs who use their wealth for good.

Find your holy fire, whether it's fighting for a cause or following your passion. Together, our voices can create a roar against evil. Discover your true identity and stand strong with us. This episode will inspire and encourage you to embrace your power. Don't miss "Mama, It's Time to Roar." Stay tuned for the registration link and get ready to roar with us!

Notable Quotes:

  • "Lion's roar to establish their territory and communicate their power. And I say, mama's, grandma's, it is time to roar. It is time to establish your territory and communicate our power and take it back from the enemy."

  • "The alarm clock of heaven is now ringing... The time is now in the occasion and the time is to rise up. I believe that the Lord has a new calling on you to rise up, find your movement, find that mission that he wants you to bring into Earth through your online business."

  • "Step into that courage. It's crazy. It's a courage and a strength that you don't know in your own strength. That's because it's God's strength that he's given to you to start this great revival fire, this great roar because once you roar, it's heard up to five miles away. And think of that in this spiritual realm. And then another woman roars, and then another and another. And we are taking back the territory that the enemy stole."

Key Points:

    • Key Learning Points from Listening:

      1. The Power of the Roar: Listeners will learn about the symbolic significance of a lion's roar, which is used to establish territory and communicate power. They'll be encouraged to apply this concept to their own lives, understanding the importance of finding their voice and standing strong in the face of challenges.

      2. Finding Purpose in Business: Beyond mere financial success, the episode highlights the significance of discovering a deeper purpose and impact in their online businesses. Listeners will gain insights into how they can align their entrepreneurial endeavors with their passions and values to make a positive difference in the world.

      3. Collective Empowerment: The episode emphasizes the strength of unity and collective action among women. By joining forces and supporting one another, listeners will learn how they can create a powerful movement and initiate positive changes in their communities and beyond.


Thank you for tuning in to this inspiring episode of the podcast! Don't forget to subscribe and join us for the Mama, it's Time to Roar virtual event.   Click here for speaker information or to get on the attendee waitlist.

Together, let's use our businesses as platforms for God's calling and stand firm in our faith against the mainstream agenda.


Next Steps:

Grab Your Free Dream Clarity Journal if you know you are called to business, but your not sure where to start or you have been duct taping your business all together with freebies and worldly tactics that just leave you confused.


Ready for that that NEXT STEP because you KNOW God has called you to use your gifts, knowledge, life experiences or that hobby that you love, to help others?


Join the Free Community: https://tinyurl.com/4kzz7pfe


Visit the Website: www.kristindronchi.com



Further episodes of The Kingdom Revolution Podcast: Redefining Faith

Further podcasts by Kristin Dronchi / Mindset / Inspiration / Passive Income / MLM

Website of Kristin Dronchi / Mindset / Inspiration / Passive Income / MLM