The Floatation Tank: a Short Cut to Your Superpower? with Nick Dunin - a podcast by Mark McGuinness

from 2017-07-17T11:05:41

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This week's guest on the 21st Century Creative Podcast is Nick Dunin, co-founder of Beyond Rest, a company that operates float centres in three Australian cities.

Nick is on a mission to help people get in touch with their best selves via floating. He's also had a very unusual journey as an entrepreneur and he has a lot of interesting things to say about personal development, creativity and business.

I've been using floatation tanks for years, and I've found floating tremendously beneficial, for my personal and creative development, so I'm delighted to have Nick on the show to explain the what, why and how of floating for creatives.

Where can you float?

If you live in Perth, Melbourne or Brisbane, Australia, you can pop along to your local Beyond Rest float centre and Nick and his team will take good care of you.

I currently float at the Bristol Float Centre, where the staff are always friendly and helpful, if you're in the area, I thoroughly recommend their service.

If you live somewhere else, Google 'floatation tank' plus the name of your town or city to find your nearest float centre.

Take Nick's Creative Challenge (and win a float session or a copy of The Book of Floating)

Every week, at the end of the show, I ask my guest to set you a Creative Challenge - something practical you can do that will help you put the ideas from the show into action.

Here's how you can take part - and maybe win the prize of a copy of the classic introduction to floating by Michael Hutchison The Book of Floating.

Special prize for Australian listeners!

Nick has generously donated a special prize of a floatation session at one of the Beyond Rest centres - so if you can get to Perth, Melbourne or Brisbane, and you want to be entered in the draw for this special prize, just add the hashtag #specialprize at the end of your comment.

1. Listen to the interview part of the show, either in the player above or on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.

2. The challenge is to take either 30 minutes during the day, or 60 minutes before you go to bed, and do nothing.

By which we mean:

not doing anything constructive or productive, so no kind of work

not consuming any kind of entertainment - no TV, phone, internet, books etc.

No conversation or interaction with other people

Going for a walk is fine, but no exercise more vigorous than this

In other words, just sit or walk or lie and be present to your experience in the moment. Yes, your mind will distract you, you'll get fidgety and want to go do something, but resist the temptation and keep doing nothing.

3. Once you've completed the challenge, leave a comment below this post describing how you get on.

You have until midnight United States Pacific time on Friday 21st July 2017 to complete the challenge and leave your comment.

4. Once the challenge has finished, I will pick 3 winners at random from the comments, who will receive the prize of Michael Hutchsison's The Book of Floating, and the Australian winner of the float session at Beyond Rest.

5. Over the weekend I will send a bonus recording with my feedback on your comments and what we can all learn from the challenge. I'll be looking through the comments for common patterns, whether that's ways a lot of you get stuck, or great solutions you're finding to the challenge. I'll also be sharing reflections and advice from my own experience of floating.

6. As usual the feedback recording will NOT be released on iTunes or anywhere else the show is syndicated.

Further episodes of The 21st Century Creative

Further podcasts by Mark McGuinness

Website of Mark McGuinness