Podcasts by Take Out Therapy

Take Out Therapy

Further podcasts by Rebecca Hunter, MSW

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Take Out Therapy
Walking on Eggshells from 2023-12-08T08:00

One thing that comes up all of the time in the therapy office is conflict avoidance. We tend to "walk on eggshells," when we could be participating more authentically in relationships. This epis...

Take Out Therapy
No Bad Feelings from 2023-12-01T08:00

Some emotions are really uncomfortable- but that does not make them bad. In this episode we will learn to STOP categorizing emotions as "good" and "bad" and start allowing them all. After all, e...

Take Out Therapy
You Can't Change Them from 2023-11-26T20:00

We all have people in our lives that drive us bananas. This episode will help you navigate these difficult folks with a lighter heart and a more healthy approach. Save your sanity with a few imp...

Take Out Therapy
Let That $hit Go! from 2023-11-17T20:00

In this short episode, I talk you through one of the most important skills you can learn- letting stuff go. It's hard to disengage sometimes from life's various dramas, but in a few short minute...

Take Out Therapy
Two Things from 2023-11-10T08:00

If you ever feel stuck in one way or another, here's something helpful to remember: Two Things can be true at the same time. Today's episode will help you expand your perspective and help to hol...

Take Out Therapy
Funky Funk from 2023-11-03T07:00

Ever feel a little down in the dumps and wonder what the heck is going on with you? It's actually quite normal for us to get into a funk. Today's episode will help you understand why this might ...

Take Out Therapy
Own Your Part from 2023-10-13T07:00

In order to have happy, healthy relationships, we need to take responsibility for ourselves. But it's really hard to examine our own behavior or feelings in the midst of it all, isn't it?&n...

Take Out Therapy
Words Go There from 2023-10-06T07:00

Today's episode is a hard truth coaching session. I'm tackling a popular issue from the therapy office. Everyone is trying to get out of the hard conversations. So we just don't. We don't speak ...

Take Out Therapy
Mother Wound from 2023-09-29T07:00

The mother & child relationship can be one of the most deep, emotionally complicated and important relationships we have. However, despite our caregivers' best intentions, there are wounds t...

Take Out Therapy
The Token System from 2023-09-22T07:00

Today's episode is a quick therapy tool to help you assess and address your level of burnout. Using this system will help you manage stress, reduce meltdowns and maybe even curb your anxiety a b...

Take Out Therapy
The Deeper Truth from 2023-09-15T07:00

It's easy to get lost in the everyday situations and problems of life. On the surface, things seem to be about one thing...but it's always WAY deeper than that. Hang with me for a few minutes to...

Take Out Therapy
Friendship from 2023-09-08T07:00

Friendship is vague. The structure is undefined, the expectations are unknown, and everybody's really confused about how to have a healthy adult friendship. In today's episode, I will help you u...

Take Out Therapy
Help Someone Better from 2023-09-01T07:00

When someone is struggling, it's hard to know how to be helpful. Whether it's a struggling partner, co-worker or friend, this episode will help you show up in a more supportive, empowering way u...

Take Out Therapy
Lazy from 2023-08-18T07:00

Lazy is a dirty word. Let's clean it up. Change the narrative and feel more empowered and inspired! There's a big difference between being "lazy" and actually just resting, nurturing y...

Take Out Therapy
Competition from 2023-08-11T07:00

Competition in relationships kills connection. I see it in the therapy office all of the time. A little bit can be compelling- too much, not so much. When we compete with people we are in relati...

Take Out Therapy
The Messy Middle from 2023-08-04T07:00

Life throws curveballs on a regular basis, doesn't it? And as a therapist people expect me to know how to handle things peacefully and with ease. Um, not always. In this episode you'll get a gli...

Take Out Therapy
Failure from 2023-07-28T07:00

Failure. The way we think about it (and sometimes deal with it) is all wrong. This episode will help you deal with failure in a more constructive, personal growth focused way. Life isn't easy an...

