Podcasts by Wandas Talk

Wandas Talk

Talking about anything. Mostly social, teenager's problem, love life, feminism, sex education.

Further podcasts by Chy

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Wandas Talk
Pentingnya batasan from 2021-12-26T16:49:07

Hai temen2 terimakasih ya udah mau coba dengerin pdcsts ini wkwk maaf juga sekarang kalo buat Podcasts nggak pernah serius karna emng buatnya pas random time jadi nggak banyak prepare dan ini nggak...

Wandas Talk
Selflove from 2021-06-17T07:40:41

Hiii.. Wandas voice is back! This topic is abt self love but I talk in bahasa, should I record in english? (I said "see ya in another VIDEO" in the end of this podcasts hahaha I mean another podcas...

Wandas Talk
Insecurities from 2020-07-15T08:45:31

Random topic but important, I guess..(enjoy! and I wish it can help you to feel confident and love yourself more) I LOVE YOU GUYS! YOURE GOOD ENOUGH

Wandas Talk
Cinta? Bukan from 2020-04-03T16:05:49

Let go of things you can not control. Let it flow aja lah

Wandas Talk
Heboh Tegas Perfeksionis Pemalas from 2020-03-28T16:39:34

Penting buat kita tau sifat kepribadian seseorang dan diri kita sendiri, buat kita lebih mengenal diri sendiri dan lebih respect sama orang lain. Anyway ini podcasts pertama gue dan ini random bang...
