Lesson 9: Pronunciation of Vowel Raising, Parking Meters - a podcast by College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin

from 2006-12-18T14:38:22

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  • asset title: Lesson 9: Pronunciation of Vowel Raising, Parking Meters
  • filename: tafalado_09.mp3
  • track number: 10/46
  • time: 10:59
  • size: 7.72 MB
  • bitrate: 96 kbps
This lesson takes on some pretty advanced stuff. We're going to talk about 'vowel raising.' No, it really doesn't have anything to do with the Future Farmers of America or with the building of a barn. But, do come on out for some good old Texas ... that is Brazilian 'vowel raisin'.' And don't worry about where to park your pick-up because Valdo and Michelle will also talk to you about parking cars in the U.S. and Brazil. I know, a corny intro, but we just couldn't resist!


Valdo: Onde podemos estacionar o carro? Já estou morrendo de fome.
Michelle: Menino, como é complicado estacionar aqui nos Estados Unidos, né?
Valdo: Já sei. Vamos parar à esquerda daquele restaurante pequeno. Você tem moedas?
Michelle: Tenho sim. Quanto você precisa?
Valdo: Quatro moedinhas.
Michelle: Agora só espero que a comida e a bebida sejam boas.

Valdo: ¿Dónde podemos estacionar el carro? Ya estoy muriendo de hambre.
Michelle: Niño, Cómo es complicado estacionar aquí en los Estados Unidos, ¿no?
Valdo: Ya lo sé. Vamos a la izquierda de aquel restaurante pequeño? ¿Tiene usted las monedas?
Michelle: Sí, las tengo, ¿Cuánto necesita usted?
Valdo: Cuatro moneditas.
Michelle: Ahora solo espero que la comida y la bebida sean buenas.

Valdo: Where can we park the car? I'm dieing of hunger.
Michelle: Man it is hard to park here in the United State, you know?
Valdo: I know. Let's park to the left of that little restaurant. Do you have change?
Michelle: I do. How much do you need?
Valdo: Four little coins.
Michelle: Now let's just hope that the food and drinks are good.

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