Take Out Therapy
Puppy Lessons from 2023-06-30T07:00

In everyday life there are tiny little lessons for us to learn from. Today's episode will guide you through a few of the lessons I have discovered since adopting a new puppy. When you navigate l...

Take Out Therapy
How to Move On from 2023-06-16T07:00

When a relationship ends, sometimes it is really (really) hard to move on. The pain often keeps us stuck, along with a ton of thinking. If you need to let go and move on from a relationship, thi...

Take Out Therapy
Stop Complaining from 2023-06-09T07:00

Ever get tired of listening to yourself complain? We all need a break from the negative sometimes. This episode will help you stop this unhelpful thought habit and look in the direction of a pos...

Take Out Therapy
Get Out of a Funk from 2023-05-26T07:00:33

Ever taken a little (or big) nose dive into a Funk?! It can get miserable if it goes on too long. Not to mention dysfunctional. If you are ready to move forward and get OUT of the funk- today's ...

Take Out Therapy
Therapy or Self-Help? from 2023-05-19T07:00:48

We all need help, that's for sure. Good mental health is crucial. But do we need therapy, or self-help? Which is appropriate? In this episode I'll help you understand a little bit better what th...

Take Out Therapy
Everyone Says That from 2022-10-12T12:00:35

As a therapist, I hear a lot of the same phrases from the people I talk to each day. People always think they are the ONLY ones who think or feel a certain way. And generally, when they find out...

Take Out Therapy
How to Disconnect from 2021-10-06T12:00

Breaking a life pattern is hard work! Whether it's leaving social media or letting go of a bad habit... the brain is not a fan of change. Listen in as Rebecca demonstrates the use of self-help t...

Take Out Therapy
Stop the Hustle from 2021-09-29T12:00

Are you all caught up in "Hustle Culture?" Working more than you should? Trying to do everything to ridiculous standards and people pleasing are destroying our peace!! Today's episode is a chanc...

Take Out Therapy
Lessons From Anxiety from 2021-09-15T12:00

Therapists should have everything figured out, right? Because the job is to help other people figure THEIR stuff out. But the truth is, I’m just like you. Normal. Flawed. And taking my lessons a...

Take Out Therapy
Self-Talk Tune-up from 2021-09-08T12:00

Does your self talk need a little tune-up? If you have a habit of being self-critical, demanding or rude to yourself- that's a good place to do some work. Our relationship with ourselves, includ...

Take Out Therapy
Give Yourself Permission from 2021-09-01T18:53:47

I give you permission. To take care of yourself, to say yes to what you want in life and to say no to whatever doesn't work for you. This short, empowering pep talk will hopefully help you to pu...

Take Out Therapy
Transitions from 2021-08-25T12:00

If there's one thing we can be sure of in this life- it's that there will ALWAYS be change. Listen in as I explore a huge change in my life and give us both some important things to remember dur...

Take Out Therapy
Children of Alcohol from 2021-08-11T12:00

Understanding yourself and your experience is the pathway to personal growth.

Many people do not have a good understanding of the impact of alcoholism, yet, it was an incredibly difficult...

Take Out Therapy
Do The Work from 2021-08-04T12:00

Many times when people come to therapy they just want to know what to DO to feel better. The book, How to Do The Work by Nicole LePera has ALL of the answers. It's time...

Take Out Therapy
Why We Numb from 2021-07-21T12:00

"Numbing" is how we escape life's hard moments and get a break. It's so nice sometimes to just zone out for awhile, right?! But is it a helpful thing to do? When we are anxious and we cope by ea...

Take Out Therapy
Downtime from 2021-07-14T12:00

Great News! Doing Nothing is a key ingredient to optimal mental health! Downtime allows us to access our creativity, problem solving skills, and to get clarity on life's tricky situations. It's ...

Take Out Therapy
The Social SUCK from 2021-06-30T12:00

Social media is AWESOME. And Terrible. But awesome! So, how do we have a relationship with it that doesn't harm our mental health but rather helps us stay in touch, feel empowered, and get what ...

