Episode 115 - From an Alcoholic in the Military to a CEO —Tripp Johnson - a podcast by Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC

from 2022-01-18T09:00

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What if what everyone else expects of you or what you think will make them happy or proud, doesn’t make you happy and proud too in the end? 

Tripp Johnson is the co-founder and CEO of Green Hill Recovery, a transitional living program in Raleigh, North Carolina and the founder of AIM: Advaita Integrated Medicine, an interdisciplinary psychiatric and primary care practice also located in Raleigh. Tripp’s journey started nowhere near where he is today. He started his young adulthood journey in the military and quickly found himself on a downhill trek with alcohol, coming very close to being kicked out. After a hopeless phone call made to his dad one night, Tripp decided to take his advice and try meditating. From there, Tripp began to grow more and better himself. Following the military, he still wasn’t sure where he was meant to be but decided to give law school a try as he figured it out. During his time there, he co-founded Greenhill recovery and eventually dropped out of school to go all in with the treatment program, and he hasn’t looked back since.

In this episode of Success is Subjective, Tripp joins Joanna to share his journey going from an alcoholic in the military to a CEO. Instead of living a life focused on making others happy, leaving himself unhappy, he now prioritizes living a life where he takes care of himself well while also helping young adults in recovery do the same. Listen in for insight on how meditation flipped Tripp’s life around and how he is continuing to work towards where he strives to be.

What You Will Learn

  • What it was like growing up seeing everyone go to college and the pressure Tripp felt to make others proud
  • What made Tripp decide on going to Westpoint following high school
  • The transition from barely graduating to becoming an officer in the infantry
  • Tripp’s experience in the military
  • When meditating was introduced to Tripp and how it drastically changed his life while in the military
  • What made Tripp decide to go to law school after the military and ultimately drop out
  • When Tripp helped co-found Greenhill Recovery
  • How Tripp feels about success right now 
  • What Greenhill Recovery focuses on
  • Tripp’s insight on keeping an open mindset when it comes to your passions 

Connect with Tripp Johnson

Connect with Joanna Lilley  

Further episodes of Success is Subjective: Helping parents of college students accept that dropping out is okay

Further podcasts by Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC

Website of Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC