Podcasts by Summitless


Development Podcast. Each session Zak and Ian tackle a topic, compiling research and engaging in dialogue. All to show how any individual, regardless of where they are at, can grow! Join us on the summitless journey of life!

Further podcasts by Ian Dawson & Zak Graves

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

What to do in Chaos from 2021-09-01T00:00

Chaos can strike at any moment. Although situations vary in severity, that doesn't change how they impact our thought process and morale. Today we discuss tips and a comprehensive strategy ...

Words of Inspiration from 2021-08-01T00:00

We all have some phrases tucked into the back of our mind, whether they be from a movie, song, or motivational poster at work. Sure, they can be cheesy, but other times they can be used to lever...

Bad Habits from 2021-07-01T00:00

Time to come back to a previous topic but talk about the dark side! Habits are powerful, unfortunately that means that bad habits can do some serious damage. What are some common bad habits, how...

Time Investment from 2021-06-01T00:00

"Time is money," as the phrase goes... but seriously if it is money, then it ought to not just be spent, but also invested. What does it look like to invest our time, and what are some...

FourScore Coffee House Interview Pt.2 from 2021-05-15T00:00

Continuing our interview with Luke Noland, we hear more history behind the brand of FourScore and Valiant, along with more tips and perspectives to equip us all.

FourScore Coffee House Interview Pt.1 from 2021-05-01T00:00

Luke Noland, local entrepreneur, joins us as our first guest! Luke shares his summitless journey that he has been on, and we pick up some concepts to add to our own expeditions. We hope you do t...

Reflective Reading from 2021-04-15T00:00

Coinciding with reflective writing, Zak and Ian discuss techniques and benefits to reading however, whenever, and whatever you can.

Reflective Writing from 2021-04-01T00:00

Haiku helps focus
This and other techniques help
Live life Summitless

Today Zak and Ian discuss various writing techniques to aid your brain in engaging in the world around you....

Essential Leadership Skill 5: Embody the Values from 2021-03-15T00:00

Final essential leadership skill: Embody the Values. Simple stated, leaders need to know what they're all about and consistently align those values with what they say and do... a little bit...

Essential Leadership Skill 4: Value Results&Relationships from 2021-03-01T00:00

Second to last essential leadership skill: Value Results & Relationships. Zak walks through how leaders often are schematized into being a "results person" or a "people person...

Essential Leadership Skill 3: Reinvent Continuously from 2021-02-15T00:00

Third of five essential skills in leadership: Reinvent Continuously. Zak walks through the excitement of a reality where reinvention is always possible. Pulling resources and examples from mathe...

Essential Leadership Skill 2: Engage and Develop from 2021-02-01T00:00

Second of five essential skills in leadership: Engage and Develop Others. Zak walks through the importance of getting those you lead engaged with the roles and work ahead of them, and Ian helps ...

Essential Leadership Skill 1: See and Shape the Future from 2021-01-15T00:00

First of five essential skills in leadership: See and Shape the Future. Zak walks through the importance of having a preferred picture of reality, and knowing the steps to make that vision actua...

Lead in Service from 2021-01-01T00:00

Starting Season 2 off with a series! For the next six episodes Zak will be taking us through the essentials of Servant and Transformational Leadership, two of the most modern and tested leadersh...

Year End Update 2020 from 2020-11-01T00:00

Checking in real quick to give an update. Enjoy the end of 2020, we'll see you in 2021!

Know Why from 2020-10-15T00:00

Knowing the "why" behind any decision, organization, or personal pursuit is a powerful catalyst. Why... is "why" such a powerful concept? Engage with us as we look to respect...

Don't Mistake Hurry for Urgency from 2020-10-01T00:00

We all tend to be hurried people, at least occasionally, most often frequently. Usually we think our hurried state is due to the urgent need for action... but urgency looks different from hurry,...

Toolkit: Resources/Tools from 2020-09-15T00:00

For our second September episode Zak and Ian continue to share their own personal toolkits. Now they discuss the resources and tools that make their habits possible. What tools are needed for pe...

Toolkit: Habits from 2020-09-01T00:00

This September Zak and Ian interview each other to see what lies inside their personal toolkits. First up are habits. What habits enacted have led to success?

Control from 2020-08-15T00:00

We all want it, we'll never completely have it, and vying for it can lead to many problems. How do we release control over contexts we shouldn't have control over, and gain control ove...

Critical Thinking from 2020-08-01T00:00

Learning how to think is an essential skill. And as we look at the present times, it seems lacking. Let's cover a broad base of essential skills needed to think critically.

Get Outside Your Wheelhouse from 2020-07-15T00:00

Specializing only works for the top percentile. If you really want to be equipped for present and future opportunities, then it's time to start combining diverse skills. Expanding your whee...

Surviving Collapse from 2020-07-01T00:00

The subject may not be cheery but it is certainly important! To be human is to deal with loss. So how can we be equipped to navigate through the darkest of circumstances, when livelihood and car...

Decision Making from 2020-06-15T00:00

We are swarmed with hundreds... if not thousands of decisions that need to be made every day. If ill equipped, these decisions will swarm us and debilitate us. For the sake of our roles, teams, ...

Conflict from 2020-06-01T00:00

Living and working in relationship with others provides an arena for conflict. The solution is not to remove relationship, but to understand conflict better. How do we resolve conflict, and can ...

Mentorship from 2020-05-15T00:00

Some view mentorship as either a luxury or something only the elite learner does. Mentors are vital for the summitless journey, they lend their experience and resources to you and care personall...

Team Work Makes the Dream Work from 2020-05-01T11:00

Most of us have gone through enough group projects to know that such a phrase isn't always the case... What does it take to get a team of people to work well together? We all work in teams,...

Apollo 13 Case Study from 2020-04-15T00:00

In this first ever case study episode of Summitless, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission by looking at what we can learn and apply from the events that took place.

Crisis Leadership from 2020-04-01T00:00

COVID-19 is one crisis among many that leaders will face. Businesses, government, non-profits, and family are all affected by crisis, and more than one crisis will come in a given lifetime. Jour...

Time Triage from 2020-03-15T10:00

Time is a limited resource, but like any resource there are ways to maximize it! Triage, prioritization, and multiplication. These tools are at our disposal to take a limited resource and utiliz...

Failure isn't Final from 2020-03-01T00:00

That phrase is probably is a cliche by now, right? Most of us have grown up with the idea that failure is not the end... but we still don't really know what to do with it. This session we d...

Leverage Your Strengths from 2020-02-15T00:00

Strengths, weaknesses, everyone has them... and honestly they both should be worked on. However, in order to make the most impact, start with your strengths! Zak and Ian discuss some stats behin...

Conversations in Your Head from 2020-01-02T21:00

This episode we talk about how the internal conversations you have can make or break performance. We'll weight the pros and cons of negative self-talk, and how to leverage those internal co...

Welcome to Summitless from 2020-01-02T16:00

This introductory session we share our heart for this podcast. We define what the summitless journey is, what our values are, some of our background, and what to expect in future episodes.

Welcome to Summitless from 2020-01-02T16:00

This introductory session we share our heart for this podcast. We define what the summitless journey is, what our values are, some of our background, and what to expect in future episodes.

Welcome to Summitless from 2020-01-02T16:00

This introductory session we share our heart for this podcast. We define what the summitless journey is, what our values are, some of our background, and what to expect in future episodes.