Take Out Therapy
The Regroup from 2021-06-23T12:00

Sometimes in life, things do NOT go as planned, am I right?! Whether it's that new job you thought would be a perfect fit, or your little business you're trying to get off the ground. Maybe it's...

Take Out Therapy
Hard Times from 2021-06-09T12:00

Many people are really struggling right now. Your host included. Today's episode will help us figure out how to navigate difficulty with more awareness and insight so that you can "move through,...

Take Out Therapy
Get Trauma Informed from 2021-05-26T12:00

Many people have heard the phrase "Trauma Informed" in one context or another. It's commonly used in the medical and mental health fields as a guide for clinicians- but I think we should start t...

Take Out Therapy
Everyday Abuse from 2021-05-12T12:00

Abuse. It feels like a dirty word, and yet it's one of the most common dynamics within relationships. Many people are confused about what exactly "qualifies" as abuse. They are wondering if they...

Take Out Therapy
You Get to Choose from 2021-05-05T12:00

Many people come to therapy because they are stuck in something. A rut. A relationship. A life that is not enjoyable. They feel like they can't leave, can't change or don't know how to move forw...

Take Out Therapy
Get Some Help from 2021-04-28T12:00

When life get's hard, there's help available. Today's episode will help you to expand your idea of what asking for help might look like. Enjoy a therapist's rant about the mental health system! ...

Take Out Therapy
Feel Your Feelings from 2021-04-21T12:00

Many of us were not taught to deal with our emotions. Today's episode will help you quickly understand the importance of feeling your feelings. Every single one of them. Not just the positive st...

Take Out Therapy
Detach, With Love from 2021-04-07T12:00

If you have ever had the experience of needing to "detach" from a person or a situation, but you felt "bad" about it (so you didn't), this episode is going to really help. Detaching is a necessa...

Take Out Therapy
The Boundary Sandwich from 2021-03-31T12:00

Feeling hungry for some change in the dynamics of your relationships? Might be time for a Boundary Sandwich, my friend!

Many people don't set boundaries because they never learned how, an...

Take Out Therapy
Recovery From Anxiety from 2021-03-24T12:00

In this third and final episode of the Anxiety Series, you will learn about what it takes to heal from anxiety- for good. There is a big difference between coping and Recovery from Anxiety, the ...

Take Out Therapy
The Reality of Anxiety from 2021-03-17T12:00

Anxiety is pervasive. It wiggles it's way into the corners of our lives. This episode is a healthy dose of validation for you, my friend. I see you!

In this episode, I will go into depth ...

Take Out Therapy
The Roots of Anxiety from 2021-03-10T13:00

When you are dealing with anxiety, the first question is always, WHY?! People want to know why they feel so chaotic and stuck in it all of the time. Where does anxiety come from? Well, my friend...

Take Out Therapy
Ditch COVID Anxiety from 2021-03-03T13:00

Many people are experiencing a very STUCK feeling after a year (or more!) of the pandemic. They aren't able to break out of the fear, insecurity, and stress levels that Covid introduced. Can you...

Take Out Therapy
Yes, You CAN. from 2021-02-24T13:00

This episode will help you get out of a FUNK! 

Life presents us with a lot of choices. And a lot of opportunities to make excuses. Between our own limiting beliefs and all of the pre...

Take Out Therapy
Recovering From Codependency from 2021-02-17T13:00

Welcome to the Third episode of the Codependency Series...Recovering from Codependency. Let's get down to business.

On this week's podcast, I am helping you move past co-dependency f...

Take Out Therapy
The Reality of Codependency: The Series from 2021-02-10T13:00

In this episode we continue onward with an exploration of codependency- The Roots, The Reality and The Recovery.

Todays episode will help you to understand any behavior much better. ...

Take Out Therapy
Roots of Codependency: The Series from 2021-02-03T13:00

Today's episode is the first of a 3 episode series on codependency. Let's Go There!

Last year's short episode on codependency was the most listened to episode of all time! So, let's do a ...

Take Out Therapy
New Intentions from 2020-12-30T13:00

With every new year (or week), it's a great idea to set a new theme, a new intention. Where we place an intention, our attention goes. In this episode, I will show you how to do the necessary in...

Take Out Therapy
What's Good Here? from 2020-12-23T13:00

In one simple phrase, I will teach you to get rid of self-defeating, negative and unwanted thoughts. Follow my process and soon you will see what's good here. Because my friend...there is a LOT ...

Take Out Therapy
Holiday Help from 2020-12-16T13:00

Wondering how in the heck you are going to make it through the Holiday season THIS year?! I've got your back with a nifty pep talk. In this episode, I'm giving you the gift of some great tips to...

Take Out Therapy
Lessons of a Therapist from 2020-12-09T13:00

This episode is personal. It’s an introduction to me! People are often curious about why the heck a therapist would have a podcast, much less online courses and a social media presence? What’s u...

Take Out Therapy
Everyday Impatience from 2020-12-02T13:00

Do you ever find yourself rushing through life- even when it’s not necessary? 

Maybe it’s a conversation or a task- we are always in a hurry. Everything takes too much time.  Listen

Take Out Therapy
Defense is Disconnection from 2020-11-25T13:00

Defensiveness keeps us disconnected from each other. We all get defensive. It’s just a human thing. It prevents us from being present in what is happening, and what another person is experiencin...

Take Out Therapy
Men's Mental Health Part 2 from 2020-11-11T13:00

Let’s face it…Men do not always handle life or stress the same as women do, and it baffles us women to no end.

How can we better communicate and connect with one another? What’s up with m...

Take Out Therapy
Men and Mental Health from 2020-11-04T13:00

Today's episode is a CANDID conversation about men’s mental health. 

Although the majority of my listeners are women, I’ve gotten a request for this subject by multiple listener...

Take Out Therapy
The Most Important Connection from 2020-10-28T12:00

So many people are feeling disconnected these days. From their friends, their family…but most importantly from themselves. How can you tell when you are feeling disconnected from yourself? And h...

Take Out Therapy
Let's Begin Again from 2020-10-21T11:00

Today, I wanted to share an idea that has really helped me in the past (and this week, frankly) deal with both hard stuff and uncertainty. 

Here's the bottom line: No matter what is ...

Take Out Therapy
How to Worry from 2020-10-14T12:00

There’s worry, and then there’s anxiety, and they are very different. Worry, also sometimes called pervasive thinking, is where we future trip, plan worst case scenarios and allow our brain to r...

Take Out Therapy
The Comparison Game from 2020-10-07T12:00

Today I’m talking about something we ALL deal with at some level- whether it’s at work or at home. Comparison culture. We are conditioned to compare ourselves to others from the time we are kids...

Take Out Therapy
Don't Panic from 2020-09-30T12:00

Don’t Panic

A lot of people suffer with panic attacks. I’m discussing panic today because there’s a lot we can do to reduce and manage panic.

In most cases, panic ...

Take Out Therapy
Everything is Temporary from 2020-09-23T12:00

Ever have those days (or weeks) when nothing goes as planned? Yep, me too!

This is pretty much how life has been over the course of this pandemic.  Hard. Unpredictable. Things feel l...

Take Out Therapy
There is Nothing Wrong With You from 2020-09-16T12:00

Newsflash! There is nothing wrong with you! We live in a world that tells us that we’re not ok, and we can either ignore that, or we can confront it.

We’re pathologizing ourselves. We’re ...

Take Out Therapy
Rolling With Changes from 2020-09-09T12:00

As a therapist, I’m hearing from a lot of my clients about the impact of this pandemic over time on people’s lives. Change is hard. And in this situation, it’s constant! “We are open- wait, no w...

Take Out Therapy
The Cell Phone Habit from 2020-09-02T12:00

Got a Cell Phone Habit? Yep, me too.

I just returned from spending a week camping in the woods. No cellphones, no rings, no dings. Just enjoying nature. It was so nice. But it’s so hard t...

Take Out Therapy
Dealing With Pandemia from 2020-08-19T12:00

Dealing with Pandemia

Are you struggling to deal with all of the constant change and chaos in the world right now? Yes, lots of people are.

In the mental health field, we are start...

Take Out Therapy
Anger is Not The Answer from 2020-08-12T12:00

Do you ever get really angry and not know how to move forward? It is an easy place to get stuck! Anger is a “secondary emotion.” Anger is so many different emotions! Sometimes anger is protectin...

Take Out Therapy
One Year Later from 2020-08-05T12:00

This week marks my 1 year anniversary of doing this podcast. I have recorded 52 episodes, baby! I thought it would be fun to talk with you about how to reflect on your achievements and learn to ...

Take Out Therapy
A Little Pep Talk from 2020-07-29T12:00

Today, we all need a pep talk!  Don’t you think? Things are really hard right now. This pandemic has been going for a few months, and we’re not done yet. We don’t know what’s going to happe...

Take Out Therapy
It's Not About You from 2020-07-22T12:00

It’s very natural for us to take things personally. It’s normal brain behavior actually!

Other people’s actions hurt our feelings sometimes. Other people’s behaviors and moods can really ...

Take Out Therapy
In My Head from 2020-07-15T12:00

Monkey Mind. Overthinking. Thought Loops. Any of these sound familiar? You might be living in your head! 

When we live in our heads, our mind is a blaze of thoughts, ideas and worrie...

Take Out Therapy
Self-Help Yourself: A How To from 2020-07-08T12:00

Therapists are regular people with regular problems. We fight with our families, get irritated about traffic and get down in the dumps. That’s just life.

The fact is that almost every...

Take Out Therapy
Leave Relationships Like a Grownup from 2020-07-01T12:00

Sometimes, a relationship is just not a good fit. Friends, lovers and even family…. You get to choose who you allow to be a part of your life, and who you don’t.

But how do you know when ...

Take Out Therapy
Burnout Culture from 2020-06-24T12:00

We are living in an ever-increasing culture of burnout, and it’s time for change!

What’s Burnout? It’s what happens when we are repeatedly stressed out emotionally and physically by work,...

Take Out Therapy
Where to Begin from 2020-06-17T12:00

 Personal growth is great and all...but most people have no idea where to begin. This podcast will help you get started in a healthy direction.

Many people have dynamics in their liv...

Take Out Therapy
Make a Difference from 2020-06-10T12:00

Let's get very specific about the actual process of "making a difference." You can't do everything, but you CAN do something. The world is in utter chaos right now and we are all feeling it. If ...

Take Out Therapy
Moving Forward from 2020-06-03T12:00

Let's move forward. In our own time, in our own way. In this episode, we discuss how you can begin to move out of "pandemia" and into your life, with confidence and less struggle. This episode o...

Take Out Therapy
Make Love Not War from 2020-05-27T12:00

Are there unhealthy dynamics in your relationships? Most of us have areas in which we could improve our friendships and partnerships. 

Let's talk about some of the more damaging rela...

Take Out Therapy
Stay The F in Bed from 2020-05-20T12:00

Sometimes it is the absolute most appropriate thing to do to stay in bed. Or take a day off. Or say no. You get my drift. Let's talk about what is preventing us from taking a break from do-ing. ...

Take Out Therapy
Is Your Thinking Helpful? from 2020-05-13T12:00

The CBT Series Continues! Therapists often help people examine their thinking as part of our work. Every situation leads us to thoughts and feelings, and if we are not careful, our resulting beh...

Take Out Therapy
Learn a Basic Therapy Method from 2020-05-06T12:00

If you want to get a peek inside the therapists office, here is your chance! 

I am teaching you all about a method of therapy that you can use every day, in your own life. In a flat ...

Take Out Therapy
Glennon Doyle IS Therapy from 2020-04-29T12:00

In this episode I tell you about one of my role models, Glennon Doyle and why her work can go ahead and count as therapeutic.  
Learn about how using our "human resources" can help us t...

Take Out Therapy
Learn Your Trauma Response from 2020-04-22T12:00

As a therapist, I'd have to say that a worldwide pandemic qualifies as trauma. Let's talk about it.
Do you understand what exactly trauma IS? Learning a few details will help.
Do you und...

Take Out Therapy
What to do with FEAR from 2020-04-15T13:00

There are plenty of situations in which fear is very helpful. Every day, all of the time...not so much. Learn the basics of how fear impacts our emotional health and our bodies and brains. Then ...

Take Out Therapy
The Importance of Perspective from 2020-04-08T13:00

In every moment, we have a choice about what kind of perspective we want to take. In April 2020, our perspective is very important as we face a world health crisis. It's a good time to figure ou...

Take Out Therapy
10 Ways to Stay Sane from 2020-04-01T12:00

The world is having a massive crisis right now and we are in the middle of it. Are you losing your freaking mind yet?! 

Perhaps we need a session. Let's talk about how to sane in the...

Take Out Therapy
Codependency from 2020-03-25T13:00

Codependency Education is necessary if you want to stop putting everyone else's needs before your own.

Find show notes and more at:


Take Out Therapy
Depression and Teens from 2020-03-18T13:00

It's all fine and dandy to discuss depression in adults...But what about kids?! What about the teens? Let's talk about the epidemic of teen depression and ways we can start to connect with teens...

Take Out Therapy
Depression Series: How to Help from 2020-03-11T13:00

In the second part of our depression series I talk about how we can help someone who is suffering with depression. We all know someone who is suffering from depression. It's the leading cause of...

Take Out Therapy
A Tiny Bit About Depression from 2020-03-04T13:00

This episode is the tip of the iceberg on depression. We could talk for hours about it...but let's start with some common symptoms, shall we? I am simply going over some of the commonly seen exp...

Take Out Therapy
Problem? Or Opportunity?! from 2020-02-26T13:00

What's your mindset around life's difficulties? Listen in as I talk about the benefit of seeing problems in a different way. All it takes is a little practice and some self-love, baby!

Take Out Therapy
Anything is Possible! from 2020-02-19T13:00

We know  lot about how to make our dreams a reality and today I'm digging in to teach you a bit more about this idea. Got dreams? Come have a listen as I explore the steps to take to make y...

Take Out Therapy
Get Some Action in 2020 from 2020-02-12T13:00

Let's talk about SEX!

One of the subjects that comes up a ton in the therapy office is lack of intimacy. 

Not having enough sexy time? Or want even more?

Listen in as w...

Take Out Therapy
The Drama Triangle from 2020-02-05T14:00

How do you handle intense interactions? Learn about the different roles we play in drama and how you can work to be as functional as possible.


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Take Out Therapy
Deal With an Angry Person from 2020-01-29T14:00

Today's episode is all about how to deal with an angry person. It's important to get right in there and have that confrontation with someone who is angry. Let me help you with some handy, emotio...

Take Out Therapy
Mini Episode! How to Stop Overthinking from 2020-01-22T13:00

Do you ever get Monkey Mind? That out of control thinking can drive us nutty! 

In this Mini Episode, learn some simple steps to STOP overthinking!  


Take Out Therapy
Five Minutes to a Calmer You from 2020-01-15T13:00

Sit Down and Breathe! Everyone would benefit from a 5 minute morning sit.  5 Minutes of calm breathing to start your day will do you a world of good. Listen in as I dive into the many benef...

Take Out Therapy
10 Ways to Get Stuff Done from 2020-01-08T13:00

Do you struggle to get stuff done? The to do list can get long, am I right?! 

Join me today as I give you TEN ways to be more productive with your time.


Was t...

Take Out Therapy
This Naked Mind: A Book Review from 2020-01-01T13:00

Today I am going outside the box and reviewing a book called This Naked Mind. This book looks at our relationship with alcohol and sheds some light onto the subject of alcohol in a different way...

Take Out Therapy
The Holiday Suck from 2019-12-25T13:00

The Holidays take a lot out of us. Between family obligations, social obligations, and the utter overindulgence, we need a recovery period after! Get your post holiday session on how to recover fro...

Take Out Therapy
We are all ANXIOUS! from 2019-12-18T13:00

We're really anxious. Epidemic proportion anxious.  

Almost 20% of the population in the United States of America identifies them self as having some sort of an anxiety disorder...

Take Out Therapy
Assumptions Ruin Your Reality from 2019-12-11T14:18:48

It's high time we stop listening to those stories in our heads...our assumptions. Let’s talk about how we can improve our relationships with ourselves and others.

Show notes Listen

Take Out Therapy
The Best Way to Communicate from 2019-12-04T14:17:53

Assertive communication, while it takes a bit of practice, is the bomb.

In today's episode I will define, give benefits and tell you how and when to use assertive communication.


Take Out Therapy
Gratitude is What's For Dinner! from 2019-11-27T14:00

It's Thanksgiving week...Let chaos reign!  This season it's time to take things up a notch with some gratitude. 


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Take Out Therapy
No One Needs Your Advice from 2019-11-20T13:00

Not to be rude, but, seriously. We do not need to keep dispensing our advice to each other. 

It is an in-effective means of communication! It disconnects us from each other.


Take Out Therapy
How to Be Nice to You from 2019-11-13T13:00

Do you sh!t talk yourself?! Not helpful. Learn how to practice the simple act of Self-Compassion in this episode. You might also enjoy taking a quiz on your level of self-compassion over at Listen

Take Out Therapy
Social F-ing Media from 2019-11-06T13:00

Listen as a therapist discusses social media and what we can do in our own lives to use it for good and not evil.


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Take Out Therapy
Get out of Your Comfort Zone from 2019-10-30T13:00

It's not just a cliche- life really does begin at the end of your comfort zone. There are a multitude of reasons why this is the case and I will tell you why it's important and how the heck to g...

Take Out Therapy
How to Deal With Drama from 2019-10-23T13:00

This is the episode you've all been waiting for! Stop the Drama train already! Get some information about why on earth people cause so much drama and find out what you can do about it.


Take Out Therapy
Get to Know Your Brain from 2019-10-16T13:00

Ever heard the expression "You are not your thoughts?" In this episode I talk about why it's important to get to know your brain. It is a machine in your body, not your complete source of all th...

Take Out Therapy
Validation is a New Fad from 2019-10-02T13:00

Get with it! Validation is a new fad. Just kidding, but it IS a very important thing...if you want to have relationships. We all need validation to feel connection. If validation is something yo...

Take Out Therapy
Take a Vacation from 2019-09-24T22:32:31

It's time to plan your next vacation. Learn about why taking vacation is very important for your life and your mind. 


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Take Out Therapy
The Importance of Boundaries from 2019-09-18T12:00

This is a behind the door episode about something I talk about all of the time in therapy sessions...Boundaries!

Do you understand the concept of boundaries? In this session we will go de...

Take Out Therapy
How's Your Relationship with Yourself? from 2019-09-11T13:03:12

How's your relationship with yourself?  Listen as I discuss how you can dig in and improve your relationship with yourself. Learn some tricks and skills that I teach in the therapy off...

Take Out Therapy
What to do About Gossip from 2019-09-04T14:00:06

Humans gossip. Learn why we do it, why it sucks and get some concrete strategies for not continuing this damaging behavior.


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Take Out Therapy
Self Help Yo-Self from 2019-08-28T13:00:08

Listen in, as Rebecca deals with an irritating situation in her life like a pro!  Learn from a therapist how to analyze yourself when you are hacked off about something. Helpful tips for de...

Take Out Therapy
Why This Podcast Exists from 2019-08-22T15:51:40

Find out about me! I will give you the scoop on who I am and what I am hoping to do through this podcast. Join me in my journey!


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Take Out Therapy
A Difficult Conversation from 2019-08-21T02:45:11

Should you even bother having a difficult conversation with someone?! In this episode I will teach you why it's ALWAYS a good idea to have hard conversations and exactly how to do it.

